My Man Jeeves - The Original Classic Edition. Wodehouse P

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My Man Jeeves - The Original Classic Edition - Wodehouse P

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the door of a fairly low-down sort of restaurant and had to step aside to dodge him as he sailed through the air en route for the opposite pavement, with a muscular sort of looking chappie peering out after him with a kind of gloomy satisfaction.

       In a way, I couldn't help sympathizing with the fellow. He had about four weeks to have the good time that ought to have been spread over about ten years, and I didn't wonder at his wanting to be pretty busy. I should have been just the same in his place. Still, there was no denying that it was a bit thick. If it hadn't been for the thought of Lady Malvern and Aunt Agatha in the background, I should have regarded Motty's rapid work with an indulgent smile. But I couldn't get rid of the feeling that, sooner or later, I was the lad who was scheduled to get it behind the ear. And what with brooding on this prospect, and sitting up in the old flat waiting for the familiar footstep, and putting it to bed when it got there, and stealing into the sick-chamber next morning to contemplate the wreck-age, I was beginning to lose weight. Absolutely becoming the good old shadow, I give you my honest word. Starting at sudden noises and whatnot.

       And no sympathy from Jeeves. That was what cut me to the quick. The man was still thoroughly pipped about the hat and tie, and simply wouldn't rally round. One morning I wanted comforting so much that I sank the pride of the Woosters and appealed to the fellow direct.

       "Jeeves," I said, "this is getting a bit thick!" "Sir?" Business and cold respectfulness.

       "You know what I mean. This lad seems to have chucked all the principles of a well-spent boyhood. He has got it up his nose!" "Yes, sir."

       "Well, I shall get blamed, don't you know. You know what my Aunt Agatha is!" "Yes, sir."

       "Very well, then."

       I waited a moment, but he wouldn't unbend.


       "Jeeves," I said, "haven't you any scheme up your sleeve for coping with this blighter?" "No, sir."

       And he shimmered off to his lair. Obstinate devil! So dashed absurd, don't you know. It wasn't as if there was anything wrong with that Country Gentleman hat. It was a remarkably priceless effort, and much admired by the lads. But, just because he preferred the Longacre, he left me flat.

       It was shortly after this that young Motty got the idea of bringing pals back in the small hours to continue the gay revels in the home. This was where I began to crack under the strain. You see, the part of town where I was living wasn't the right place for that sort of thing. I knew lots of chappies down Washington Square way who started the evening at about 2 a.m.--artists and writers and whatnot, who frolicked considerably till checked by the arrival of the morning milk. That was all right. They like that sort of thing down there. The neighbours can't get to sleep unless there's someone dancing Hawaiian dances over their heads. But on Fifty-seventh

       Street the atmosphere wasn't right, and when Motty turned up at three in the morning with a collection of hearty lads, who only stopped singing their college song when they started singing "The Old Oaken Bucket," there was a marked peevishness among the old settlers in the flats. The management was extremely terse over the telephone at breakfast-time, and took a lot of soothing.

       The next night I came home early, after a lonely dinner at a place which I'd chosen because there didn't seem any chance of meeting Motty there. The sitting-room was quite dark, and I was just moving to switch on the light, when there was a sort of explosion and something collared hold of my trouser-leg. Living with Motty had reduced me to such an extent that I was simply unable to cope with this thing. I jumped backward with a loud yell of anguish, and tumbled out into the hall just as Jeeves came out of his den to see what the matter was.

       "Did you call, sir?"

       "Jeeves! There's something in there that grabs you by the leg!" "That would be Rollo, sir."


       "I would have warned you of his presence, but I did not hear you come in. His temper is a little uncertain at present, as he has not yet settled down."

       "Who the deuce is Rollo?"

       "His lordship's bull-terrier, sir. His lordship won him in a raffle, and tied him to the leg of the table. If you will allow me, sir, I will go in and switch on the light."

       There really is nobody like Jeeves. He walked straight into the sitting-room, the biggest feat since Daniel and the lions' den, without a quiver. What's more, his magnetism or whatever they call it was such that the dashed animal, instead of pinning him by the leg, calmed down as if he had had a bromide, and rolled over on his back with all his paws in the air. If Jeeves had been his rich uncle he couldn't have been more chummy. Yet directly he caught sight of me again, he got all worked up and seemed to have only one idea in life--to start chewing me where he had left off.

       "Rollo is not used to you yet, sir," said Jeeves, regarding the bally quadruped in an admiring sort of way. "He is an excellent watch-


       "I don't want a watchdog to keep me out of my rooms." "No, sir."

       "Well, what am I to do?"

       "No doubt in time the animal will learn to discriminate, sir. He will learn to distinguish your peculiar scent."

       "What do you mean--my peculiar scent? Correct the impression that I intend to hang about in the hall while life slips by, in the hope


       that one of these days that dashed animal will decide that I smell all right." I thought for a bit. "Jeeves!" "Sir?"

       "I'm going away--to-morrow morning by the first train. I shall go and stop with Mr. Todd in the country." "Do you wish me to accompany you, sir?"


       "Very good, sir."

       "I don't know when I shall be back. Forward my letters." "Yes, sir."


       As a matter of fact, I was back within the week. Rocky Todd, the pal I went to stay with, is a rummy sort of a chap who lives all

       alone in the wilds of Long Island, and likes it; but a little of that sort of thing goes a long way with me. Dear old Rocky is one of the best, but after a few days in his cottage in the woods, miles away from anywhere, New York, even with Motty on the premises, began to look pretty good to me. The days down on Long Island have forty-eight hours in them; you can't get to sleep at night because of the bellowing of the crickets; and you have to walk two miles for a drink and six for an evening paper. I thanked Rocky for his kind hospitality, and caught the only train they have down in those parts. It landed me in New York about dinner-time. I went straight to the old flat. Jeeves came out of his lair. I looked round cautiously for Rollo.

       "Where's that dog, Jeeves? Have you got him tied up?"

       "The animal is no longer here, sir. His lordship gave him to the porter, who sold him. His lordship took a prejudice against the ani-

       mal on account of being bitten by him in the calf of the leg."

       I don't think I've ever been so bucked by a bit of news. I felt I had misjudged Rollo. Evidently, when you got to know him better, he had a lot of intelligence in him.

       "Ripping!" I said. "Is Lord Pershore in, Jeeves?" "No, sir."

       "Do you expect him back to dinner?" "No, sir."

       "Where is he?" "In prison, sir."


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