The Book of Life - The Original Classic Edition. Sinclair Upton

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The Book of Life - The Original Classic Edition - Sinclair Upton

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No matter how busy you may be, no matter how tired you may be, it will pay you to get such things straight: to know a little of what the wise men of the past have thought about them, and more especially what science with its new tools of knowledge may have discovered.

       The writer of this book spent nine years of his life in colleges and universities; also he was brought up in a church. So he knows the orthodox teachings, he can say that he has given to the recognized wise men of the world every opportunity to tell him what they know. Then, being dissatisfied, he went to the unrecognized teachers, the enthusiasts and the "cranks" of a hundred schools. Finally,


       he thought for himself; he was even willing to try experiments upon himself. As a result, he has not found what he claims is ultimate or final truth; but he has what he might describe as a rough working draft, a practical outline, good for everyday purposes. He is going to have confidence enough in you, the reader, to give you the hardest part first; that is, to begin with the great fundamental questions. What is life, and how does it come to be? What does it mean, and what have we to do with it? Are we its masters or its slaves? What does it owe us, and what do we owe to it? Why is it so hard, and do we have to stand its hardness? And can we really know about all these matters, or will we be only guessing? Can we trust ourselves to think about them, or shall we be safer if we believe what we are told? Shall we be punished if we think wrong, and how shall we be punished? Shall we be rewarded if we think right, and will the pay be worth the trouble?

       Such questions as these I am going to try to answer in the simplest language possible. I would avoid long words altogether, if I could; but some of these long words mean certain definite things, and there are no other words to serve the purpose. You do not refuse to engage in the automobile business because the carburetor and the differential are words of four syllables. Neither should you refuse to get yourself straight with the universe because it is too much trouble to go to the dictionary and learn that the word "phenomenon" means something else than a little boy who can play the piano or do long division in his head.




       Chapter I. The Nature of Life 3

       Attempts to show what we know about life; to set the bounds of real truth as distinguished from phrases and self-deception.

       Chapter II. The Nature of Faith 8

       Attempts to show what we can prove by our reason, and what we know intuitively; what is implied in the process

       of thinking, and without which no thought could be. Chapter III. The Use of Reason 12

       Attempts to show that in the field to which reason applies we are compelled to use it, and are justified in trusting it. Chapter IV. The Origin of Morality 17

       Compares the ways of Nature with human morality, and tries to show how the latter came to be.

       Chapter V. Nature and Man 21

       Attempts to show how man has taken control of Nature, and is carrying on her processes and improving upon them. Chapter VI. Man the Rebel 27

       Shows the transition stage between instinct and reason,

       in which man finds himself, and how he can advance to

       a securer condition.

       Chapter VII. Making Our Morals 31

       Attempts to show that human morality must change to fit human facts, and there can be no judge of it save human reason.

       Chapter VIII. The Virtue of Moderation 37

       Attempts to show that wise conduct is an adjustment of means to ends, and depends upon the understanding of a particular set of circumstances.

       Chapter IX. The Choosing of Life 42

       Discusses the standards by which we may judge what is best in life, and decide what we wish to make of it. Chapter X. Myself and My Neighbor 50

       Compares the new morality with the old, and discusses the relative importance of our various duties.

       Chapter XI. The Mind and the Body 53

       Discusses the interaction between physical and mental things, and the possibility of freedom in a world of fixed causes.

       Chapter XII. The Mind of the Body 61


       Discusses the subconscious mind, what it is, what it does to the body, and how it can be controlled and made use

       of by the intelligence.

       Chapter XIII. Exploring the Subconscious 67

       Discusses automatic writing, the analysis of dreams, and other methods by which a new universe of life has been brought to human knowledge.

       Chapter XIV. The Problem of Immortality 74

       Discusses the survival of personality from the moral point of view: that is, have we any claim upon life, entitling

       us to live forever?

       Chapter XV. The Evidence for Survival 81

       Discusses the data of psychic research, and the proofs of spiritism thus put before us.

       Chapter XVI. The Powers of the Mind 91

       Sets forth the fact that knowledge is freedom and ignorance is slavery, and what science means to the people.

       Chapter XVII. The Conduct of the Mind 98

       Concludes the Book of the Mind with a study of how to preserve and develop its powers for the protection of our lives and the lives of all men.

       PART TWO: THE BOOK OF THE BODY Chapter XVIII. The Unity of the Body 105

       Discusses the body as a whole, and shows that health is

       not a matter of many different organs and functions, but is one problem of one organism.

       Chapter XIX. Experiments in Diet 115

       Narrates the author's adventures in search of health, and his conclusions as to what to eat.

       Chapter XX. Errors in Diet 123

       Discusses the different kinds of foods, and the part they play in the making of health and disease.

       Chapter XXI. Diet Standards 134

       Discusses various foods and their food values, the quantities we need, and their money cost.

       Chapter XXII. Foods and Poisons 145

       Concludes the subject of diet, and discusses the effect upon the system of stimulants and narcotics.

       Chapter XXIII. More About Health 156

       Discusses the subjects of breathing and ventilation, clothing, bathing and sleep.

       Chapter XXIV. Work and Play 163

       Deals with the question of exercise, both for the idle and the overworked.

       Chapter XXV. The Fasting Cure

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