Luminous Life. Jacob Israel Liberman

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Luminous Life - Jacob Israel Liberman

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There is nothing to think about, consider, or choose. Just observe, and we will be guided to where we need to be and what we need to do.

      Awareness and experience are seamlessly linked. When that becomes clear, the drop that we think of as our individual self merges with the ocean of oneness, creating waves of presence that expand infinitely in all directions. When the light within us merges with the light illuminating our awareness, we are effortlessly moved toward our source, in the same way that a flower is moved toward the sun.



       Living on Light

       All the energy which we take into our bodies is derived from the sun.


      In 1896 Wilbur Atwater and Francis Benedict conducted a series of metabolic experiments that suggested that the human body’s production of heat and physiological activities corresponded to the caloric value of the nutrients ingested. Their findings became the basis of the calorie theory.

      Based on Atwater’s findings, Francis Benedict and James Harris developed the Harris-Benedict equation in 1919, making it possible to determine one’s basal metabolic rate or how many calories the human body requires at rest.

      This theory stood unchallenged for over fifty years. Then, beginning in 1972, a team of research scientists headed by Dr. Paul Webb conducted a series of studies using state-of-the-art technology in an attempt to replicate Atwater and Benedict’s results. Webb’s findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, uncovered a significant discrepancy between the theoretical amounts of energy produced by metabolism versus the actual amount of energy produced by the body. This difference, referred to as “unmeasured energy,” indicates that as much as 23 percent of the energy produced by the human body could not be attributed to one’s caloric intake.

      To further corroborate his discoveries, Webb reviewed all scientific studies related to the subject and found that they not only confirmed his findings but also demonstrated that the more precise the study, the clearer the evidence that a significant amount of energy could not be scientifically explained.

      Confronted with the fact that there was energy that could not be accounted for, Webb introduced a new variable that he referred to as Qx into the calculation of energy balance. This variable represented energy that originated from an unknown source, or energy derived from what some call nothingness.

      Although the idea of energy derived from “nothingness” may seem strange from a Western perspective, Eastern cultures have been aware of this mysterious life-force energy for thousands of years. In China it is called chi, in India prana, and renowned Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich referred to it as orgone.

      Webb’s research not only exposed the shortcomings of the calorie theory but also demonstrated that the human body receives energy (or life force) from an unknown source. The research also discovered that the greater the food deficit, the larger the unmeasured energy. In other words, the body appears to receive a significant amount of energy from an unknown source, and the less we eat the more energy it receives.

      Webb’s discovery seems to be verified by the case of yogi Prahlad Jani, who claims to have lived without food or water since 1940. Although this sounds unbelievable, this Indian yogi was evaluated twice under the most stringent of controlled scientific conditions, and each time he was deemed physiologically normal.

      In 2003 Prahlad Jani first underwent a rigorous ten-day evaluation at Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad, India. During the study Jani was evaluated by dozens of medical experts, and all pertinent tests, including daily blood cell counts and CT scans of the body, were administered. In addition, he was under around-the-clock surveillance in a locked room with no access to food or water; the bathroom was sealed off, his clothes and sheets were scrutinized for any traces of urine, and mobile cameras filmed him whenever clinic personnel escorted him from his locked room to an office or laboratory for medical evaluation.

      Dr. Urman Dhruv, who supervised and approved the study protocol, stated that Jani did not consume anything orally, including fluids of any type or food during the ten-day study. He also did not pass any urine or stool during that period. In the words of Dr. Sudhir Shah, the initiator of the study, “We are all scientifically educated and research-orientated doctors. . . .And our entire knowledge has been shaken to the core.”

      Under ideal circumstances, it is conceivable that humans can live ten to fifteen days without drinking. However, after four to six days without eating, drinking, and urinating, one would expect extremely high levels of uremic waste products. Nevertheless, Jani’s blood and metabolic levels remained in the safe range during the entire project!

      In 2010 Jani was once again rigorously evaluated for fifteen days at Sterling Hospital. This time, a team of thirty-five researchers from the Indian Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) studied him. After fifteen days of not eating, drinking, urinating, or defecating, all medical tests on Jani were reported as normal, and researchers said that Jani was in better health than someone half his age. Representatives from DIPAS stated in 2010 that further studies were planned to investigate, among other things, where Jani’s body derives its energy for sustenance.

      In the February 9, 1901, issue of Collier’s Weekly, Nikola Tesla wrote, “Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance of its life functions from the environment, instead of through consumption of food?” Today, Dr. Gerald H. Pollack, professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington and author of The Fourth Phase of Water, may be able to demonstrate how that process actually occurs.

      Living Water

      According to Pollack, “Experimental evidence shows that light imparts energy to water, including body water. That energy may, in some instances, provide enough energy for sustaining life.” Pollack and his team have confirmed that there exists a fourth phase of water, beyond that of solid, liquid, and gas. The body’s cells are composed of this “living water,” which differs from normal water, as it is imbued with light.

      Fourth-phase water, H3O2, is more viscous, dense, organized, and alkaline than H2O and has more available oxygen due to its chemical structure. It has a negative charge and, like a battery, can store the energy contained in sunlight and deliver it as needed. Since the energy required for structuring water comes from the sun, you might say that the body is a biological photocell filled with “living water” that is constantly charged by the sun.

      In spite of the stringent medical assessment and scientific scrutiny that Prahlad Jani underwent, the current scientific findings of Pollack, and the powerful documentary by P. A. Straubinger titled In the Beginning There Was Light, most doctors and scientists still do not consider the possibility that our bodies may actually run on sunlight.

      The Power of Light

      Earlier I mentioned that Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi said that “all the energy which we take into our bodies is derived from the sun.” The sun’s energy, through the process of photosynthesis, is stored in plants, which are then eaten by animals and humans, who use this light-created energy. But is it possible that we can supplement this process even further by spending more time outdoors in natural light? If solar power can run our homes, cars, and cities, is it

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