A Call to the Colours. Kenneth Cox

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registers. They can both be found in archival documents working for the government, transporting immigrants to the quarantine station on Grosse Isle. Perhaps that is where Joseph, my wife’s great-grandfather, met his future wife, Mary O’Herne.



      These records will provide you with the nominal rolls, pay lists, etc. of the British units stationed in North America as well as the Canadian militia units.

      • RG 9, series IB5, vols. 5–10, reels T3488 and T3489 contain militia records, 1824–47.

      • RG 9, series IB7, vol. 8, 1837/38, hold registers of officers of the militia units involved in 1837/38.

      • RG 9, series IA5, vol. 20, ref. R1023-13-7-E, available on microfilm, contains a list of militia officers dismissed for disloyalty.

      • RG 9, series IA5, 1808–1846, provides a register of officers, Lower Canada, reels: T6943 and T6944 (1831–46), T6945 — officers dismissed (1837/38).

      • RG 5 – B36 & B37, trials (37/38) and court martial (1838/39) in the London District.

      • RG 5 – B38, results of Court of Queen’s Bench in England, releasing 10 of 23 men slated for transportation to Australia.

      • RG 5 – B39, review of conduct of Colonel J. Prince at the Battle of the Windmill.

      • RG 5 – B41, an outline of the court martial at Kingston’s Fort Henry.

      • RG 5 – B44, covers claims for losses incurred during the rebellions.

      • WO 13, NA, MG 13, vols. 3673–3717, reels B2916–B2917, B2976–B2977, B2995, B3159 to B 3196 will provide you with muster rolls etc., of British units stationed in North America during the rebellions.

      • MG 24 – B2 Ref. #R12320-0-5-F contain the family papers of Louis-Joseph Papineau.

      • MG 24 – A25 Ref. # R2451-0-5-E allows access to the family papers of Sir Francis Bond Head.

      • MG 13, WO 67 hold the depot description books 1803–92, reels B-3661 to B-3663 — finding aid 90.

      • MG 24 – G35 Ref. #R6679-0-8-E, are the Upper Canada Militia Unit Account Books.

      • MG 24 – G40-0-2-E, Ref. #R6683-0-2-E contain the Volunteer Militia Force of Canada West fonds.

      • MG 13, WO 13, hold the Muster Rolls, Canadian Militia 1837–50, reels: B2916-2917, B2976-2977, B2995, B3159-B3196, listed alphabetically according to unit.

      • WO13, MG13, offers a list of officers and men killed and wounded during the 1837–38 rebellions.


      Australia, www.naa.gov.au.

      Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproduction, www2.canadiana.ca/en/home, now part of the early Canada Online Project, always check this site for early documents.

      City of Montreal, ville.montreal.qc.ca/archives.

      City of Toronto Archives, www.toronto.ca/archives.

      Eastern Townships Heritage WebMagazine, www.townshipsheritage.com.

      Independence of Québec, English language page www.english.republiquelibre.org/1837-38-patriot-war.html, an excellent list of the events in Lower Canada.

      Internet Archive, www.archive.org/stream/cihm_00186/cihm_00186_djvu.txt, where you can read Reverend John Douglas Bothwick, A History of the Montreal Prison from A.D. 1784 to A.D. 1886. It contains a complete record of the Troubles of 1837/1838, Burning of Parliament Buildings in 1849, the St. Albans Raiders 1864, the Two Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870. You will also find a list of the over one thousand individuals tried for treason as well as the verdict of acquittal, transportation, or execution.

      Library and Archives Canada, “From Colony to Country, Rebellions of 1837 and 1838: A Reader’s Guide to Canadian Military History,” collectionscanada.gc.ca/military/025002-3000-e.html.

      Library and Archives of Quebec, www.banq.qc.ca.

      Military Heritage, www.militaryheritage.com/pastprojects.htm, you can see excellent images of the type of uniform worn by British units in this period.

      National Archives U.K., www.archives.gov.uk.

      Olive Tree Genealogy, www.olivetreegenealogy.com/mil/can/1837, click on Rebellion 1837, Patriot War.

      Olive Tree Genealogy, www.olivetreegenealogy.com/mil/can/1837/data_duncombe.shtml, for those sentenced to death after the Dr. Duncombe Rising.

      Province of Ontario Archives, www.archives.gov.on.ca.

      To the Outskirts of Habitable Creation, www.1837rebellion.net/linksto1837rebel.html, a gateway to a variety of websites.


      Life in 1830s Upper Canada

      These nineteenth century books are available in many editions. These are the ones I used in preparing this book.

      FitzGibbon, Mary Agnes. A Veteran of 1812. Toronto: William Briggs Pub., 1894, reprinted by Coles Publishing, 1979.

      Jameson, Anna. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles. Reprint. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1990.

      Moodie, Susanna. Roughing It in the Bush. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1995, originally published in 1852.

      The Rebellions

      Bercusion, G. Dictionary of Canadian Military History. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1992.

      Brooke, A., and D. Brandon. Bound for Botany Bay, British Convict Voyages to Australia. London, U.K.: The National Archives, U.K., 1993.

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