The Hard Way Back to Heaven. Karl Dehmelt

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The Hard Way Back to Heaven - Karl Dehmelt

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stares at the floor, her hands folded in her lap. Occasionally, she glances up to meet either Fost or Michael’s eyes. Pieces of advice flit from her mind to her teeth, bouncing off and ricocheting back down her throat.

      “I’ll just call it MAI, to keep things simpler.” Fost continues.

      “Like I said, you have two treatment options. First, we thought it was tuberculosis because the symptoms of MAI and TB are extremely similar. However, there are some major differences between them. Now, while the cells are showing a nearly flawless indication of MAI, we cannot yet rule out other diseases. The only way to be 100% certain would be to go into your lung and remove the mass. That would require the lung biopsy I mentioned earlier, and would require you, potentially, to be on a ventilator. That’s the only surefire way to define your illness. The other option is a salvo of drugs that we can give you to treat this disease.” Fost changes his document order like a coordinator on the sideline of a professional sports game.

      “The only issues with those are that they have some detrimental side effects.”

      “Such as what?” Michael asks.

      “Fatigue, generally. It saps the energy out of you.”

      “How long would I have to take these drugs?”

      Fost sets the clipboard down.

      “Anywhere from twelve to eighteen months.”

      Lauren looks up quickly. “Really?”

      Fost nods.

      “Yes. Again, we will continuously monitor your developments from here if you choose the medicinal route. If you choose the surgery route, which will allow us to reach a concrete conclusion, albeit at a more immediate risk, then it might be different. In the end, it is up to the two of you. Personally, I recommend the surgical option.”

      Lauren clicks her feet on the floor softly. “What other diseases could it be?”

      Fost coughs. “There is a very, very slim chance of cancer cells being present.”

      Lauren freezes. She sees Michael looking at the ground. His eyes are taking the floor apart and putting it back together, tile by tile. The Cheshire cat of fear perches directly under him, grinning at her with its cold, iris-absent eyes. Fear and Hurt stare at her from that big, dumb animal.

      Michael finally speaks. “I don’t want to be on a ventilator.”

      Lauren shakes her head, and the cat is gone. “What?”

      Michael’s eyes are the shots of a flare gun on a distant shore. “I’m going to go the medicinal route.”

      Lauren digs her nails into the plastic of her chair. There’s the man she fought with, loved, argued with, and made love with for 18 years. The father of her child, the man she gave herself to utterly and wholly. He’s electing to deny the opportunity of surgery and instead use drugs to fight the illness. Cancer? The mouth of the Cheshire cat grins at her with death on its lips like a balm.

      “What possibility is there that it could be cancer?” Lauren asks Fost.

      “Lauren,” Michael interjects, wiping his face with his hands. “It’s not cancer. They’d be able to see it.”

      Fost selects his words carefully, a tailor mending at gunpoint.

      “We cannot rule out that it might be cancer, but we’re almost positive that it’s MAI. If you choose the drugs, we’ll monitor your treatment, if you choose the surgery, we remove the bleb, and we eventually remove part of the lung.”

      Michael and Lauren’s eyes talk.

      Why? her hazels ask.

      Everything will be ok, Michael’s blues reply.

      “The medication, then?” Fost takes the pen from the top of his clipboard.

      Michael turns to him like a soldier approaching the front of a phalanx.


      Silence leaks into the room, a clear and odorless liquid clogging their lungs.

      “Alright.” Fost says, pushing his chair over to the granite desk in the corner.

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