The Great Mistake Mysteries 3-Book Bundle. Sylvia McNicoll

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The Great Mistake Mysteries 3-Book Bundle - Sylvia McNicoll The Great Mistake Mysteries

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So no, he didn’t die. But he got in behind the instrument panel, and we couldn’t get him out on our own. We tried everything, offering him a salmon tray …”

      “Nobody likes airline food.”

      “Not Ripples, anyway.” Mom and I chuckle together. “Then we had to clear the plane, and the maintenance workers removed some panels to finally get him.”

      “But he’s okay?”

      “He’s a bit shook up but he wasn’t injured. The mechanics are checking over the wires before we take off.”

      “So animals really can’t travel safely at all.”

      Mom’s voice drops. “It is better for them to stay home.” Then it lifts again. “But then owners can hire people like your father to walk their dogs. Just think what a valuable service you guys are providing.” Mom sounds pretty cheery about this. “Oh, they’re calling me. Wires must have all checked out.”

      “Really? That was awful quick. Hope they did a good job.”


      “See you, Mom.” We both hang up at the same time.

      Dad smiles at me. “She’ll be home soon.” He grabs some bags from the counter and hands one each to Renée and me. “Your lunches. You didn’t bring home your backpacks, so they’re in grocery bags. Hope you like egg salad, Renée.”

      “Love it.”

      “I’m going to see the Yorkies. Lock the door behind you. I can walk Ping and Pong at noon if you like …”

      “No, Dad. We’ll do it, no worries.” He doesn’t seem to notice Pong is missing.

      Once Dad’s gone, we head out toward school, taking the long way so we can leave Ping at the Bennetts’. He stays close to my heels the whole way. That training session paid off big-time. Mind you, he also seems very interested in my lunch. When he nips at the bag, I have to push him down and scold him. “Bad dog, that’s egg salad. Not for you.” But otherwise, he really behaves.

      “So after school we’ll go to the bank to get the money,” I tell Renée.

      “You have enough?”

      “Yes, but I don’t know what the withdrawal limit is. I’ve never taken that much out before.”

      “I’ll bring the coins from my piggy bank, just in case.”


      At school we head for our lockers, but then we spot Bruno and Tyson in the hall.

      “Hey, Green Lantern.” Tyson points at my leg. “What happened?”

      “You’re bleeding all over the place,” Bruno says.

      Finally I look down and realize that Dad made an accidental switcheroo this morning. I should have known something was up when Ping nipped at the bag. I should have checked then. My mistake, number four of the day. Everyone’s staring at me. I’m not going to live this one down till I go to college, either.

      day three, mistake five

      I stand frozen as a crowd gathers. Mrs. Watier spots the commotion and strides up to me, click-click, in her tall-heeled boots. She gasps when she sees my jeans and quickly drags me into her office. Renée slips in behind before she shuts the door.

      “How did you get hurt?” Mrs. Watier asks.

      “Oh, no, this isn’t my blood. My father accidentally switched my lunch for a bag of beef liver.”

      Mrs. Watier tilts her head.

      “He was defrosting it to make treats for his dog-walking clients, but he packed my lunch in the same type of bag.”

      Mrs. Watier still looks confused but nods. “I should call your mother. Maybe she can pick you up.”

      “My mother is in London right now. You might reach my dad on his cell, but he can’t just drop everything, so it could be a while.” She keeps nodding so I continue. “I can walk myself. I live really close by. If I can just get some extra plastic bags to carry the liver, I’ll go home to change.” When Dad gets back from the Yorkies, he’s going to need this bag of meat, I think.

      “Can I go home with Stephen to make sure he’s all right?” Renée asks. She makes it seem as though that blood on my leg is seeping from a wound.

      Mrs. Watier stares down at me and frowns.

      The jeans stick to my leg now, and I tug the denim away from my skin. I certainly don’t need looking after, but on the other hand, I want Renée’s company for what I have planned.

      “That might be a good idea.” She reaches behind her into a cabinet and pulls out a couple of bags for me.

      As she turns back, I notice some photos propped up on that cabinet. One is of a young boy who looks familiar. Something strange about his eyes. They look almost crossed. “Is that your son?” I ask.

      “Yes. He’s older now, goes to Champlain High.” She picks up the phone and asks for my father’s number.

      I tell her and she dials it.

      Then it hits me. It’s him, the skateboarder, the boy with the two different-coloured eyes.

      “He’s not picking up.”

      “Mrs. Watier, I need to go home to change. He won’t mind. You have his permission note for me to leave the property.”

      “You have one for me, too,” Renée chimes in.

      “Do you have human food?” she asks Renée. “Or dog liver?”

      Renée checks her bag and legs. “No dripping here,” she answers. “Can I please keep him company, anyway?”

      “Very well.” Mrs. Watier sighs. “Go with him but hurry back. You know they’re having a special assembly soon.”

      “The one to celebrate your marriage?” Renée asks.

      Mrs. Watier nods and winks. “I’m not supposed to know, but there’s going to be cake.”

      “Don’t forget to give Mrs. Klein a piece,” I tell her. “The custodial staff like to be included, too.”

      “Don’t be weird,” Renée grumbles into my ear as she yanks me away. “We’ll hurry,” she agrees out loud for Mrs. Watier’s benefit.

      We make a quick dash down the hall, so we don’t get any more gasps or stares.

      But once we’re outside the school building, I slow down and tell Renée my plan. “Let’s stop to get Ping first, then drop the liver off and I’ll change. Afterwards, I’d like to make a visit to your house.”

      “Why?” She stops walking.

      “You can get your piggy bank,

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