Turbo Metabolism. Pankaj Vij

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Turbo Metabolism - Pankaj Vij

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paired with the right mental state, we position ourselves to do great things. After that, it is simply a matter of finding the best strategy, our most effective techniques, and nothing is impossible.

      You shift toward a healthier relationship with food and the world around you. The strategies and skills needed for achieving Turbo Metabolism are learning to shop for, plan, prepare, and cook the right foods that nourish us with the energy and intelligence of nature; to move the body as it is designed to move; to get enough rest and relaxation; and to have a supportive social environment — all while steering clear of toxins. These beliefs and skills obviously require our complete emotional buy-in and a supportive environment (for more on this, see chapter 3). Our software, that is, our systems for living, the attitudes required to achieve our highest potential — positive thinking, optimism, compassion, and benevolence — will help us become self-reliant, autonomous, healthy, strong, and vibrant agents for good. The goal is to become the very best versions of ourselves.

      Facts and Fallacies

       • You can cure diabetes today by going on a diet.


       Dieting is temporary and faddish. Achieving health requires mind mastery. Diets will die. Lifestyle lives on.

       • You can “fix” your body without attention to the mind.


       Mind and body are intimately connected at every level.




      • Develop awareness to uncover mind traps.

      • Connect with the Earth to reestablish firm grounding in safety and security.

      • Mind your thoughts because your whole body is eavesdropping. Your thoughts determine your destiny.

      • Heal old wounds with attention, positivity, and optimism.

      • Stop making excuses about past experiences and move on.

      • Maslow’s hierarchy and the triune model of the brain confirm what the ancient wisdom of the chakra system tells us: our personal evolution requires awareness so that we can achieve self-realization, which is our highest need.


       The Nuts and Bolts of Getting Started

       If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.


       To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.


      If you are still reading this book, the rest of my job is going to be easy. Once the “why” becomes clear, explaining what to do is straightforward.

      One of the best urological surgeons in the country once told me, “I don’t do anything special, I just cut and stitch all day — the magic of healing is in the body itself.”

      In fact, it takes a lot of effort to overwhelm the healing system of the body. Still, we’ve found the perfect recipe for disaster in our modern disease-promoting lifestyle of caloric excess, which originated with toxic substances mislabeled as food and has been coupled with unmanaged stress and a lack of physical activity and sleep.

      When you put the right fuel in your body, health and healing happen almost automatically. You are “designed” to move naturally. You do not need to do anything drastic. My program simply asks you to eat, move, and live in the unique way that you are designed to do. Everything else will take care of itself because the wisdom of healing is within.

      The reason you need to get started right now is that the sooner you follow the right path, the easier it will be to heal. The further you go the wrong way, the greater the effort required to correct course.

      Eating for health — rather than eating for entertainment — should be a conscious commitment.

      Taking responsibility and affirming our control and autonomy, which is what we do when we consciously decide to nurture and nourish ourselves, are as applicable here as in other aspects of our life.

      When we have been addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle, it takes time and effort to break the addiction. In fact, it can take up to forty-five days to take an idea from cognition (understanding) to emotional buy-in and finally to actual behavior change.1

      The goal is to live in sync with our natural rhythms in an effortless way. This can happen as we move to convert our surroundings and routine so that healthy habits become our default. Think about a child learning to tie his or her shoelaces: The process goes from not knowing how to do it, to learning the steps, to practicing the steps, to finally being able to do it reflexively, without even thinking about it.

      And here is the good news: The rewards — of more energy, vitality, and zest for life — are almost immediate. Although a complete transformation takes months, within a week or two, the taste buds start to adjust and the body starts to respond in such a way that you will not want to regress to previous unhealthy habits. The compliments you will get from friends, family, and coworkers will be a bonus.

      Establishing Test Baselines

      As you begin your journey to turbocharge your metabolism, it is important to track your metabolic numbers from the beginning so that you have a basis for comparison on later tests.

      The first tests to start with are a fasting lipid panel — which includes total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL (healthy) cholesterol, and LDL (bad) cholesterol — plus fasting blood glucose and HbA1c. The goal is to get total cholesterol around 150 mg/dL, triglycerides as close to 75 mg/dL as possible, HDL above 50 mg/dL, and LDL below 100 mg/dL (see table 3.1). Your fasting blood-glucose goal is to get under 75 mg/dL, and the HbA1c goal is under 5 percent (an ideal HbA1c is 4.8 percent). These tests are available and typically covered by most health-care insurance programs.


      Remember, these numbers are indirect markers of how well you have hit the state of Turbo Metabolism, where your body has all the energy it needs to do everything you ask it to do! As a Turbo Metabolism champion, you will most likely enjoy life to the fullest with all the great experiences, learning opportunities, and adventures that you deserve to have!

      Supplementary tests may also be important in achieving Turbo Metabolism, depending on your specific health situation: high-sensitivity CRP (or cardio CRP), liver enzyme (ALT), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and vitamin D. See

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