Social Psychology. Daniel W. Barrett

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Social Psychology - Daniel W. Barrett

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(Part 1)

      Is a picture really worth 1,000 words? When it comes to fact-based news articles, how much do they add to the credibility of the articles? Researchers interested in the power of images to persuade readers have examined this issue in a number of studies. Imagine you read a brief article titled “Watching TV Is Related to Math Ability,” which claimed that watching television, because it activates the temporal lobe in the same way doing math problems does, can increase a person’s math ability. Imagine further that text was accompanied either by no image, a bar graph, or a brain image (Figure 2.3). Take a minute and complete the questions below and then turn the page to learn more.

      How much would you likely agree with each of the following (response options: strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree)?

      1 The article was well written.

      2 The title was a good description of the results.

      3 The scientific reasoning in the article made sense.

      Table 2.1

      Source: McCabe, D. P., & Castel, A. D. (2008). Seeing is believing: The effect of brain images on judgments of scientific reasoning. Cognition, 107, 343–352.

      Figure 2.3 Self-Reflection: When a Picture IS Worth 1000 Words

      Source: From McCabe, D. P., & Castel, A. D. (2008). Seeing is believing: The effect of brain images on judgments of scientific reasoning. Cognition, 107, 343–352.

      Self-Reflection 2.2

      When a Picture IS Worth 1,000 Words (Part 2)

      McCabe and Castel (2008) investigated the effects of including a photo of a brain image in a news article on believability. Although there were no differences in how much respondents agreed that the title was a good description, presence of the brain image led to greater endorsement of the quality of the writing and the scientific reasoning, in comparison with the other conditions. That is, respondents generally thought that the article with the brain image was more credible, when compared to articles with a bar graph or no image. It is important to note that the basic reasoning in the article was flawed and consequently should not have “made sense” to any of the respondents. This should be a warning to you, the student, when you are reading about science (even in textbooks!). Unfortunately, it could allow disreputable sources to persuade naïve consumers into having more faith in supposedly factual articles than they should have. Similarly, inserting scientific formulas and trivial graphs can also increase believability (Tal & Wansink, 2014). Perhaps more important, though, is that photos of brain scans and even testimony or textual evidence that make claims based on neuroscience can sway juries toward particular verdicts (McCabe & Castel, 2008; Weisberg, Keil, Goodstein, Rawson, & Gray, 2008). We will return to the nature of source credibility in persuasion in Chapter 7.

      Anatomy Of The Brain

      What Is a Neuron?

      In order to fully appreciate social neuroscience, you need an understanding of the core components of the brain and nervous system. Let’s start at the neuronal level. A neuron is the basic building block of the brain and nervous system. Although some variation exists in the structure of neurons, they typically have three major sections: the soma, dendrites, and the axon (see Figure 2.4). Within the soma or cell body is the nucleus, which houses DNA, mitochondria, and other elements that are heavily involved in the production of electricity and various metabolic processes. Dendrites are branching structures that extend from the soma and receive messages or information from adjacent axons. Finally, axons are relatively long and narrow structures that transmit the messages or information to the dendrites of other neurons via the terminals located at their ends.

      Neurons generally do not touch one another; rather, information that is communicated between them must pass through the fluid in the synapse or synaptic gap. The messages themselves are specialized chemicals or neurotransmitters that are released by axon terminals and are, to varying degrees, “taken up” by the receiving dendrites. Neurotransmitters typically either excite (turn on) or inhibit (turn off) other neurons, and many of them are particularly critical to normal mental functioning. You have no doubt heard of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, and perhaps norepinephrine, GABA, and acetylcholine (see Table 2.2). Dopamine, for instance, is released when we engage in enjoyable activities, such as eating chocolate, or receiving social rewards, such as a compliment. Serotonin, as you may know, helps in the regulation of emotion: Low levels of serotonin have been associated with social isolation and depression.

      Neurons come in many shapes and sizes and serve a variety of functions in the nervous system. For our purposes, the most important ones are motor, sensory, interneurons, and mirror neurons. Motor neurons send information to the muscles to create movement, whereas sensory neurons transmit sensations received at various points of the body to the central nervous system. Interneurons connect motor and sensory neurons. Mirror neurons, only recently discovered in 1990s, have a very specific function: to allow one organism to imitate the actions—and perhaps emotions—of another organism (Iacoboni, 2008). These neurons are activated when we observe the actions of another person and essentially “mirror” that action. For instance, seeing the angry face of another person activates the muscles in your own face that are involved in displaying anger, and consequently, you are better able to put yourself in that person’s shoes (Pfeifer & Dapretto, 2009). Similarly, your cringe reaction to watching a girl stub her toe suggests you come close to feeling her pain. More generally, researchers have argued that this mirror system provides the physiological basis for empathy (Iacoboni, 2009).

      Figure 2.4 The Parts of a Neuron

      Source: Barnes, J. (2013). Essential Biological Psychology. Thousand Oaks, SAGE.

      Think Again!

      1 What are the three major sections of a neuron?

      2 How do neurons communicate with one another?

      3 How do mirror neurons facilitate empathy?

      Structures of the Brain

      The brain has two hemispheres that largely mirror each other in structure and function but also demonstrate some specialization or lateralization (Hugdahl & Westerhausen, 2010). For instance, language functions are located in the left hemisphere for most people, whereas complex visual processing tends to occur in the right one. The hemispheres are separated by the corpus callosum, which is a dense network of fibers that allows for communication between the hemispheres. When scientists have separated the hemispheres of certain patients with epilepsy by cutting the corpus callosum, the patients’ left hands literally did not know what their right hands were doing (Sperry, 1961)!

      Each of the hemispheres is composed of four lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital (see Figure 2.5). The frontal lobes—considered the seat of planning and rationality as well as being critical

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