Design and the Digital Divide. Alan F. Newell

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Design and the Digital Divide - Alan F. Newell Synthesis Lectures on Assistive, Rehabilitative, and Health-Preserving Technologies

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a stenographer requires fewer and shorter breaks than a shorthand translator; and

      • orthography can be used for “closed captioning” of television, whereas technology does not (yet) exist for transmitting sign language other than in the picture.

      A French student at Southampton University showed that a Grandjean transcription system for the deaf was feasible [Sayi et al., 1981]. This was not taken forward, but CAT software (IBM-TASF) is now available which is compatible with the Grandjean shorthand machine. For his Ph.D. Colin Brooks [Brooks and Newell, 1985] investigated the potential of handwritten shorthand, but concluded that it was unlikely to be a viable alternative to machine shorthand.

      In the U.S., Computer Aided Transcription (CAT) systems were developed for commercial applications, such as the law courts, and were not used for supporting deaf people until the technology could be made portable. In the UK the first commercially available CAT systems were small dictionary systems designed to support deaf people, and these became useful in traditional court reporting situations when large dictionaries could be included in such systems.

      The major disadvantage with this research and development in the UK was that hand-written shorthand was much more popular than machine shorthand, and there was a shortage of operators: until POSSUM re-introduced it, there had been no training available for many years. In contrast Stenography is very popular in the U.S.—there are a number of companies producing training courses, machines, and CAT systems. Thus, as the availability of cheap portable computers which could host a full dictionary based CAT system became available, POSSUM’s marketing edge in the field of supporting deaf people was removed and stenographic transcription, supported by a large technical base in the U.S., began to become available in the UK.

       Support from potential customers is not a pre-requisite for successful research.

      At the time of applying for the grant, we did not have support from potential users (other than Jack Ashley), but the Research Councils at that time did not demand proof of commercial viability, and we were awarded a Science Research Council Grant “Simultaneous translation of machine shorthand for the deaf” (1977/79). With this funding we produced a prototype which worked in realistic environments, and also spent much time and effort in selling the idea to potential user groups, neither of which activities are “academic”, and which tend to be squeezed out when University funding is reduced.

      The Palantype Transcription story is the story of success being based on the results of what could be considered to be failures [Newell, A., 1988a], and had the following challenges:

      • Although originally a great success and a very well designed system, Palantype Machine Shorthand never became very popular in the UK, and from the 1960’s had begun to decline.

      • The NPL work on CAT for Palantype had not led to a commercial product.

      However, although automatic speech recognition systems only became commercially viable some 30 years after the research reported above, my knowledge of this area prompted me to investigate machine shorthand.

       Success can be produced from commercial failures.

      The project required:

      • a great deal of luck. A chance meeting with an MP and an excellent undergraduate student who produced the first prototype;

      • a great deal of faith;

      • financial support for untried ideas which had little support from potential users;

      • time available for “academically” non-productive work including: marketing the idea, liaising with potential users, investigating companies and negotiating licenses;

      • technical developments to produce a “pre-production” system that worked in real environments, rather than research leading to a proof of concept laboratory prototype; and

      • acceptance of restrictions on publication due to commercial confidentiality.

      It is interesting to speculate how difficult it would be to achieve this within the context of Universities in the 21st Century. Would there be time in an academics diary to do these essential, but academically un-productive aspects of a project of this nature? Would it be possible to obtain funding for an idea which had such a narrow focus, and no support (from the Lord Chancellor’s Office) for the wider ramifications of the idea? An “Impact Statement” (as is now required by UK research councils) which reflected this reality would likely be seen as rather weak.

      Another unanticipated spin-off from this research was a project supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council into Automatic Speech Recognition. We used Palantype Machine Shorthand Transcription in a “wizard of oz” simulation of a “listening typewrite” to examine human factors aspects of a “listening typewriter” [Newell et al., 1991b].

      A range of portable communication aids for speech-impaired people are now available, including the Lightwriter, and are best seen at the commercial exhibitions associated with the biennial Conferences of the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Machine shorthand transcription for hearing-impaired people is now routinely available in the UK using both Palantype and Stenograph systems.

      CHAPTER 3

      TV Subtitling for Hearing-Impaired People

      A chance request led to an investigation on how to subtitle television for hearing-impaired people. This covered both the style of captioning that was most appropriate, and the development of efficient systems producing captions both for live and recorded programmes.

      In the early 1970s, a lecturer in television engineering from a further education college approached me to ask if he could do an external Ph.D. Display technology had reached the state where it would be possible to create alphanumeric characters from ASKII code reasonably cheaply, so I suggested that he investigate the possibilities of “closed captions”—that is, subtitles which only appear on a set especially adapted/adjusted to display them. He rejected my suggestion of sending the caption data in the “lines above the picture”, on the basis that these were used for engineering data, and investigated whether there were other parts of the signal that could be used.

       Do not completely rely on the subject experts.

      After about a year, the television authorities in the UK announced their Teletext system: a data service which utilized the area of the TV signal which I had suggested! Nevertheless, this “failure” began my interest in TV subtitles for hearing impaired people. The Teletext service had been designed to carry subtitles as well as data, and, from 1975, my group were funded by the Independent Broadcasting Authority to work with their “Oracle” Teletext team to investigate television subtitling.

      The research questions that arise when considering subtitles for the hearing impaired are:

      1. What text is appropriate for the subtitles?

      2. How should the sutitles be displayed on the screen?

      3. How can you create the subtitles

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