Rainbow Trail, The The. Zane Grey

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Rainbow Trail, The The - Zane Grey

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that he was loose, free, unanchored, ready to veer with the wind. From the foot of the slope the water hole had appeared to be a few hundred rods out in the valley. But the small size of the figures made Shefford doubt; and he had to travel many times a few hundred rods before those figures began to grow. Then Shefford made out that they were approaching him.

      Thereafter they rapidly increased to normal proportions of man and beast. When Shefford met them he saw a powerful, heavily built young man leading two ponies.

      “You’re Mr. Presbrey, the trader?” inquired Shefford.

      “Yes, I’m Presbrey, without the Mister,” he replied.

      “My name’s Shefford. I’m knocking about on the desert. Rode from beyond Tuba to-day.”

      “Glad to see you,” said Presbrey. He offered his hand. He was a stalwart man, clad in gray shirt, overalls, and boots. A shock of tumbled light hair covered his massive head; he was tanned, but not darkly, and there was red in his cheeks; under his shaggy eyebrows were deep, keen eyes; his lips were hard and set, as if occasion for smiles or words was rare; and his big, strong jaw seemed locked.

      “Wish more travelers came knocking around Red Lake,” he added. “Reckon here’s the jumping-off place.”

      “It’s pretty—lonesome,” said Shefford, hesitating as if at a loss for words.

      Then the Indian girl came up. Presbrey addressed her in her own language, which Shefford did not understand. She seemed shy and would not answer; she stood with downcast face and eyes. Presbrey spoke again, at which she pointed down the valley, and then moved on with her pony toward the water-hole.

      Presbrey’s keen eyes fixed on the receding black dot far down that oval expanse.

      “That fellow left—rather abruptly,” said Shefford, constrainedly. “Who was he?”

      “His name’s Willetts. He’s a missionary. He rode in to-day with this Navajo girl. He was taking her to Blue canyon, where he lives and teaches the Indians. I’ve met him only a few times. You see, not many white men ride in here. He’s the first white man I’ve seen in six months, and you’re the second. Both the same day!... Red Lake’s getting popular! It’s queer, though, his leaving. He expected to stay all night. There’s no other place to stay. Blue canyon is fifty miles away.”

      “I’m sorry to say—no, I’m not sorry, either—but I must tell you I was the cause of Mr. Willetts leaving,” replied Shefford.

      “How so?” inquired the other.

      Then Shefford related the incident following his arrival.

      “Perhaps my action was hasty,” he concluded, apologetically. “I didn’t think. Indeed, I’m surprised at myself.”

      Presbrey made no comment and his face was as hard to read as one of the distant bluffs.

      “But what did the man mean?” asked Shefford, conscious of a little heat. “I’m a stranger out here. I’m ignorant of Indians—how they’re controlled. Still I’m no fool.... If Willetts didn’t mean evil, at least he was brutal.”

      “He was teaching her religion,” replied Presbrey. His tone held faint scorn and implied a joke, but his face did not change in the slightest.

      Without understanding just why, Shefford felt his conviction justified and his action approved. Then he was sensible of a slight shock of wonder and disgust.

      “I am—I was a minister of the Gospel,” he said to Presbrey. “What you hint seems impossible. I can’t believe it.”

      “I didn’t hint,” replied Presbrey, bluntly, and it was evident that he was a sincere, but close-mouthed, man. “Shefford, so you’re a preacher?... Did you come out here to try to convert the Indians?”

      “No. I said I WAS a minister. I am no longer. I’m just a—a wanderer.”

      “I see. Well, the desert’s no place for missionaries, but it’s good for wanderers.... Go water your horse and take him up to the corral. You’ll find some hay for him. I’ll get grub ready.”

      Shefford went on with his horse to the pool. The water appeared thick, green, murky, and there was a line of salty crust extending around the margin of the pool. The thirsty horse splashed in and eagerly bent his head. But he did not like the taste. Many times he refused to drink, yet always lowered his nose again. Finally he drank, though not his fill. Shefford saw the Indian girl drink from her hand. He scooped up a handful and found it too sour to swallow. When he turned to retrace his steps she mounted her pony and followed him.

      A golden flare lit up the western sky, and silhouetted dark and lonely against it stood the trading-post. Upon his return Shefford found the wind rising, and it chilled him. When he reached the slope thin gray sheets of sand were blowing low, rising, whipping, falling, sweeping along with soft silken rustle. Sometimes the gray veils hid his boots. It was a long, toilsome climb up that yielding, dragging ascent, and he had already been lame and tired. By the time he had put his horse away twilight was everywhere except in the west. The Indian girl left her pony in the corral and came like a shadow toward the house.

      Shefford had difficulty in finding the foot of the stairway. He climbed to enter a large loft, lighted by two lamps. Presbrey was there, kneading biscuit dough in a pan.

      “Make yourself comfortable,” he said.

      The huge loft was the shape of a half-octagon. A door opened upon the valley side, and here, too, there were windows. How attractive the place was in comparison with the impressions gained from the outside! The furnishings consisted of Indian blankets on the floor, two beds, a desk and table, several chairs and a couch, a gun-rack full of rifles, innumerable silver-ornamented belts, bridles, and other Indian articles upon the walls, and in one corner a wood-burning stove with teakettle steaming, and a great cupboard with shelves packed full of canned foods.

      Shefford leaned in the doorway and looked out. Beneath him on a roll of blankets sat the Indian girl, silent and motionless. He wondered what was in her mind, what she would do, how the trader would treat her. The slope now was a long slant of sheeted moving shadows of sand. Dusk had gathered in the valley. The bluffs loomed beyond. A pale star twinkled above. Shefford suddenly became aware of the intense nature of the stillness about him. Yet, as he listened to this silence, he heard an intermittent and immeasurably low moan, a fitful, mournful murmur. Assuredly it was only the wind. Nevertheless, it made his blood run cold. It was a different wind from that which had made music under the eaves of his Illinois home. This was a lonely, haunting wind, with desert hunger in it, and more which he could not name. Shefford listened to this spirit-brooding sound while he watched night envelop the valley. How black, how thick the mantle! Yet it brought no comforting sense of close-folded protection, of walls of soft sleep, of a home. Instead there was the feeling of space, of emptiness, of an infinite hall down which a mournful wind swept streams of murmuring sand.

      “Well, grub’s about ready,” said Presbrey.

      “Got any water?” asked Shefford.

      “Sure. There in the bucket. It’s rain-water. I have a tank here.”

      Shefford’s sore and blistered face felt better after he had washed off the sand and alkali dust.

      “Better not wash your face often while you’re in the desert. Bad plan,” went on Presbrey,

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