Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle. Don Easton

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 8-Book Bundle - Don Easton A Jack Taggart Mystery

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and squares job. He would take lengthy intelligence reports and bring clarity to them by encompassing names of people and organizations in various circles or squares. Adding connecting lines made it easier to analyze and understand at a glance how everyone was connected.

      “I heard what happened,” continued Molen. “Sure glad it wasn’t you that was killed. Lucky mistake, eh?”

      Jack looked down at Charlie’s picture. He felt both anger and tears swell from within. “Lucky!” he yelled. “Look at this picture and tell me you think it was lucky!”

      Dick stepped back, shocked by the outburst.

      Jack closed his eyes momentarily, then said, “I’m sorry, Dick. It’s not your fault. You just caught me at a bad time.”

      Dick coughed, then nodded and said, “That’s okay. Guess I’d be a little upset too if someone tried to kill me. Who’s the kid?”

      Jack explained the situation to him and Molen said, “I can’t see it being a coincidence after you took down all those speed labs. How did you get on to them? Maybe that’s where this came from.”

      Jack grimaced and said, “You’re not alone in your thinking. Everyone else is pointing a finger at the bikers too, but I don’t think it’s them. They know what I look like. They wouldn’t make a mistake like that.”

      “How did you find out about the labs? Wiretap? Maybe there is something there that you missed?”

      Jack shook his head and said, “Not wiretap. Just surveillance.”

      “Well, if you want me to take a look at the work you’ve been doing, I’ll be glad to analyze it for you. Maybe something will jump out. Lately all I’ve been doing is analyzing reports on the Indos. They’ve got so many common names that it’s a nightmare trying to sort everyone out. Would be nice to get back to good ol’ names like Smith and Johnson.”

      Louie wondered why he had been summoned back to Isaac’s office. Isaac was alone and motioned for Louie to sit down. Isaac held a report in his hand and said, “I have some information concerning someone your office was working on last year in regards to Satans Wrath.”

      “Yes, sir?”

      “This just arrived from Ottawa a few minutes ago. We need to discuss...”

      Isaac’s secretary then came to the door and said, “Your one-thirty appointment is here, sir.”

      “Tell him to wait,” replied Isaac. “I don’t want to be disturbed now. Or better yet,” he said, putting the report down on his desk, “let’s set another appointment.”

      Louie risked a glance at the report while Isaac spoke with his secretary. Reading upside down was not easy, but some words caught his eye. “A small unnamed settlement near Barra de Navidad, Mexico” ... “Sidney Bishop” ... “deceased, November” ... Damn it! Taggart got him!

      Louie saw Isaac turn his attention back to him, so he smiled politely and said, “You said you received some information, sir?”

      “Yes. But first, how long has Corporal Taggart been working for you?”

      Louie thought for a moment and then replied, “About six years. He worked undercover on Drug Section for about six years prior to that. Is there a problem?”

      “Wasn’t it last November when he married?”

      “Yes, sir. Is there a —”

      “And they went to Mexico on their honeymoon.”

      “I believe so. Costa Rica too, I think.”

      “It’s been almost a year since Taggart’s niece and nephew were murdered when they happened upon those bikers meeting with that corrupt prosecutor, Sidney Bishop. Three or four months after that when the culprits were identified.”

      “Yes, sir. Sidney Bishop is still at large for that.”

      “I’m sure Bishop’s escape must be constantly on Taggart’s mind. How has he been handling it? Is he spending a lot of time trying to find him?”

      “I don’t think he has any leads to go on at the moment. He won’t give up, though. Last week I saw him pound his desk in frustration, muttering that someday he would bring Bishop to justice.”

      “He did?” said Isaac, sounding surprised.

      “But you know Satans Wrath,” said Louie. “Chapters all over the world. I’m sure Bishop is living under an assumed name someplace. The prospects of finding him don’t look good.”

      “Taggart has an informant in Satans Wrath. Surely by now he could have found out something.”

      “Taggart’s informant wasn’t high enough up the ladder to be privy to the information. It isn’t the type of organization where you can ask questions. If you do, you’re liable to receive a bullet as an answer. Taggart’s rather protective of his informants, and quite frankly, when it comes to Satans Wrath, I don’t blame him.”

      Isaac slowly nodded in agreement, then said, “Well, Louie, I’ve got some good news on that issue. I’ve just received a report that Bishop was located in Mexico.”

      “That’s great! Taggart will be elated to hear this! We’ll get an extradition order and —”

      “Hold on,” said Isaac, gesturing with his hands for Louie to stop. “Bishop is dead.”


      “It happened last November. The Mexican police say he tripped and fell beside his swimming pool, knocking himself out and falling into the water and drowning. He was living under an assumed identity from the U.S. Things didn’t match up there and it took until now for a fingerprint search to reach Ottawa, where he was properly identified.”

      Louie let out a deep breath and said, “I see. Well at least that wraps things up. Connie Crane from I-HIT was handling the case, but with your permission I would like to tell Taggart. He’ll want to inform his sister and brother-in-law.”

      “Not a problem. I’ve discussed this with Staff Sergeant Randy Otto.”

      “I-HIT doesn’t mind if Jack breaks the news?” Isaac shook his head and said, “Staff Otto said he had no objections.”

      Louie stood to leave, and Isaac said, “By the way, just out of curiosity, do you happen to know where in Mexico it was that Taggart spent his honeymoon?”

      “I believe it was around Mexico City. I’m not sure.”

      “Bishop was living on the Pacific side. Some little settlement that doesn’t even have a name. Near a village called Barra de Navidad. Quite a coincidence that Bishop died during the same week that Taggart was in the country.”

      Louie briefly allowed his mouth to droop open in surprise and then said, “Good God! You’re not thinking that Taggart had anything to do with...?”

      “It certainly crossed my mind, but I feel reassured that you said he is still upset about not finding him. Go and tell him now. Maybe

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