Inside the Dancer’s Art. Rose Eichenbaum

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Inside the Dancer’s Art - Rose Eichenbaum

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       State Street Ballet

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      The power of imagination can shine a light into our souls where the essence of beauty is discovered and the artistry of performance is born.

       Rodney Gustafson

       Artistic Director, State Street Ballet


       Yuan-Ming Chang

       State Street Ballet


      Ballet means everything to me—like the air I breathe and the sun that warms my soul.

       Silvia Rotaru

       State Street Ballet


      I feel ill before every performance. My stomach churns, my heart races, my palms sweat. But as soon as I step on the stage in front of an audience all that goes away. I become empowered—bold, confident, strong!

       Alyson Mattoon

       State Street Ballet


      To move an audience we have to be more than just an instrument of the dance. We have to become the art form itself.

       Silver Barkes

       State Street Ballet

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       State Street Ballet

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      On stage, I am my truest self—the person I want to reveal and project out into the universe.

       Leila Drake Fossek

       State Street Ballet


       Lu Wang

       State Street Ballet


      What my dancers and I try to do is talk about real life. I want to move people and inspire them to feel good about themselves. I want them to have the desire to have their spirits set free.

       Ronald K. Brown

       Evidence, A Dance Company


       Evidence, A Dance Company

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      I have been a part of the history of Mexican dance in California for almost forty years. I have gone from social activist to dancer, to dance teacher, to dance artist, to choreographer. I don’t really know where one role ends and the others begin. Maybe all of them are very much still in me.

       Gema Sandoval

       Founder and Artistic Director, Danza Floricanto

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      Once I felt the heat in my body, I could do anything. I felt such passion for the dance. I even performed when I was sick with fever because I felt the dance would heal me.

       José Greco


      Before every performance I feel a huge emotional weight—the weight of my life. But once I begin to move, the weight lightens and lifts away.

       Carmela Greco


      You usually don’t know how your dancing affects people. But when someone comes up to you after a performance with tears in their eyes and says, “You touched my spirit, you touched my soul,” that’s when you know you’ve made a difference.

       Matthew Rushing

       Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater


      Nature is not a backdrop to life but a dynamic influence. When applied to movement it leads to awareness, creativity, and regeneration.

       Anna Halprin


      To me, the highest compliment I could ever receive is to be called a dancer. A dancer is someone who is God-like.

       Judith Jamison

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