The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, Adventures In The South - The Original Classic Edition. Casanova Giacomo

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The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, Adventures In The South - The Original Classic Edition - Casanova Giacomo

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the fair cousin, who asked me if I required anything.

       "Yes, you, dearest," I replied, going up to her and taking her in my arms. "Did anyone see you coming in here?" "No, I came from upstairs, and my cousins are in the dancing-room."

       "That is capital. You are fair as Love himself, and this is an excellent opportunity for skewing you how much I love you." "Good heavens! What are you doing? Let me go, somebody might come in. Well, put out the light!"

       I put it out, shut the door, and, my head full of Mdlle. Roman, the cousin found me as ardent as I should have been with that delightful person. I confess, too, that the doorkeeper's niece was well worthy of being loved on her own merits. I found her perfect, perhaps better than Mdlle. Roman, a novice, would have been. In spite of my ardour her passion was soon appeased, and she begged me to let her go, and I did so; but it was quite time. I wanted to begin over again, but she was afraid that our absence would be noticed by her two Argus-eyed cousins, so she kissed me and left the room.

       I went back to the ball-room, and we danced on till the king of doorkeepers came to tell us supper was ready.

       A collation composed of the luxuries which the season and the country afforded covered the table; but what pleased the ladies most was the number and artistic arrangement of the wax lights.

       I sat down at a small table with a few of my guests, and I received the most pressing invitations to spend the autumn in their town. I am sure that if I had accepted I should have been treated like a prince, for the nobility of Grenoble bear the highest character for hospitality. I told them that if it had been possible I should have had the greatest pleasure in accepting their invitation, and in that case I should have been delighted to have made the acquaintance of the family of an illustrious gentleman, a friend of my father's.

       "What name is it?" they asked me, altogether. "Bouchenu de Valbonnais."

       "He was my uncle. Ah! sir, you must come and stay with us. You danced with my daughter. What was your father's name?"

       This story, which I invented, and uttered as I was wont, on the spur of the moment, turned me into a sort of wonder in the eyes of the worthy people.

       After we had laughed, jested, drank, and eaten, we rose from the table and began to dance anew.

       Seeing Madame Morin, her niece, and Valenglard going into the garden, I followed them, and as we walked in the moonlight I led

       the fair Mdlle. Roman through a covered alley; but all my fine speeches were in vain; I could do nothing. I held her between my arms, I covered her with burning kisses, but not one did she return to me, and her hands offered a successful resistance to my hardy attempts. By a sudden effort, however, I at last attained the porch of the temple of love, and held her in such a way that further resistance would have been of no avail; but she stopped me short by saying in a voice which no man of feeling could have resisted,--

       "Be my friend, sir, and not my enemy and the cause of my ruin."

       I knelt before her, and taking her hand begged her pardon, swearing not to renew my attempts. I then rose and asked her to kiss me as a pledge of her forgiveness. We rejoined her aunt, and returned to the ball-room, but with all my endeavours I could not regain


       my calm.

       I sat down in a corner of the room, and I asked Rose, who passed by me, to get me a glass of lemonade. When she brought it she gently chid me for not having danced with her, her sister, or her cousin.

       "It will give people but a poor opinion of our merits."

       "I am tired," said I, "but if you will promise to be kind I will dance a minuet with you." "What do want me to do?" said she.

       "Go into my bedroom and wait for me there in the dark when you see your sister and your cousin busy dancing." "And you will only dance with me."

       "I swear!"

       "Then you will find me in your room."

       I found her passionate, and I had full satisfaction. To keep my word with her I waited for the closing minuet, for having danced with

       Rose I felt obliged in common decency to dance with the other two, especially as I owed them the same debt.

       At daybreak the ladies began to vanish, and as I put the Morins into my carriage I told them that I could not have the pleasure of seeing them again that day, but that if they would come and spend the whole of the day after with me I would have the horoscope ready.

       I went to the kitchen to thank the worthy doorkeeper for having made me cut such a gallant figure, and I found the three nymphs there, filling their pockets with sweetmeats. He told them, laughing, that as the master was there they might rob him with a clear conscience, and I bade them take as much as they would. I informed the doorkeeper that I should not dine till six, and I then went to bed.

       I awoke at noon, and feeling myself well rested I set to work at the horoscope, and I resolved to tell the fair Mdlle. Roman that fortune awaited her at Paris, where she would become her master's mistress, but that the monarch must see her before she had attained her eighteenth year, as at that time her destiny would take a different turn. To give my prophecy authority, I told her some curious circumstances which had hitherto happened to her, and which I had learnt now and again from herself or Madame Morin without pretending to heed what they said.

       With an Ephemeris and another astrological book, I made out and copied in six hours Mdlle. Roman's horoscope, and I had so well arranged it that it struck Valenglard and even M. Morin with astonishment, and made the two ladies quite enthusiastic.

       My horoscope must only be known to the young lady and her family, who would no doubt keep the secret well. After I had put the finishing touches to it, read it, and read it again, I felt certain that I had made a masterpiece, and I then dined in bed with my three nymphs. I was polite and affectionate to them all, and we were all happy together, but I was the happiest. M. de Valenglard came to see me early the next day, and informed me that nobody suspected me of being in love with Mdlle. Roman, but that I was thought to be amorous of my landlord's girls.

       "Well, let them think so," said I; "they are worthy of love, though not to be named in the same breath with one past compare, but who leaves me no hope."

       "Let me tell Madame d'Urfe all about it." "Certainly; I shall be delighted."

       M. and Madame Morin and their niece came at noon, and we spent the hour before dinner in reading the horoscope. It would be impossible to describe the four distinct sorts of surprise which I saw before me. The interesting Mdlle. Roman looked very grave, and, not knowing whether she had a will of her own, listened to what was said in silence. M. Morin looked at me now and again, and see-ing that I kept a serious countenance did not dare to laugh. Valenglard shewed fanatic belief in astrology in every feature. Madame Morin seemed struck as by a miracle, and, far from thinking the fact prophesied too improbable, remarked that her niece was much


       more worthy of becoming her sovereign's wife or mistress than the bigoted Maintenon had been.

       "She would never have done anything," said Madame Morin, "if she had not left America and come to France; and if my niece does not go to Paris nobody can say that the horoscope has prophesied falsely. We should therefore--go to Paris, but how is it to

       be done? I don't see my way to it. The prediction of the birth of a son has something divine and entrancing about it. I don't wish to


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