Tumbled Graves. Brenda Chapman

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Tumbled Graves - Brenda Chapman A Stonechild and Rouleau Mystery

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Gundersund had taken Fiona on the Thousand Island cruise one August day several years back. They’d caught the ship, along with another hundred tourists in the harbour, outside the Gananoque Hotel. The day had been overcast and cool, but he and Fiona had huddled together on deck, his arm around her, not wanting to miss the beauty of the islands slipping past or the feel of her body pressed against his. She’d been captivated at the sight of Boldt Castle, a magnificent six-storey masonry masterpiece built in the early 1900s on Heart Island. They’d docked and spent a happy afternoon traipsing around the island, exploring the restored structures, and posing for pictures. She’d agreed to marry him standing under the stained-glass window in the central hall. Once back in Gananoque, they’d walked up Stone Street to downtown with the requisite charming small-town shops, restaurants, and bars kept alive by the summer tourist trade. A leisurely supper with two bottles of wine to celebrate and then lucky to get a room in the hotel. One of the few idyllic memories he had left from their time together. Until now, he’d had no reason to return.

      Leanne Scott lived on Elm Street on the west side of town in a bungalow: white siding, green trim, and detached garage on a small lot. The windows and front door had been recently upgraded and a small verandah added to the front. A modest house well maintained on a quiet street.

      Unlike his last day in Gananoque, the spring sun and clear sky gave the day a promising feel. He spotted tulips pushing up in the small garden that lined the walkway. The smell of earth and damp rotting leaves rose up to greet him as he passed by. Purple and white crocuses had pushed through and would soon be in bloom. Leanne Scott was waiting for him and opened the door at the top of the steps before he rang the bell. She’d already brewed a fresh pot of coffee and served him a cup in the living room, snugly fit with a plaid couch, coffee table, rocking chair, and recliner.

      He took a moment to study her as she settled into the rocker. She was an older, faded version of her sister, from what Gundersund had seen in Adele’s photo. Leanne’s eyes had the same blue directness, but the brown in her hair was overtaken by grey. She was a tall woman but her body had thickened in the middle, fat dimpling her arms and what he could see of her legs. She was wearing a striped v-necked T-shirt, pink Bermuda shorts, Birkenstocks over socks, pushing summer and fashion sense just a bit, Gundersund thought.

      “Have you spoken with Adele this week?” he asked. He took a sip of coffee and waited. It was strong and sugary, flavoured with hazelnuts and chocolate. The unexpected sweetness made him wince. He raised the back of his hand to his lips to hide his involuntary response. He preferred his coffee bitter and unadulterated.

      “I’m fifteen years older than my sister. We keep in touch, but not daily, or even weekly for that matter. I guess the last time I spoke with her was just after New Year’s.”

      “I guess not even monthly then.”

      She returned his smile. “No. I guess not even that.” She paused, “Although, we did exchange emails this week.”

      He should have been less specific with his question. “Can you share what she wrote?”

      “Of course. She was asking how Randy and I are doing and mentioned that she and Violet were due for a visit. I emailed her back and said next weekend would be great. She said that she was hoping for this weekend but could hold off until then. I still have the exchange if you’d like to read it.”

      “I’ll give you my email address and you can forward the emails. Did she use the words ‘hold off’?”


      “Did these words strike you as odd?”

      “A little, since I hadn’t heard from her in so long. They made me think that she had something to tell me. Naturally, I wondered about her marriage since she didn’t mention Ivo.”

      “How would you describe your sister’s marriage?”

      “Okay. It had been okay.” Leanne shifted, groaning softly. Sweat glistened on her forehead and cheeks. A flush travelled upward. Even her hair shone damp in the lamp light.

      Rouleau had felt a chill from the moment he entered the house. “Are you feeling alright?” he asked.

      Leanne waved a hand back and forth in front of her face. “Hot flash. Getting damned inconvenient. Randy’s sleeping in the spare bedroom, I sweat that much at night. Nobody’s ever died of them though. Where were we?”

      “Your sister and her marriage.”

      “Oh yeah. Ivo seems like a nice enough man. A little bland maybe, but Adele was looking to settle down. She seemed happy with him.”

      “I hear some hesitation in your voice.”

      “Adele and I weren’t exactly close growing up, being so far apart in age, so it’s hard for me to pass judgment. I just, well, I wondered if Ivo was enough for her.”

      “Was she happy being a mother and living in the country?”

      “I guess. It’s not where I thought she’d end up by a long stretch.” Leanne laughed. “She was a wild one back in the day.”

      “How so?”

      “We grew up in Gananoque but she moved to Montreal after high school. Couldn’t wait to leave. Had to see the big city. She ended up working in a bar in the east end the last six years she lived there. We lost touch for several years until she moved back to the area. From the little bits she let drop, I gathered she was running with a wilder crowd in Montreal.”

      “Do you know the name of the bar where she worked?”

      “Let me think. It was a man’s name. The … Henri? No, that’s not right.” She snapped her fingers. “The Louis. She worked at the Chez Louis. She told me that it wasn’t a place that Randy and I would like. A bit rough.”

      Gundersund jotted both names down in his notebook. “What was your surname before marriage?”

      “Dufour. My father owned a hardware store on the main drag. Randy works at the Home Hardware on Stone Street. Life can be one big circle.”

      He had her spell the name and wrote it down too. “Is your husband at home?”

      “Randy?” She hesitated as her cheeks flushed bright red for the second time. A fresh coating of sweat covered her nose and cheeks. “No, he’s gone to town. I don’t expect him back anytime soon.”

      “I’ll give you my card with my email, cell number, and the central police number. I’d appreciate if you would call if you hear from Adele.”

      “Of course. I imagine she just took Violet on a vacation somewhere for a few days. Maybe someone from her past life showed up and surprised her and she jumped at the opportunity to have a change from her routine. I wouldn’t be surprised.”

      “You’re not worried then.”

      “Not overly. I know Ivo is though. He probably has no idea what my sister can get up to when she gets it into her head to kick up her heels.” Leanne held his gaze. “Just one thing, Detective. I’d appreciate if you keep our names out of the press. We value our privacy and I don’t want any media at our door asking us about Adele. My sister and I weren’t close and I don’t want to have to explain that to anybody.”

      “Of course. We’ll keep your names out of it.”

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