How to Speak and Write Correctly - The Original Classic Edition. Devlin Joseph

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How to Speak and Write Correctly - The Original Classic Edition - Devlin Joseph

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or affirmation. An auxiliary is a verb joined to the root or participles of a principal verb to express time and manner with greater precision than can be done by the tenses and moods in their simple form. Thus, the sentence, "I am writing an exercise; when I shall have finished it I shall read it to the class." has no meaning without the principal verbs writing, finished read; but the meaning is rendered more definite, especially with regard to time, by the auxiliary verbs am, have, shall.

       There are nine auxiliary or helping verbs, viz., Be, have, do, shall, will, may, can, ought, and must. They are called helping verbs,


       because it is by their aid the compound tenses are formed. TO BE

       The verb To Be is the most important of the auxiliary verbs. It has eleven parts, viz., am, art, is, are, was, wast, were, wert; be, being

       and been. VOICE

       The active voice is that form of the verb which shows the Subject not being acted upon but acting; as, "The cat catches mice." "Charity covers a multitude of sins."

       The passive voice: When the action signified by a transitive verb is thrown back upon the agent, that is to say, when the subject of

       the verb denotes the recipient of the action, the verb is said to be in the passive voice. "John was loved by his neighbors." Here John the subject is also the object affected by the loving, the action of the verb is thrown back on him, hence the compound verb was loved is said to be in the passive voice. The passive voice is formed by putting the perfect participle of any transitive verb with any

       of the eleven parts of the verb To Be. CONJUGATION

       The conjugation of a verb is its orderly arrangement in voices, moods, tenses, persons and numbers. Here is the complete conjugation of the verb "Love"--Active Voice.


       Present Past Past Participle Love Loved Loved Infinitive Mood

       To Love

       Indicative Mood

       PRESENT TENSE Sing. Plural

       1st person I love We love

       2nd person You love You love

       3rd person He loves They love


       Sing. Plural

       1st person I loved We loved

       2nd person You loved You loved

       3rd person He loved They loved


      Sing. Plural

      1st person

      I shall love

      They will love

      2nd person

      You will love

      You will love

      3rd person

      He will love

      We shall love

      [Transcriber's note: 1st person plural and 3rd person plural reversed in original]


       Sing. Plural

       1st person I have loved We have loved

       2nd person You have loved You have loved


       3rd person He has loved They have loved


      Sing. Plural

      1st person

      I had loved

      We had loved

      2nd person

      You had loved

      You had loved

      3rd person

      He had loved

      They had loved


       Sing. Plural

       1st person I shall have loved We shall have loved

       2nd person You will have loved You will have loved

       3rd person He will have loved They will have loved

       Imperative Mood


       Sing. Plural

       2nd person Love (you) Love (you) Subjunctive Mood

       PRESENT TENSE Sing. Plural

       1st person If I love If we love

       2nd person If you love If you love

       3rd person If he love If they love


       Sing. Plural

       1st person If I loved If we loved

       2nd person If you loved If you loved

       3rd person If he loved If they loved


      Sing. Plural

      1st person

      If I have loved

      If we have loved

      2nd person

      If you have loved

      If you have loved

      3rd person

      If he has loved

      If they have loved


      Sing. Plural

      1st person

      If I had loved

      If we had loved


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