The Anthropocene. Christian Schwägerl

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The Anthropocene - Christian Schwägerl

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I interviewed Bert Bolin in this function during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP1): Christian Schwägerl, “Umweltexperte: Kosten leider kein Thema in Berlin”, Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 7, 1995.

      ONE Welcome to the Club of Revolutionaries

      WHETHER YOU TAKE A WALK in the hills around your town or along the coast or by a river, you will encounter the results of geological forces that have been at work for millions of years. Magma that once was deep inside the earth has formed rocks and moved tectonic plates. Water has shaped shorelines and carved out deep valleys. Wind erosion has flattened mountains and created massive deposits of soil and sand.

      When I cycle down this slope, I hear cars thundering past. I try to imagine the thundering mass of water that used to rush past, which formed the landscape of sand and stone on which the city of Berlin arose in the thirteenth century. The opposite bank of this primeval river is almost six miles away in Prenzlauer Berg, one of Berlin’s hip new districts. The river must have been gigantic and would make today’s River Spree, which runs through the political and cultural center of Berlin, near the Brandenburg Gate, seem like a mere creek.

      When you contemplate Earth’s history—not just by rattling off things you learned at school but by touching stones or letting sand run through your hands or swimming in a river—even a brief encounter can turn into a fantastic adventure. For me, the excitement is even greater when I become aware of the workings of earlier life forms. Many inland hills found on continents are in fact the remains of ancient coral reefs. Many mountain ranges far from the sea are composed of the calcareous skeletons of earlier marine organisms. Thick deposits of coal and oil, which have provided the fuel for industrial prosperity, are the residues of earlier life forms. Here in Berlin, there is a lot of bog and marshland. When you go hiking where fauna and flora are scant, you sometimes feel as if you are in a Zen garden where lots of decaying moss is underfoot; if it were left undisturbed, these mosses would eventually form coal. In bogs like these you can witness geology at work. You can see how the stones here and the earth’s crust are connected to life itself.

      Earth’s surface, as we know it today, has been transformed by a select group of organisms which I refer to as “The Club of Revolutionaries.” These are the life forms that did not die out unceremoniously after a mere couple of million years. These are the species that did not just surrender their molecules to the great recycling process called evolution, to be absorbed by other life forms.

      The Club of Revolutionaries is comprised of species that have caused lasting change and have created new structures, just as fire, water and wind have done. We still encounter them, eons after their biological demise, in the form of bizarre limestone sculptures, or as pitch-black coal seams, deep below the ocean.

      The oldest—and from our point of view, most essential “revolutionary” is the one that has made possible today’s earth, with all its trees and flowering plants, birds and mammals. This revolutionary is a tiny microorganism that has evolved over three billion years. It used to be called blue-green algae but this label was discarded once scientists realized they weren’t dealing with algae at all but rather with bacteria. Since then, such life forms have been referred to as cyanobacteria. They paved the way for life to use the sun’s energy and to spread from sea to land across the whole surface of the planet.

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