Inland Navigation by the Stars. Anne Coleman

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Inland Navigation by the Stars - Anne Coleman

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a thing. There were no childbirth classes or any sort of instruction so I sent to England for a book I’d heard of, Childbirth Without Fear, by Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, and I practiced the breathing exercises, by myself, and in due course pushed out my son Paul while watching in an overhead mirror, both of us fully engaged in the event, though only I remember it. Nowadays of course this is how most women give birth, and my elder granddaughter even had her third little boy as a “water birth,” her husband her only helper as the midwife was delayed in traffic. But in my day it was decidedly not the norm, and I was following in my mother’s African footsteps.

      My parents’ African years inspired, it occurs to me now, the independence I’ve always sought, my rejection of what others do if I suspect herd-following, my hunger for adventure, also my competitiveness, also my tendency to stoicism.


      I did get to Africa, eventually, even if I never had to correctly make the decision about a lion and long grass.

      In February 1992 I went to Zimbabwe. In my parents’ years in Africa in the late 1920s and early 30s it had been Southern Rhodesia, a colony controlled by a very small group of whites, and it still had that name until not long before I got there. Majority rule was won only in 1980.

      The many descriptions of my parents’ African life, especially my father’s stories, had created the background mythology for my childhood and I had always wanted to go there, to be in the place of his early adventures. I wanted to know my father better by experiencing, at least a little, what had been a such a major creator of who he was: being out on the African veldt.

      I travelled alone, and was so for most of the time there, as I wanted to be — I notice my surroundings more when I am alone. I spent time in Harare. I found a small place to stay called the Brontë Garden Hotel (such an apposite name for me who has always loved the Brontës). There was a fascinating variety of other guests: aid workers, Africans in business suits and old “Rhodies.” I talked to everybody and found that the Rhodies in no way accepted majority rule and were scandalized and disgusted that Africans were eating in the dining room and not just there as waiters. There were no other tourists but there was a Canadian couple. The husband was taking up a position at the university and they hadn’t yet found a house.

      From the Brontë I ventured forth by bus (despite warnings from the Canadian High Commission that a white woman couldn’t possibly go by bus) to various places, some nearby, some more distant. I took a bus to a Safari Lodge at Hwange, where I went on Land Rover trips into the jungle at dawn and dusk, and I bused down to Bulawayo.

      For a while I stayed on a farm with another Havergal Old Girl, Mary, who had married an African. She was now a widow and the matriarchal centre of her late-husband’s family. Unlike other white people I visited, there were no fences around her property and the farm was crisscrossed by paths, along which people passed all day, women carrying sometimes huge burdens on their heads, men walking alone or in small groups.

      There was a nest of cobras under the windows of my bedroom and there were no screens. I thought of Kipling’s Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and at first didn’t dare keep the windows open at night despite the heat. I soon gave in. I needed the air. “The cobras never come into the house,” Mary claimed. No one explained how one once got into the enclosed courtyard. Luckily no snake awoke me by slithering over my face.

      One day while I was still at Mary’s, we — Mary, Vu, her son of eleven, and two of Vu’s friends — went for a picnic into the Matopo Hills. Some of these hills are enormously high single boulders; others look like haphazard piles of several giant boulders. All are bruise-dark and dramatic, gods in stone. It has been a holy place forever. It is where Cecil Rhodes, in an extreme example of appropriating others’ culture, commanded his burial place to be.

      We poked into caves to see ancient paintings of hunters. In one, a painting of a rare white rhino gives the cave its name. Mary made a fire by a pretty lake and cooked our lunch. The lake looked tempting. In Canada I definitely would have swum in such a lake. But it was out of the question here owing to the risk of bilharzia. Not to speak of larger creatures. In the diary I kept on the trip I recorded some of the animals we saw that day: baboons, impala, many zebras, hippos, giraffes, wildebeests, monkeys, warthog families, sables.


      I am alone halfway up the side of an enormous dark rock the size of a small mountain.

      When I realized Mary planned for us to climb it, I stared up at the rearing mass above us and wondered. Vu was scared too but his two young friends, one plump and one skinny, both very black compared with racially mixed Vu, were game and so was Mary.

      We all set off and I was fine for some time as we scrambled upwards using both hands and feet like monkeys. My rubber-soled walking shoes gripped the rock securely. In some places I crawled on my knees but I was perfectly safe.

      Then suddenly I can go no farther. I am overcome now by the nausea and swimming head that too-high places give me. I take deep breaths but can’t control my pounding heart.

      So here I am. The rock rears above me under the humming heat of the sun and I can’t see Mary or the boys any more. They have gotten above the great bulge of stone by working sideways and then up. I can’t even hear their voices.

      It is still early in the day — we left the farm at six — but it is already baking hot. I squat on the bare rock. I am no longer dizzy. I am fine now that I know I am not going farther. I am wearing my Tilley hat but can feel the sun through it. I remember the pictures of my father wearing two hats. I can also feel my bare arms and legs toasting. I decide I can inch sideways and wiggle along on my bottom until I get to a small cleft where there is a tiny patch of dappled shade. I settle there, my legs hanging down, and lean back and am more comfortable — until I think of snakes and sit up straight again, pulling up my legs and clasping my knees.

      I am looking over Africa. I can see for miles and miles, past the strange surreal stone hills that are near at hand, and past a few low and scrubby moisture-starved trees, to the bushveldt. It goes on forever and forever, until it is lost in haze.

      It is entirely strange.

      I have seen a million pictures and hundreds of films of it. I have heard about it always. None of that was a preparation for its vastness. The unknownness of it.

      What animals are out there? What animals are — watching me, smelling me, about to pounce?

      I have an inner tremble all the time in this country when I’m somewhere where a snake may slither over my foot. I can almost see its patterned skin and feel the dry rasp of it against my own. Or a baboon may leap on me, chattering. Or a lion I can’t see but which is close by, right now, camouflaged in the shadow, may spring with extended claws. This is unlike watching a nature program on TV. Utterly unlike.

      I am glad I am alone at this moment. I want to be aware, keenly aware. I want the full thrill and fear of being here, without the distraction of another human.

      I think of how in Canada I am used to being surrounded by wilderness and walking and skiing everywhere on my own. I am used to knowing that bears or moose may well be near me and I am never nervous. Here, I am hyperconscious every second of beauty and of danger. One sharpens the other. I think of the hippos we saw a little earlier, how they rolled in the water, sleek and black and fat. I think of the rhinos for which this area is famous. What animal could get up on this rock where I am? Not likely a hippo. But a lion could.

      And suddenly my father feels close, as if I can reach out my hand and he will take it. I close my eyes for a moment and he is here. Almost. I am where he was when he was young, out on the veldt. He is so near I am almost him.

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