Ann Alma Children's Library 2-Book Bundle. Ann Alma

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Ann Alma Children's Library 2-Book Bundle - Ann Alma

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big boulder. From here she could see the beginning of the trail that led to the old homestead on the forested hillside. The homestead, set in a clearing, had two old, tumble-down shacks made of logs and rough planks. The walls had partly collapsed. Branches and creepers grew through holes, open doorways and an empty window frame. Lee and Alex had taken the fifteen minute hike there many times. They had told each other ghost stories, climbed the old apple trees and had used the unripe fruit for target practice.

      Lee wanted to go up there now, to check it out, perhaps find a hiding place, but usually an adult came along.

      Uncle Brooke sat on the edge of his lawn chair. He wore white shorts and a bright orange short-sleeved shirt. On his dark, curly hair sat his favorite cap, the lavender one with the rainbow flag. His arm rested on Mom’s shoulder. He, Pat and Mom were talking in low voices. Lee kicked some pebbles, jumped up and moved farther away from the fire.

      Walking over to Alex, Lee threw a pebble against a big rock.

      “Let’s split,” she mumbled. “Go to the homestead.”

      “Sure, you ask. Your mom might let us.” Alex grinned, but looked embarrassed. Uncle Brooke always wanted to be sure things were totally safe before he let them do anything.

      When Lee announced that she and Alex were going for a walk, Uncle Brooke asked predictably, “Where are you going?”

      Alex sighed.

      At least his dad cares, Lee thought. “Up the hill. We won’t be long,” she said encouragingly.

      “I don’t know if….” Uncle Brooke started, taking his cap off and rubbing his forehead.

      “They’re both eleven now. They’ll be fine,” Lee’s mother interrupted.

      “Well…don’t stay too long,” Uncle Brooke said. “Put on some sun block and bug spray.”

      “I already did,” Alex yelled. He ran along the beach to the trail head, his blond curls bouncing with each step.

      “Lee, wear your shoes,” Mom said.

      “Wait,” Lee called after Alex. She slipped her socks and shoes on, rubbed bug repellent on her face, legs and arms and hurried after Alex. He was way ahead and not slowing down at all.

      Lee ran up the first part of the old trail. It was steep, overgrown with branches and roots, and had many wide switchbacks. Alex had disappeared around a bend.

      Lee stopped, and with her hands cupped around her mouth she yelled, “Wait for me.” No answer. She ran on, out of breath. Jumping over a big root, Lee’s left foot caught and she pitched forward, her hands spread in front of her. “Ah-h-h-h,” she cried as her head hit a rock. Soon all she saw before her eyes were blue and black swirls, the tree tops and dark skies….


      Slowly light broke through the blackness and she began to see cloudy swirls, brighter swirls, sapphire blue curls and circles. Sound returned. Then light. Feelings came back. There was a tingling behind her eyes. A headache. It felt as if her temples were being squeezed between two giant logs.

      She opened her eyes a little, but the sun shone so brightly, she briefly closed them again. Moving her hand to her forehead, she felt a lump forming above her eyebrow.

      She slowly opened her eyes again. The bright swirls got bigger. The forest light blended the greens together into trees, swaying against the blue sky. Lee sat up. Alex wasn’t anywhere to be seen. He must still be running up the hill. Fine. Let him go on alone, she thought. She didn’t even want to call out to him.

      After a while the pain became less intense. She felt the lump again, but didn’t think it was bleeding. No blood showed on her fingertips or in her brown hair, draped in front of her eyes.

      When Alex didn’t come back, Lee slowly stood up and started down the hill. By the time she reached the beach, her head had cleared. But what was this?

      The camp was at the edge of the trees. In front of it was a dim fire. Or…was it a fire? Lee saw smoke. She rubbed her eyes. Instead of two campers she saw only one, but it was a trailer, a strange contraption, unlike any trailer Lee had ever seen.


      “What are you doing?”

      Lee whirled around, startled, and put her hand to her head.

      “I fell,” she told Alex, who stood before her, a puzzled look on his face.

      “What’s that?” He pointed to the campsite.

      Lee tensed. “You mean, you see it too?”

      Alex nodded. “That’s the gonkiest trailer I’ve ever seen. What’s that green and brown thing by the smoke?”

      “I don’t know. It’s alive. It moved.” Lee took a few steps down the beach.

      Alex followed. “We must be camped around the bend or something,” he said. “I don’t get it. I thought we could see our camp from here. And this…this…gonky set-up wasn’t here when we left.” He frowned, his grey eyes narrowing in concentration.

      “Let’s walk around it, back to our camp,” Lee said, touching her head again. “This lump hurts.”

      The creature by the smoke screeched. Its chain rattled. The animal turned its back to the fire, sidling up to the warmth. Two eyes gazed at them while it called, “Woo, woo, woo.”

      “It has a little face,” Alex whispered, staring.

      “It’s a monkey.” Lee took several steps forward. “Come on Alex. It’s cute. Look at its bright little eyes, and it’s wearing a little dark-green dress.”

      They hurried across the beach until they got to within a few steps of the monkey.

      “It might be wild.” Alex hesitated.

      The monkey looked at them, turning her eyes from one face to the other. She sat chained to a low bench, her behind warmed by glowing coals between two bricks. On the bricks sat a grate and a steaming kettle of water.

      “Do you think I could pet it?” Lee’s headache was completely forgotten. The monkey fascinated her. She wanted to touch it, pick it up, but caution stopped her. What if it scratched, or bit? The monkey called, “Woo, woo,” then yawned, the inside of her mouth showing rows of sharp little teeth.

      “Better watch out,” Alex warned. “My dad doesn’t like me going to strangers’ places.” He backed up a few steps.

      From inside the trailer first one dog, then several dogs, began barking. A woman’s voice called to them to quiet down. They continued their ruckus. Someone with a heavy step walked around inside. The trailer wobbled, shaking the patched tarps that hung like a sagging old tent off one side. A sheet, pillow case and dish towel quivered on a line that hung under an awning on the opposite wall. A broom, leaning against the wall by the door, fell over.

      Slowly, with a loud squeak,

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