Grizzly Season. S W Lauden

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Grizzly Season - S W Lauden A Greg Salem Mystery

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      “Are you crazy?”

      Greg looked up at the sky as the whirlybirds buzzed by. It seemed like they might be moving too fast to even notice what was going on beneath them. Or maybe these officers were already on Magnus’s payroll.

      The helicopters echoed away into the distance just as quickly as they had arrived. Greg cursed under his breath as he stood up to dust himself off. One member of the trio slapped some wire cutters into his hand, and they all went straight to work on mending the fence. They were done in a couple of hours and back at camp just in time for lunch. Greg didn’t see Kristen around, so he grabbed a tray of food and took a seat next to Magnus.

      “We had some unexpected visitors out there in the fields today.”

      Magnus snorted and took a drink from his mug. He wiped his lips with the back of a dirty hand.

      “So I heard. Friends of yours?”

      “I was about to ask you the same thing.”

      “Hard to keep track. Seems like they send new recruits up here for training.”

      Greg gave a dismissive snort.

      “Yeah. They save the cushy desk jobs for us veterans.”

      “Well, at least the rookies are cheaper to bribe. By the way, don’t be surprised if there’s a different Ursula in your cot tonight.”

      Greg stopped mid-bite, a spoonful of beans hovering in front of his face.

      “Excuse me?”

      “Don’t forget, she’s my girl. You two had your fun, but it’s time to mix things up. Keep it fresh. Cheers.”

      Magnus stood up and left. Greg finished his bite and took a look around. Whatever plan was brewing in the back of his mind had just been destroyed.

      He was tearing into his sandwich when he heard several explosions in the distance. First, one—followed by two more in quick succession. Each time they got a little closer. Soon they were going off every few seconds. Somebody was systematically detonating the booby traps as they made their way toward the camp.

      Chapter Four

      People all around Greg jumped up from their tables and started running. The women made a beeline for the tents, while the men scattered. A few of them headed for the corral to pull out the motorcycles. Two dune buggies tore across camp in the direction of the tent where they grew the Grizzly Bear. Greg assumed that Magnus must have been in one of those vehicles, but couldn’t spot him.

      Two men yanked tarps back from where the motorcycles had been stashed and started handing out guns. Greg grabbed a rifle and headed straight for his tent. He had no idea if Kristen would be there in the middle of the day, but he didn’t know where else to look. She had their backpacks ready to go when he arrived.

      “We have to hurry.”

      “We can’t leave without Marco.”

      She took both of his hands in hers and looked him straight in the eye.

      “I know. I’ll take you to him.”

      The tents on either side of theirs were already collapsing when they emerged. He heard gunfire on the other side of the camp, and motorcycles revving. The unmistakable scent of burning marijuana choked the air as the field went up in flames. Smoke closed in all around them as they fumbled along to the few structures that still remained standing. Marco was nowhere to be found, but Kristen wasn’t ready to give up.

      She grabbed Greg’s wrist, pulling him along behind her. It was hard to see even a few feet in front of them now, but they managed to find the bear pit. She pulled off the cinderblocks while Greg ripped the plywood back. They raced down the ramp together, but found only dirt and bones at the bottom.

      The first shots buzzed by their heads as they reemerged. Greg pushed Kristen to the ground and chanced a look over the edge. He could see the silhouettes of Magnus and a gaggle of goons closing in fast. It looked like they were dragging Marco behind them.

      Overloaded motorcycles whizzed out of the camp all around them, heading for the hiking trails. Greg lifted his rifle and fired, narrowly missing one of the young guards. He fell hard and the others dropped on their bellies beside him. Magnus screamed to Greg over the automatic gunfire that echoed through the camp.

      “Now or never! Give me the girl or your friend is bear food!”

      Greg looked down at Kristen. She looked back with pleading eyes, begging him not to hand her over. He knew that he needed to save both Kristen and Marco, but he didn’t know how.

      Visibility was almost down to zero, and an army of Forest Service, Sheriff’s Department, and Drug Enforcement Agency officers would be on them soon. Greg knew that saving Kristen entailed more than just getting her away from Magnus. He had to find a way to keep her from getting arrested and thrown in prison too.

      He lifted her up and pointed toward the field.

      “Straight across the middle, where the smoke’s the thickest. Just like on the map you showed me. Don’t stop until you reach the other side. Keep climbing up the slope until you find the trail.”

      “Aren’t you coming with me?”

      “I’ll be right behind you, as soon as I get Marco. Ready?”

      She bit her lip and nodded, stroking his face with the back of her hand. Greg took aim in the direction of Magnus and started squeezing the trigger in a slow rhythm. He wasn’t trying to hit anybody, just buy her some time.


      Magnus and his men returned fire, but none of the bullets came close. The fields were engulfed in flames now. Smoke billowed over Greg like whitewash from a massive wave. He thought he could hear Marco whimpering, but tried to block it out. Then he heard him scream.

      “Greg! He’s got a gun to my head!”

      “Last chance or your friend dies.”

      Two stun grenades went off in the stadium, knocking several people to the ground. Dark figures in combat gear swarmed the camp. Greg heard a single shot ring out, followed by a heavy thud and the sound of Magnus and his men running away. He sprang from the pit and sprinted to where he thought Marco might be. He was halfway there when two helmeted figures emerged from the smoke. He put his hands behind his head and dropped to his knees. Tears sparkled in the little red dots that danced across his face.

      “Take it easy. I’m a cop.”

      It wasn’t true, but it kept him from getting shot, especially since he was dressed like all the others. They zip-tied his wrists behind his back and led him out of the camp. There was a command center set up several hundred yards beyond the burning field. A dozen other men in jeans and flannel shirts sat with their backs against huge boulders. Greg dropped down beside them and kept his mouth shut tight.

      The gunfire didn’t die down for another hour, getting farther and farther away. Fire planes arrived a little while later and dumped lake water on the flames. The steam it generated brought the temperature up for a few minutes, just

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