Thinking Freedom in Africa. Michael Neocosmos

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Thinking Freedom in Africa - Michael Neocosmos

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‘any country, any land,

      Which was to see people disappear,

      Would soon become nostalgic’.

      5.The hunters declare:

      Hunger is not a good thing.

      There is nothing worse than this

      On this earth.

      As long as we hold the quiver and the bow,

      Hunger will no longer kill anyone in the Manden,

      If by chance hunger were to arrive;

      War will no longer destroy any village

      For the purpose of acquiring slaves;

      That is to say that no one will from now on

      Place the bit in the mouth of his fellow

      In order to sell him;

      Furthermore no one will be beaten,

      And all the more so put to death,

      Because he is the son of a slave.

      6.The hunters declare:

      The essence of slavery is today extinguished

      ‘From one wall to the other’, from one border to the other of the Manden.

      Raids are banned from this day onward in the Manden.

      The torments born of these horrors have ended from this day onward in the


      What an ordeal this torment is!

      Especially when the oppressed has no recourse!

      The slave does not benefit from any consideration

      Anywhere in the world.

      7.People from the old days tell us:

      ‘Man as an individual

      Made of flesh and bone,

      Of marrow and nerves,

      Of skin covered in hair,

      Eats food and drink,

      But his soul, his spirit lives on three things:

      He must see what he wishes to see,

      He must say what he wishes to say

      And do what he wishes to do.

      If one of these things were to be missing from the human soul,

      It would suffer and would surely become sick.’

      In consequence, the hunters declare:

      Each person from now on is free to dispose of his or her own self,

      Each person is free to act in the way they wish,

      Each person disposes of the fruit of their labour from now on.

      This is the oath of the Manden

      For the ears of the whole world.

       The Charter of Kurukan Fuga, 1236

      Source: (adapted).

      1.The Great Mandé Society is divided into sixteen clans of quiver-carriers, five clans of marabouts, four groups of ‘nyamakalas’ and one group of slaves. Each has a specific activity and role.

      2.The ‘nyamakalas’ have to devote themselves to tell the truth to the chiefs, to be their counsellors and to defend through speech the established rulers and the order upon the whole territory.

      3.The five clans of marabouts are our teachers and our educators in Islam. Everyone has to hold them in respect and consideration.

      4.The society is divided into age-groups. The people (men or women) who are born during a period of three years in succession belong to the some age-group. The members of the intermediary class between young and old people should be invited to take part in making important decisions concerning society.

      5.Everybody has a right to life and to the preservation of its physical integrity. Accordingly, any attempt to deprive one’s fellow being of life is punished with death.

      6.To win the battle of prosperity, the general system of supervision has been established in order to fight against laziness and idleness.

      7.It has been established among the Mandenkas, the sanankunya (joking relationship) and the tanamannyonya (blood pact). Consequently any contention that occurs among these groups should not get out of hand, respect for one another being the rule. Between brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, between grandparents and grandchildren, tolerance should be the principle.

      8.The Keïta’s family is nominated the reigning family of the empire.

      9.The children’s education is the responsibility of the entire society. Paternal authority in consequence falls to everyone.

      10.We should offer condolences mutually.

      11.When your wife or your child runs away, stop running after her or him in the neighbour’s house.

      12.The succession being patrilineal, never give up the power to a son when one of his fathers is still alive. Do never give up the power to a minor just because he has goods.

      13.Never offend the Nyaras.

      14.Never offend women, our mothers.

      15.Never beat a married woman but only after her husband has interfered unsuccessfully.

      16.Women, apart from their everyday occupations, should be associated with all our management.

      17.Lies that have lived for 40 years should be considered as truths.

      18.We should respect the law of primogeniture.

      19.Any man has two parents-in-law: the parents of the girl we failed to have and the speech we deliver without any constraint. We have to hold them in respect and consideration.

      20.Do not ill-treat slaves. We are the master of the slave but not of the bag he carries.

      21.Do not follow up with your constant attentions the wives of the chief, of the neighbour, of the marabout, of the priest, of the friend and of the partner.

      22.Vanity is the sign of weakness and humility is the sign of nobility.

      23.Never betray one another. Respect your word of honour.

      24.In Mandé

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