Mystery at Shildii Rock. Robert Feagan

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Mystery at Shildii Rock - Robert Feagan Mysteries and Secrets

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bet it's true! I bet he teaches just because he hates kids so much he likes torturing them every chance he can get. Being a teacher is perfect for his evil plan!"

      The chief shook his head and laughed. "You sure never change, Robin. Old Mr. Debark isn't that bad. He can be a bit crusty around the edges, but his students seem to learn a lot."

      "Crusty! If he was a pie, he would be all crust and no filling!"

      "Well, I think you're going to find out just how crusty old Mr. Debark can be, son. It's five after nine."

      Robin glanced at his watch. "Darn! See you, Chief!"

      John Kay watched as Robin ran off towards the school. Smiling to himself, he turned back to the sled runner he was working on. He really needed a new one. Maybe he should buy one of those new-fangled snowmobiles they had at the Hudson's Bay store. No, things weren't that bad. Besides, those crazy machines would never replace dogs. Who would give up their dogs for the smell of gas and oil and all of that noise to go along with it?

      The halls were empty when Robin arrived at the school. Every step echoed as he headed for the office to retrieve a late slip before he continued on to class. "Late, late, late, late," each step seemed to say. After reporting to the secretary, he waited at the counter as she filled in the particulars.

      "Hey, Robin!" Frank Firth entered the office and slumped into one of the cushioned chairs in the waiting area.

      The secretary sighed. "Oh, Frank, not already!"

      Frank shrugged and smiled. One of the older students who was in grade twelve, he was a smart, funny guy. Robin had never seen him without a smile and thought he was pretty neat. The teachers didn't always appreciate Frank's humour, however, and he was always in trouble.

      As Robin took the late slip from the secretary and walked out, Frank gave him a friendly poke in the arm and a wink. "Don't worry, Robin. His Debark is worse than his Debite."

      Quite pleased with his own joke, Frank giggled, and despite himself, so did Robin. Maybe this won't be so bad, he thought. Maybe Mr. Debark is a nice guy just like Chief Kay said.

      Robin opened the classroom door, and as his eyes met those of Mr. Debark, he felt himself shrink and melt into the floor. The teacher's eyes were pale blue like a husky's. They bore right into a person, were impossible to read, and were colder than an icy February night. To Robin those eyes had the blank gaze of a shark just before it rolled onto its back to attack. They held the threat of a cobra's eyes as it swayed back and forth before it struck. Or maybe they were more like the eyes of a vulture as it waited for the first opportunity to rip every morsel of meat from its victim's bones.

      Mr. Debark was a tall man, six foot four or five. At age fifty-eight he was slightly stooped, but that only added to his commanding presence. With his white shock of hair and elegantly hooked nose, his vulture-like form towered over Robin and dominated the class. And those pale blue eyes! A shiver rippled through Robin as he lowered his gaze and studied his feet.

      "Mr. Harris, I presume?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "I'm glad to see you so anxious to honour us with your presence. You have a late slip, I presume?"

      "Yes, sir." Without looking directly at Mr. Debark, Robin stepped forward and handed the now-crumpled paper to his teacher. He levelled his gaze on Mr. Debark's hand as it darted forward and plucked the note from his fingers.

      Talons retracting, the vulture spoke. "Find your seat, Mr. Harris."

      Robin quickly scanned the room, hoping to locate a seat near Wayne. The only vacant desk, however, was in the front row, next to the only face Robin didn't recognize. As he moved to sit down, he caught Wayne's eye at the far side of the room. He smiled and shrugged at Robin, helpless to communicate with his friend in any other fashion.

      The silent exchange wasn't lost on Mr. Debark. He made a mental note of the alliance between the two friends. These first few days were important ones. Getting to know the students, their friendships, their motivations. There were many sides to successful learning, and all of these had to be explored if each student was to achieve his or her full potential in grade seven.

      Robin settled into his seat and tried to move the contents of his backpack into the desk with the least noise possible. Mr. Debark was giving an overview of the subjects they would cover throughout the year and his rules of the classroom. Robin tried to listen and unpack at the same time. He knew everyone in the room. They had been at school together since kindergarten. There was only one class for each grade, so you always stayed with your friends from year to year. He didn't know the student sitting next to him, though.

      As Mr. Debark spoke, Robin cast a side-long glance at the new student, and when the stranger's eyes met his, Robin smiled. The boy scowled, however, and quickly trained his eyes on the blackboard at the front of the class. He was slightly shorter than Robin, with whitish-blond hair cropped short, and very pale skin. The boy had a thin but athletic build and actually looked a little imposing. Remembering that his father had mentioned that the Hudson's Bay store had a new manager coming to town and that the man had a son about Robin's age, Robin decided to shrug the scowl off as the stranger's first-day jitters and turned his attention back to Mr. Debark.

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