Art and Murder. Don Easton

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Art and Murder - Don Easton A Jack Taggart Mystery

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a chance,” Jack replied. “No phone calls. I’m not setting myself up to be whacked or to walk into some ambush. Take me to them, and no tipoffs that we’re coming!”

      Clive looked at Klaus, who shook his head. “Do we have a choice?” snapped Clive in response. He then looked at Jack. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

      “Okay, I’ll have a word with the girls. Same as before — don’t move and don’t talk!”

      Jack passed the shotgun to Laura and then blindfolded the men again, before picking up their pants and going through the pockets. He found their driver’s licences. One licence had been issued in Germany to Klaus Eichel, and the other two were Canadian licences, issued to Clive Dempsey and Liam Quinn respectively.

      Laura stood guard while Jack went into the bathroom and closed the door.

      A call to the telecommunications centre said there was nothing on Klaus in Canada, but Liam was listed as being of interest to the Major Crimes Unit in regard to several armed robberies. Jack did not bother with Clive’s name, as he already knew he had a previous charge for drug trafficking that had been dismissed in court.

      Jack opened the door and motioned for Laura to return so they could confer. After telling her in a whisper about Liam’s criminal background, he said, “I’m going to get Clive to take me to the guys he delivered the coke to. If we took all three of them, these guys we’re meeting would likely get the drop on us.”

      “You want me to stay here with Klaus and Liam?” Laura asked.

      “Yes. Clive’s a wimp so I can handle him okay.” He gave a half-smile. “Although a lot of guys get wimpy when you kick ’em in the nuts.”

      “That was nothing compared to what you did to Klaus,” said Laura, sounding defensive. “If anyone is wimpy, it should be him.”

      “Yeah, Klaus.” Jack’s tone was serious. “Watch that guy — and not just for breathing difficulties. He’s more than a sadist. He’s evil.”

      “I know,” agreed Laura. “I can see it in his eyes.”

      “Liam won’t be a problem. He shit himself earlier and is still babbling.”

      “What if Clive sets you up? He may be bullshitting about the coke.”

      “I don’t think he is. That was his reason for going to Mexico. I’m sure there’s a lot more than a pound at the stash, which is why Klaus doesn’t want me to know where it is. If things turn ugly, Klaus and Liam can be used as bargaining chips.”

      “Bargaining chips,” repeated Laura. “That’s a polite term for kidnapping.”

      “Kidnapping? Nah, I simply think of it as being a little slow at reading them their rights. As far as my safety goes, they only know I have a shotgun. It might be better if Clive doesn’t think I’m armed when he takes me. Whoever I’m meeting will be more inclined to talk first rather than shoot first. I want you to do a little scenario out there about your being worried about my safety.”

      “I am worried about your safety,” replied Laura seriously.

      “Good, you won’t have to pretend.” Jack then eyed Brandy and said, “I’d like an extra pair of eyes to help Laura watch these guys while I’m gone. Are you okay to stay? Or do you think you should get to a hospital?”

      “I’d like a doctor to check out my burns, but I’m okay for now,” replied Brandy. “I would like to have a shower, though.”

      “Make it quick,” said Jack.

      Brandy frowned, then said, “I hope I don’t get scars or something. I mean, how would I explain that if I was to get married?”

      Jack and Laura didn’t reply and returned to the main room. Jack tore off the blindfolds again. He then prodded Clive in the ribs with his foot while holding their driver’s licences in one hand and the shotgun in the other. “You, big nuts … or I guess your name is Clive,” he said, glancing at the driver’s licences. “Do you guys have wheels at the hotel?”

      “Klaus and I do,” Clive answered. “Liam came with Klaus.”

      Laura looked at Jack. “I’m worried about you taking off with this jerk and leaving me the gun. What if he —”

      “I don’t need a gun to handle this little hemorrhoid,” said Jack gruffly. “We’ll go in his car and he’ll drive. You’ll need the blaster to cover these other two turds. If I get held hostage, flip a coin and kill one of them, then exchange me with the other guy.”

      “Somebody might hear the gunshot,” Laura cautioned.

      “Not if you shove the barrel far enough up their asses. It will muffle the sound.”

      Klaus and Liam looked at each other as they thought of their chances with a coin toss.

      “One more thing for you guys to know.” Jack smiled grimly. “I texted your names and addresses to a good friend of mine. He’s not as nice as I am. Clive and Liam, I see you each have a P.O. box for an address. Klaus, your address is in Germany. It doesn’t matter where you guys live. If anything happens to me, you’ll be tracked down.” He looked at Clive. “Get dressed. You’re taking me for a drive.”

      Once Clive was dressed and they were about to leave, Jack looked at Laura and said, “While you’re waiting, clean your prints from the room. If you don’t hear from me within an hour, kill ’em both and fuck off.”

      “Oh, God!” Liam cried. “Please … an hour…. What if that’s not enough?”

      “No talkin’,” Jack snarled.

      Chapter Six

      Outside in the hotel parking lot, Jack had Clive give him the keys to his car and asked, “Which one is it?”

      “Over there.” Clive pointed. “The white Beamer.”

      Once in the car, Jack returned the keys to Clive and told him to drive.

      “Where we going?” asked Jack.

      “They live on an acreage out in Fort Langley.”


      “Klaus and two of his buddies rent the place.”

      “And you’re sure they’ll still have a pound?”

      “I delivered it to them this morning. I’m pretty sure they still got it.”

      “Pretty sure?” said Jack harshly.

      “Well, uh, I mean, I mean … there’s always other stuff. I know they got lots of jewellery.”

      “I told you how I feel about wearing that,” replied Jack. “Do they have anything else I might be interested in?”

      “Not really, unless you’re interested in some fake IDs.”

      “You mean driver’s

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