Forbidden Fruit - The Original Classic Edition. Anonymous Anonymous

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Forbidden Fruit - The Original Classic Edition - Anonymous Anonymous

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a singe glass of claret at luncheon or dinner, the generous Madeira fired all the blood in my system, making me palpitate with desire to renew those love games which I had so recently learned, and still wished to know more about.

       "Gertie, how kind of you to think of that. It makes me feel more of a man than ever. How stiff it is, but do give me another glass

       just to drink the health of your--what do you call it--you know under the hair there."

       "Oh Percy, you'll be inebriated, my dear. Only this once, and if affects you much, I shall refuse a third glass another time," she said, refilling my glass.

       "Now, what do you call it, Gertie? Tell me it's proper name."

       "Mine," she said, slapping her hand on her lovely mount--is a C-U-N-T

       (Cunt) but when girls talk together about it they call their "Fanny"--but I like the word Cunt--always call it that, Percy, when alone with me--and, your's, dear, what do boys their affairs?"

       "You know I have never been to school and have been so much at home with Mamma, you, and Mary, that I hardly know the right

       name for my thing; but what does Papa call his?"

       "Papa calls it his Prick--Mamma calls it a glorious Cock--and I, I use either name. Here Percy, we will drink to Cock and Cunt, and may they never get tired of love; a stiff Standing Prick, and a Cunt ready for it." We emptied our glasses and she placed them on the table, then getting on the bed, stretched herself by my side, and kissed me ardently, darting her velvety tongue between my lips, till I could endure it no longer, and wanted to mount up as before.

       "No, not that way this time, we will try a new pleasure; I want to taste and swallow the very essence of your being."

       Reversing herself upside down by my side, and taking my stiff machine in her mouth, began to suck and roll her tongue round its head, in the most delicious manner. At the same time she pressed her mount against my face, as a challenge for me to reciprocate her attentions to my prick. Words were not required. I knew instinctively what I ought to do, so my fingers parted the lips of her luscious Cunt, and my tongue was at once busy about La Rose d'Amour, the little spot where the slightest titillations of a tongue will arouse even in the coldest temperament the most ardent sensations of desire, and at once dispel any ideas of resistance to the due course of pleasure.

       It is the real touch-hole, which once fired, lets off all the pent up sources of voluptuousness; let the chilly virgin be but once assaulted there by finger or tongue, and she is lost; Shame--Prudence--every thought, save of utter abandonment--all vanish as the conquering hero pursues his advantage;--and it is the same with a boy who for the first time finds pintle between the lips of an ardent girl who is all-a-fire to enjoy his youthful virility.

       Each one abandons every charm to the other; desire to do courses hotly through their veins, each seems anxious to devour the other;

       so it was with us, she flooded my mouth at the same instant as I felt my very life melting away and spurting down her eager throat.

       Not a drop of the creamy emission escaped me; I was sucking her life, her soul, and wanted more each moment. This game lasted a considerable time. After each spend, our lips still kept possession of the organ of love, sucking and playing our tongues in the most


       lascivious way we could imagine to prolong and bring on the exotic spasms again and again.

       Exhausted at length, we settled ourselves to sleep, with a mutual kiss and thanks for the delicious pleasures afforded.

       Beautiful dreams haunted my sleeping hours and still more inflamed my now thoroughly awakened manhood. Recently I had read the mythological tale of the three goddesses, Juno, Venus and Minerva appealing to the shepherd Paris for the prize of the golden apple; as drapery was very rare in those Pagan days, no doubt they stood before him in all the glories of their matchless beauty.

       Visions of my glorious golden haired Mamma, Auntie Gertie, and Mary, standing before me, as if I had to chose which was most desirable; the last named a swarthy beauty of twenty, with small figure, but a model of gracefulness, seemed indeed to challenge comparison with my two lovely relatives, and much as I longed to possess Mamma, this vision of Mary made a very lasting impres-sion on my mind; beyond them stretching away in the dim perspective were quite a procession of attendant houris, all sizes, ages, and styles of complexion and beauty from very little ones to the fat, fair, and forty. Was this prophetic of my future career amongst the fair sex, viz, beginning at home with the first principal figures, and then to revel in a succession of loveliness for a long time to come; as I opened my eyes, that was the thought which came to me, and I resolved to have sweet swarthy Mary as soon as she returned to her duties; it should be "Nolens Votens;" I was strong enough to make her let me have my way.

       My instrument, inflamed by both dream and resolves, stood rampant, and attracted Gertie's attention as she opened her eyes:

       "My Goodness, Percy, what an erection!--I have just been dreaming of you pushing into your Mamma on the sofa, whilst I sat astraddle of Papa on his Cock, and rode up and down, as you pleased your mother; how I should have liked it to be real; perhaps it will some day--put your hand down and feel how wet I am, it made me come in a flood--and now you are almost as bad--have you been dreaming too?"

       I confessed as much with respect to her and Mamma, but kept Mary to myself for fear Auntie might spoil my anticipated pleasure in that quarter.

       "It's getting late, my boy, so let me have it quick, just the same as I was dreaming I was on your Papa--riding on your dear Cock."

       I was already on my back, as she placed herself across me kneeling on her knees, and so taking Mr. Pego in one hand, she directed his head to the well lubricated slit so ready to take him in, gently impaling herself as her body gradually pressed down on my inflamed Prick. The long slow insertion into that furnace of love was delicious, and as she felt the head at last reach the very entrance to her longing womb, her sperm came in a flood. Mine also had been so put up that the spasmodic contractions of the folds of the innermost parts of her vagina at the moments of emission drew an equally copious ejaculation from me.

       "My God, Percy, that will make a baby, I must syringe at once!" she said, as soon as she recovered herself and finished kissing me. "What exquisite pleasure! We ought to go on, but I must not run the risk;" and springing off me, in spite of my efforts to detain her in my arms, she proceeded to syringe herself most effectually with an enema, using a very slight solution of sulfate of zinc, which will always prevent impregnation if done quickly after coition. As she explained to me, the critical moment such as we had just experienced only happened now and then, but that the female had such a very peculiar sensation, she could not possibly mistake it, and only a careless girl, or one who really wished for a child, would neglect to syringe the moment it was all over.

       Gertie had me to herself for some days, before Mary returned, but my vision had never lost its effects on my mind.

       Auntie was very reluctant to give up her charge, but there was no available excuse. She admonished me to be very circumspect and

       we would enjoy ourselves every possible chance. "Some night," she whispered, "you can steal into my room when Mary is asleep, but don't let her know anything, or you will be sent away, my love."

       The short time that Mary had been away, seemed to have worked quite a change in her manner towards me, she seemed to have grown suddenly shy and reserved, and the first night even neglected to give me the usual conventional kiss, and when she retired herself, was very careful to put out the light before doing certain little things.


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