Leading a Worthy Life. Leon R. Kass

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Leading a Worthy Life - Leon R. Kass

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       5. What’s Your Name? (with Amy Kass)


       6. Ageless Bodies, Happy Souls: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness

       7. Human Dignity: What It Is and Why It Matters

       8. For the Love of the Game: The Dignity of Sport (with Eric Cohen)

       9. A Dignified Death and Its Enemies: Why Doctors Must Not Kill

       10. A More Perfect Human: The Promise and Peril of Modern Science


       11. The Aims of Liberal Education: On Seeking Truth

       12. Looking for an Honest Man: The Case for the Humanities

       13. Science, Religion, and the Human Future


       14. Human Flourishing and Human Excellence: The Truth(s) of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

       15. The Ten Commandments

       16. The Gettysburg Address: Abraham Lincoln’s Refounding of the Nation





      Amy Apfel Kass

       Woman of Valor, Teacher of Life

      IN HOPE

      For Our Grandchildren


      “MAY YOU LIVE in interesting times!” This ancient Chinese curse appears to have landed on us – we whose lives have spanned the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the new millennium. In addition to the usual run of crises, foreign and domestic, we face genuinely novel prospects both for good and for ill, the harms often emerging tragically as unavoidable consequences of the benefits. Ours is the age of atomic power but also of nuclear proliferation, of globalized trade but also worldwide terrorism, of instant communication but also fragmented communities, of free association but also marital failure, of limitless mobility but also homogenized destinations, of open borders but also confused identities, of astounding medical advances but also greater worries about health, of longer and more vigorous lives but also protracted and more miserable deaths, of unprecedented freedom and prosperity but also remarkable anxiety about our future, both personal and national. In our age of heightened expectations, many Americans fear that their children’s lives will be less free, less prosperous, or less fulfilling than their own, a fear that is shared by the young people themselves. Like their forebears, our youth still harbor desires for a worthy life. They still hope to find meaning in their lives and to live a life that makes sense. But they are increasingly confused about what a worthy life might look like, and about how they might be able to live one.

      In less interesting times, a dominant and confident culture was able to provide many young people with authoritative guidance for how to live. Religious traditions and inherited customs and mores pointed the way to a good life. Adults, quite comfortable with their moral authority, were not stingy with their praise and blame, reward and punishment, nor did they neglect the effort to model decent conduct for the young to follow. In the post–World War II years of my boyhood, the prevailing culture took pains to turn children into grown-ups. It offered guidance for finding work and vocation, customs of courtship for finding a suitable spouse, and a plethora of vibrant local institutions and associations – religious, fraternal, social, political, charitable, cultural – for finding meaningful participation in civic and communal life. The institutions of higher learning proudly believed in light and truth, and were pleased to initiate the next generation into the intellectual and artistic treasures of the West. To be sure, those less interesting times also offered fewer opportunities for women and minorities and less room for individual divergence from the norm, and the more imaginative and independent people among us sometimes felt stifled. But there were at least norms to be rebelled against, and most people acquired at least some beginning ideas about what makes a life worth living.

      No longer. Young people are now at sea – regarding work, family, and civic identity. Authority is out to lunch. Courtship has disappeared. No one talks about work as vocation. The true, the good, and the beautiful have few defenders. Irony is in the saddle, and the higher cynicism mocks any innocent love of wisdom or love of country. The things we used to take for granted have become, at best, open questions. The persons and institutions to which we once looked for guidance have ceased to offer

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