The Lives of the III Normans, Kings of England: William the First, William the Second, Henrie the First - The Original Classic Edition. Hayward John

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The Lives of the III Normans, Kings of England: William the First, William the Second, Henrie the First - The Original Classic Edition - Hayward John

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Countrey, and in the night. Earle Edwine and Earle Morchar, brothers of approoued both courage and faith, did great seruice at that time, in collecting these dispersed Troupes, and leading them in some fashion to London.

       Duke William surprised with Ioy, gaue publike charge for a solemne thanksgiuing to God. Then he erected his pauilion in the middest of the field, among the thickest of those bodies whom death had made to lie quietly together. There he passed the residue of that night; and the next morning mustered his souldiers, buried those that were slaine, and gaue libertie to the English to do the like. The bodie of King Harold could not be knowen by his face, it was so deformed by death, and by his wound; by his armour

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