Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant - The Original Classic Edition. Grant Ulysses

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Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant - The Original Classic Edition - Grant Ulysses

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in the grave, while his soul goes marching on." I have often heard my father speak of John Brown, particularly since the events at Harper's Ferry. Brown was a boy when they lived in the same

       house, but he knew him afterwards, and regarded him as a man of great purity of character, of high moral and physical courage, but a fanatic and extremist in whatever he advocated. It was certainly the act of an

       insane man to attempt the invasion of the South, and the overthrow of

       slavery, with less than twenty men.


       My father set up for himself in business, establishing a tannery at Ravenna, the county seat of Portage County. In a few years he removed from Ravenna, and set up the same business at Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio.

       During the minority of my father, the West afforded but poor facilities for the most opulent of the youth to acquire an education, and the majority were dependent, almost exclusively, upon their own exertions for whatever learning they obtained. I have often heard him say that

       his time at school was limited to six months, when he was very young, too young, indeed, to learn much, or to appreciate the advantages of an education, and to a "quarter's schooling" afterwards, probably while living with judge Tod. But his thirst for education was intense. He learned rapidly, and was a constant reader up to the day of his death in his eightieth year. Books were scarce in the Western Reserve during his

       youth, but he read every book he could borrow in the neighborhood where he lived. This scarcity gave him the early habit of studying everything

       he read, so that when he got through with a book, he knew everything in it. The habit continued through life. Even after reading the daily

       papers--which he never neglected--he could give all the important information they contained. He made himself an excellent English scholar, and before he was twenty years of age was a constant

       contributor to Western newspapers, and was also, from that time until he

       was fifty years old, an able debater in the societies for this purpose, which were common in the West at that time. He always took an active part in politics, but was never a candidate for office, except, I

       believe, that he was the first Mayor of Georgetown. He supported

       Jackson for the Presidency; but he was a Whig, a great admirer of Henry


       Clay, and never voted for any other democrat for high office after


       My mother's family lived in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, for several generations. I have little information about her ancestors. Her family

       took no interest in genealogy, so that my grandfather, who died when I was sixteen years old, knew only back to his grandfather. On the other side, my father took a great interest in the subject, and in his

       researches, he found that there was an entailed estate in Windsor, Connecticut, belonging to the family, to which his nephew, Lawson Grant

       --still living--was the heir. He was so much interested in the subject

       that he got his nephew to empower him to act in the matter, and in 1832 or 1833, when I was a boy ten or eleven years old, he went to Windsor, proved the title beyond dispute, and perfected the claim of the owners for a consideration--three thousand dollars, I think. I remember the circumstance well, and remember, too, hearing him say on his return that he found some widows living on the property, who had little or nothing beyond their homes. From these he refused to receive any recompense.

       My mother's father, John Simpson, moved from Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, to Clermont County, Ohio, about the year 1819, taking with him his four children, three daughters and one son. My mother, Hannah Simpson, was the third of these children, and was then over twenty years of age. Her oldest sister was at that time married, and had several

       children. She still lives in Clermont County at this writing, October

       5th, 1884, and is over ninety ears of age. Until her memory failed her,

       a few years ago, she thought the country ruined beyond recovery when the

       Democratic party lost control in 1860. Her family, which was large,

       inherited her views, with the exception of one son who settled in


       Kentucky before the war. He was the only one of the children who entered the volunteer service to suppress the rebellion.

       Her brother, next of age and now past eighty-eight, is also still living

       in Clermont County, within a few miles of the old homestead, and is as active in mind as ever. He was a supporter of the Government during the war, and remains a firm believer, that national success by the

       Democratic party means irretrievable ruin.

       In June, 1821, my father, Jesse R. Grant, married Hannah Simpson. I was born on the 27th of April, 1822, at Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio. In the fall of 1823 we moved to Georgetown, the county seat of Brown, the adjoining county east. This place remained my home, until at the age of seventeen, in 1839, I went to West Point.

       The schools, at the time of which I write, were very indifferent. There were no free schools, and none in which the scholars were classified. They were all supported by subscription, and a single teacher--who was

       often a man or a woman incapable of teaching much, even if they imparted all they knew--would have thirty or forty scholars, male and female,

       from the infant learning the A B C's up to the young lady of eighteen and the boy of twenty, studying the highest branches taught--the three R's, "Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic." I never saw an algebra, or other mathematical work higher than the arithmetic, in Georgetown, until after I was appointed to West Point. I then bought a work on algebra in Cincinnati; but having no teacher it was Greek to me.

       My life in Georgetown was uneventful. From the age of five or six until

       seventeen, I attended the subscription schools of the village, except


       during the winters of 1836-7 and 1838-9. The former period was spent in Maysville, Kentucky, attending the school of Richardson and Rand; the latter in Ripley, Ohio, at a private school. I was not studious in

       habit, and probably did not make progress enough to compensate for the outlay for board and tuition. At all events both winters were spent in going over the same old arithmetic which I knew every word of before, and repeating: "A noun is the name of a thing," which I had also heard my Georgetown teachers repeat, until I had come to believe it--but I

       cast no reflections upon my old teacher, Richardson. He turned out bright scholars from his school, many of whom have filled conspicuous places in the service of their States. Two of my contemporaries there

       --who, I believe, never attended any other institution of learning--have held seats in Congress, and one, if not both, other high offices; these are Wadsworth and Brewster.

       My father was, from my earliest recollection, in comfortable circumstances, considering the times, his place of residence, and the community in which he lived. Mindful of his own lack of facilities

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