Jack Taggart Mysteries 9-Book Bundle. Don Easton

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 9-Book Bundle - Don Easton A Jack Taggart Mystery

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than most. He held a management position with a company five years ago but it dissolved with the economic times. He then went to university to better himself. They were struggling but they both held down part-time jobs and saw it through.”

      “What are the mom’s and kids’ names?”

      “Holly is the mom. She has a toddler by the name of Jennifer and the baby is named Charlie.”

      “Not related to me.”

      “Holly said she hadn’t intended to get pregnant with Charlie, as it added to their money worries, but from what I can tell they were still thrilled with Charlie’s arrival.”

      Jack didn’t respond as he stared at Lance’s face, waiting for any sign that he knew about the hit.

      “Jack? You still there?”

      “I’m here, CC.”

      “Taking down five labs today — can’t see that being a coincidence. Your name was on all the search warrants.”

      Jack watched Lance closely as he spoke into the phone and said, “If Satans Wrath tried to kill me today...” He saw the surprised look on Lance’s face and added, “Hold on.” He walked away so that he could talk in private. “I can’t see Satans Wrath screwing up like this,” he continued. “They know what I look like! It’s either amateurs or just a coincidence.”

      “These weren’t amateurs. They were too calm. They’ve done this before. Two guys, each with small-calibre pistols equipped with silencers. Both wearing motorcycle helmets with face visors. Two accomplices were waiting on motorcycles out front. The dad was holding his toddler. They shot through him to get the dad, then took their time and put one in his skull right in front of his wife and four-year-old daughter.”

      “But the bikers know me,” was all Jack could think to say, as he looked over at Lance, our supposed inside man at Satans Wrath!

      “If it’s not Satans Wrath, it has to be somebody you know! Who is it, Jack?”

      “I don’t know.”

      “Bullshit! I know you. What have you done?”

      chapter two

      What have I done! The words echoed in Jack’s head as he walked back to where Danny and Lance were standing. He told Danny what CC had told him, while staring at Lance for his reaction. He didn’t have to wait long.

      “Jesus Christ! It wasn’t us! I’d have known!”

      Neither Jack nor Danny replied.

      “Maybe some stupid fuckers connected to the lower end of the labs. We’ll whack ’em ourselves if it was.”

      “I believe you,” said Jack. “Do some digging. If it was meant for me, find out who is behind it!”

      “Maybe Bishop is behind it,” offered Lance. “I know he left the country, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t come back or isn’t pulling the strings from someplace else.”

      “It’s not Bishop,” said Jack.

      “You can’t be sure. Just because —”

      “I’m sure,” said Jack firmly. He gave Lance a look that meant there was no doubt about the words he spoke.

      Lance had seen that look a few times before. It had been given by men he knew in Satans Wrath. It conveyed a message that could not be said aloud.

      Jack and Danny watched Lance leave before heading back to their car. “What do you think?” asked Danny. “You sure it’s not Bishop?”

      “Satans Wrath wouldn’t make a mistake like that. I bet when CC digs a little deeper she’ll find out the guy owed money for drugs or gambling or something.”

      “We going to call it a night?”

      “I was going to drop in on Lucy at the lab. Tell her I appreciate all the extra hours she’s putting in. I heard she already found speed residue on the money that was seized from Silent Sam’s pockets.”

      “Let me do that. With what just happened, maybe you should get home to Natasha.”

      Jack hurried inside the office as soon as Danny dropped him off and placed a quick call to Natasha. She was concerned but accepted his explanation that he thought it was a coincidence.

      “I’ve only been married to you for five months,” she said. “You better not be coming home with any bullet holes in you!”

      “Hey, you’re a doctor. You could patch me up.” Her silence told Jack that levity was not an option. “If, by some remote chance, it wasn’t a coincidence, it had to be a moron to make a mistake like this. We’ll find out who did it. In the meantime, make sure nobody pulls into the underground parking behind you. Check the camera before buzzing anybody in.”

      “You on your way home?”

      “I’m going to drop by B.C. Children’s. Meet the victim’s wife. See if I can get a feel for all this. If her husband is dirty, she’ll know.”


      “What is it?”

      “I love you.”

      “I love you, too.”

      Jack made his inquiries at the hospital. Charlie Taggart, barely a year old, was in critical condition in the operating room. His mom and sister were both in a private room talking with a hospital counsellor.

      The room was not difficult to locate. Jack could hear the crying and sobbing from within. He stood outside and waited. Even if the guy was dirty, listening to this is bloody awful. He decided to stroll down the hallway.

      Eventually, Holly, with Jenny wrapped under one arm, left the room. She anxiously glanced at a doctor who approached, but he continued past. She could have stayed in the room with the counsellor but thought it would delay news of her son. Jack watched as she nervously stood in the corridor. When she noticed Jack approaching, she pulled Jenny closer.

      Her face ... she hasn’t a clue what is going on. Her eyes are as innocent as her little girl’s. This is somehow a terrible mistake. Her husband shouldn’t be in the morgue ... or Charlie on the operating table.

      Jack’s brain screamed at him like two separate entities. They were ripped apart because of me! It’s me who should be in the morgue!

       No! It can’t be. This is all a coincidence ... nothing to do with me.

      Jack didn’t give his name to Holly but showed her his badge while introducing himself as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He ushered Holly and Jenny to a waiting area and gently asked for the details of what happened.

      Holly’s response was in a monotone as she stared past Jack down the hall. She had told the other officer everything, she said. She opened her purse and handed Jack a business card. Integrated Homicide

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