Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle. Don Easton

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle - Don Easton A Jack Taggart Mystery

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Two Vietnamese brothers who were controlling speed distribution in Chinatown, as well the west side, disappeared last year around the May long weekend, leaving their cars, money, and homes untouched.”

      “It looks like our friend is telling the truth.”

      “I think we can chalk them up as crab bait. I also wandered into Popeye’s this morning. No sign of an alarm system. We’ll do it tonight and Rolly and Wizard’s places tomorrow night. Go in a couple hours after midnight. Shouldn’t be anyone around.”

      Danny silently nodded his head. Three break-ins. Wigmore would be happy with that. Or would he still wait for Jack to get caught with the ultimate crime? As Jack said, it’s just a matter of time…. Wigmore’s words lit up the closets of his mind like neon lights. Don’t get sucked into his world! Breaking the law … murders … Jack’s world. He saw Jack studying his face and turned away. He had to make a decision.

      “Jack, if we’re going to be that late, then I’ve got some personal business to take care of this afternoon. Do you mind?”

      “No, go ahead. I’m going to meet Natasha for dinner. Let’s meet back here at midnight.”

      “What is it, honey?” Susan asked. “I didn’t expect you back so soon.”

      “I have to talk to you.”

      “Sounds serious.”

      “It is.”

      Danny sat at the kitchen table with Susan. The words suddenly spilled out of him. He confessed about his meetings with Wigmore and that he had been ordered to spy on Jack.

      If Danny was looking for sympathy, he didn’t find it. “And you waited until now to tell me?” Susan shouted.

      “I was following orders. I couldn’t tell anyone.”

      “You’re my husband! You call this a marriage? We’re supposed to talk with each other!”

      “I am! Telling you and defying orders!”

      “So, why now?” she yelled. “Are you hoping to unload your bundle of guilt on me? Are you hoping I’ll say that you’re doing the right thing? What?”

      “I’ll carry the guilt for this all my life. It’s my load to carry, but what I do now could affect our future. Not just mine. Yours, mine, and Tiffany’s.”

      “And Jack’s.”

      “And Jack’s.”

      “So why now? What’s going on that you decided to tell me?”

      “Jack and I have a new informant. We just found out who killed Crystal. It might not be long before we find out who killed Jack’s niece and nephew.”

      Susan’s face brightened. “Well, that’s good!” She paused and added, “Isn’t it? This Wigmore fellow will be pleased with that!”

      “I don’t think so. Jack’s not supposed to be involved with the investigation. Besides, as far as Crystal goes, we could never prove it legally.”

      “So what will you do?”

      Danny shrugged. “I don’t think there’s anything I can do. It’s just … I’m worried about what Jack might do. Especially if we find out who killed his niece and nephew.”

      “What do you mean? You think he’ll…” Susan stared at Danny, waiting for an answer.

      Danny didn’t reply.

      “You better not do anything you shouldn’t!”

      “That’s why I’m talking to you! I want to do what’s right, I just don’t know what that is.”

      The concern in Susan’s voice was evident. “Danny, what has happened to you? This isn’t like you. We used to talk, remember? You’ve really changed since we moved here. I look into your eyes and you’re not the same person.”

      Danny took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “You’re right about that. When I shave in the morning … I don’t see my own eyes looking back at me.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “I see Crystal’s eyes. I see them all the time. Now I’m being haunted by your eyes and Jack’s eyes as well.”

      Susan sat quietly. Moments later, Danny caught the frightened look on her face as she stood up. “I’m going upstairs to vacuum. You do what you think is right.”

      Her voice sounded tired and empty. Danny sighed. What is right?

      Susan started to walk away, then stopped and asked, “Will you ever be haunted by Wigmore’s eyes?”

      “No, not that asshole. Why?”

      “You’re the policeman, you figure it out.”

      Danny stared after Susan when she left. He realized he loved her very much.

      Jack stood in the doorway, shivering in the darkness as a moist, cool breeze blew up from the ocean. His fingers worked the pick and he felt the lock start to turn as the tumblers slid into position. The building had been painted green, but most of the paint had peeled, exposing the wooden structure to the elements.

      Above his head, a sign hanging from a wrought-iron pole squeaked as it waved slightly back and forth. The word POPEYE’S was hand-painted in red ink on the sign, over a faded emblem of a ship’s anchor.

      Danny stood behind him, staring out at the empty street before risking a glance back at Jack. “Do you want me to hold a flashlight for you?”

      “No, it’s okay,” whispered Jack. “I go more by feel than I do by sight.”

      “You’re sure it’s not alarmed?”

      “Not from what I could tell this morning. I wouldn’t think there’d be much for someone to steal, but we’re about to find out.”

      Jack opened the door and they stepped inside.

      The front office was small, and Jack quickly searched for business records but didn’t find any. He made his way to a room at the rear, which was only slightly larger. The beam from his flashlight revealed another open door leading into a washroom. He fanned the beam around the room. There wasn’t much to see. A table, couple of chairs, a barstool, a cot, and a shelf with tattooing supplies.

      He pulled out a book from under the cot, along with two other dust-covered books he found further back. They contained pictures and sketches of various types of tattoos. The Dirty Dog tattoo was not among them, nor was it on any of the walls.

      He shone his light across the calendars on the wall. “Danny! I found it.”

      Danny came up beside him, and Jack turned and smiled with satisfaction. “Take a look,” he whispered. “These are his appointment books!”

      Danny shone his light on the block numbers below the pictures. Names and times

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