The Big Book of UFOs. Chris A. Rutkowski

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The Big Book of UFOs - Chris A. Rutkowski

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Statistics Canada, there were 33.8 million people in Canada and 303.8 million people in the United States. Ten percent of these are 3.3 million people for Canada and 30.3 million for the U.S. — definitely a lot of UFO witnesses. The percentage is the same in other developed countries such as Mexico and Britain.

      The significance of this data is that according to 2009 data published by Statistics Canada, only slightly fewer people have asthma (2.3 million) as have seen UFOs, although more have high blood pressure (4.6 million). By way of comparison, seven million children are afflicted with asthma in the United States, and 46 million people in America have been diagnosed with arthritis (about one in five adults). Depression affects 17 million Americans.


      The importance of these comparative statistics is that there is great concern about the large number of people with high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, and other diseases, and this has resulted in national programs to educate the public about prevention and treatment of these conditions. However, more than three million Canadians and 30 million Americans believe they have seen UFOs, and yet this does not seem to be of concern to educators, politicians, or the scientific community.

      If, as some suggest, people who see UFOs are imagining them or simply seeing things, should this not be cause for some worry, since one in 10 people cannot trust their own eyes? Or if, as others believe, people are seeing spaceships from other planets, would an armada of three million vessels not cause some anxiety for military strategists?

      Of course, these statistics need some expansion and interpretation. The term UFO is very ambiguous, being simply an abbreviation of the phrase unidentified flying object. In popular culture, it has come to mean “alien spacecraft,” but that is not necessarily what has been observed or reported.

      Ufology Research, an independent and unfunded group that has been studying UFO reports in Canada for more than 30 years, has published the Canadian UFO Survey, compiling case data and an annual analysis of UFO sightings reported officially in Canada. In 2008, a record 1,004 UFO cases were examined. In 2009, the total was only 801 cases.

      In general, since the yearly analyses began in the 1980s, the number of UFO sightings reported in Canada steadily increased overall, until the drop in 2009. This is in direct contradiction to news stories and skeptical UFO TV shows which have stated throughout the past 25 years that the number of UFO reports was decreasing.


      The number of UFOs reported in Canada during 1989 to 2008.

      Comparisons with other databases, such as the National UFO Reporting Center in the U.S., show a general increase in the number of reported UFOs over the past several years. Why the public is being told that UFOs are on the decline is not clear.

      Remember, however, that this number of UFO reports is raw UFO cases, and many turn out to be aircraft or satellites. Still, there are dozens of high-quality unknowns each year.

      When someone asks, “Do UFOs really exist?” do you answer with a yes or a no? This is actually a trick question, because the question itself is not phrased correctly.

      UFOs are, quite simply, Unidentified Flying Objects, and they certainly exist! There are thousands of reports of unusual objects filed every year with various organizations by people who did not know what it was they were seeing. To them, they were definitely unidentified objects, mostly seen flying in the sky.


      There are six basic categories of explanations for UFOs:

      • Misinterpretations of conventional objects or common phenomena;

      • Hoaxes;

      • Unusual or poorly understood natural phenomena;

      • Secret government or military projects;

      • Hallucinations;

      • Something else.

      Included in the last category is every speculative idea ever proposed concerning the extraterrestrial nature of UFOs and alien spacecraft. This quite naturally leaves the category wide open for anyone to propose his or her pet theory and innovation. These range from the relatively passive “man from Mars” to the extragalactic, and on through other dimensions and time travel. The motivations as to what they want from us range from benign alien anthropologists watching our daily routines to preparation for insidious oppression, colonization, or slavery.

      UFOs are merely objects in the sky that defy explanation by an observer. Obviously, such objects exist. Some stimulus was in the sky to affect an observation, and thus cause a UFO sighting.

      The question that was probably intended is: “Do flying saucers from other planets exist?” The answer to this question is one that has led many skeptics and believers to go at each others’ throats in vicious arguments.

      Polls have been conducted regarding people’s belief in UFOs as alien spacecraft. As early as 1957, a poll found that 25 percent of Americans thought there was a possibility that flying saucers were from outer space. The first Gallup Poll on the subject in 1966 found that about 5 percent of the population had seen a UFO and 46 percent believed UFOs were real objects and not imaginary.

      In 1971, a survey of engineers and academics found that 54 percent believed UFOs were real and that 32 percent thought they were from outer space.

      By the time of the next Gallup Poll in 1973, numbers had changed somewhat. About 11 percent of the population believed they had seen UFOs and 51 percent thought UFOs were real. A Canadian Gallup Poll in 1974 found Canadians were a bit more skeptical: 36 percent said UFOs were real, and 8 percent said they had seen a UFO.

      A Roper Poll in 1974 showed 40 percent of Americans “believed in UFOs,” and a Canadian Gallup Poll in 1978 found that 46 percent thought UFOs were real and 10 percent had seen one. An American Gallup Poll in 1978 found 9 percent had seen a UFO and 57 percent thought they were real. Almost 10 years later, in 1987, the same number said they had seen UFOs, while slightly less, about 49 percent, thought UFOs were real.

      Among the intellectual elite, it seems that UFOs are a given commodity. A 1975 poll of the French branch of Mensa — the international group for which you need to have an IQ in the top 98 percent of the population — found that almost all (93 percent) believed in UFOs, 52 percent thought they were from outer space, and 49 percent had seen one. A survey of American Mensa members found lower but still significant results: 64 percent thought they were spaceships from other planets and 16 percent had seen UFOs. In 1984, the magazine Psychology Today polled its readers and found that about half of them “believed” in UFOs.

      A Scripps News Service Poll in 1995 found that 50 percent “believed” in UFOs while a Newsweek magazine poll found only 48 percent believed “reports of UFOs are real.”

      In 2002 the Sci Fi Channel enlisted Roper to poll Americans about UFOs and found that about 48 percent believed aliens have visited Earth and 14 percent said they or someone they know had a “close

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