The Jihadist Plot. John Rosenthal

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The Jihadist Plot - John Rosenthal

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of the remaining consulate personnel. It was perhaps at this time that police opened fire on the rioters, killing a reported eleven people and wounding many others. According to the Italian consul general, the police had first attempted to disperse the rioters using tear gas, but had been overwhelmed by their sheer numbers.11

      But undoubtedly the greatest irony of the Libya War is that the NATO bombing campaign was led by none other than Anders Fogh Rasmussen: the same Anders Fogh Rasmussen who in his capacity as then Danish prime minister had drawn the ire of Yusuf al-Qaradawi and other Muslim activists by defending the right of Jyllands-Posten to publish the “Mohammed cartoons.”

      Barely six years later, on October 30, 2011, Rasmussen, at this point serving as secretary general of NATO, declared the NATO operation in Libya to be one of “the most successful” in the history of the alliance. He did not mention that this “success” facilitated the victory of the very forces that in 2006 had made “crystal clear” that they do not share his principles.

      Ten days earlier, on October 20, rebel forces shot and killed a captive Muammar al-Qaddafi. Before doing so, they subjected him to a savage beating, much of it documented on video. The capture of Qaddafi had been made possible by a massive NATO aerial attack on his convoy, as it attempted to flee the besieged city of Sirte. The fact that the convoy was leaving the city in broad daylight lends plausibility to rumors that a deal had been struck to offer Qaddafi and his remaining forces safe-passage in exchange for the surrender of the city.

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