I Know Best. Roger L. Simon

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I Know Best - Roger  L. Simon

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       The Mama Tass Manifesto

       The Big Fix

       Wild Turkey

       Peking Duck

       California Roll

       The Straight Man

       Raising the Dead

       The Lost Coast

       Director’s Cut

       Turning Right at Hollywood and Vine

       I Know Best


       The Big Fix

      Bustin’ Loose (story by Richard Pryor)

       My Man Adam

      Enemies, A Love Story (with Paul Mazursky)

      Scenes from a Mall (with Paul Mazursky)

      Prague Duet (with Sheryl Longin)

      A Better Life (story)

      © 2016 by Roger L. Simon

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Encounter Books, 900 Broadway, Suite 601, New York, New York, 10003.

      First American edition published in 2016 by Encounter Books, an activity of Encounter for Culture and Education, Inc., a nonprofit, tax exempt corporation.

      Encounter Books website address: www.encounterbooks.com

      The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48–1992 (R 1997) (Permanence of Paper).



      Names: Simon, Roger L. (Roger Lichtenberg), 1943– author.

      Title: I know best: how moral narcissism is destroying our republic, if it hasn’t already / Roger L. Simon.

      Description: New York: Encounter Books, [2016]

      Identifiers: LCCN 2015028553 | ISBN 9781594038068 (ebook)

      Subjects: LCSH: Political culture—United States. | Political psychology—United States. | United States—Moral conditions. | United States—Politics and government—2009–

      Classification: LCC JK1726 .S56 2016 | DDC 306.20973—dc23

      LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015028553

       Interior page design and composition by: BooksByBruce.com

       There’s nothing so bad for a woman as a man who thinks he’s good.

      —Oscar Hammerstein


      Why This?

       In which the author explains why he’s bothering—once again—to examine why half of America doesn’t talk to the other half and why neither side changes its opinion about anything almost ever.

      What the Least Great Generation Hath Wrought

       Why the author’s generation, those born during and just before World War II, like John Lennon, Gloria Steinem, and imitators like Bill Clinton (not the boomers), are responsible for just about everything that has gone wrong with our culture and are the original, postwar “moral narcissists.”

      Qu’est-ce Que C’est “Moral Narcissism”?

       What exactly is this form of narcissism that is destroying—if it hasn’t already destroyed—our families, friendships, workplace atmosphere, and democratic republic?

      Who Was the King of All Moral Narcissists?

       Jeopardy question: “bearded writers.” He wrote his most famous works in the library of the British Museum.

      Good versus Bad Narcissism: Henrik Ibsen versus Jonathan Gruber

      Which works better and will last longer—A Doll’s House or Obamacare?

      The Weather

       Grandmother always said, “In polite society, when you don’t know people, just talk about something neutral, like the weather.” That was then, this is now.

      For the Birds

       Rachel Carson and how “environmentalism” came to replace Christianity, Judaism, and even Hare Krishna (well, not so much) as our new religion.

      Wonderful Copenhagen

       What I discovered to be the true motivations behind the snowbound UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

      Nostalgia for Racism

       How and why moral narcissism helped bring back racism and the disastrous racial violence across America at the very time it was starting to diminish.


      Booker T. Washington Really Did Know Best

       The great African American educator knew long ago that the Sharptons of the world were the real racists.


      Selfies from Raqqa

       How moral narcissists fight

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