Lad: A Dog - The Original Classic Edition. Terhune Albert

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Lad: A Dog - The Original Classic Edition - Terhune Albert

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Over and over they rolled. They regained their footing and reared again. Lad's saber-shaped tusk ripped a furrow in Knave's satiny

       forehead; and Knave's half deflected slash in return set bleeding the big vein at the top of Lad's left ear.

       Lady was wide awake long before this. Standing immovable, yet wildly excited--after the age-old fashion of the female brute for

       whom males battle and who knows she is to be the winner's prize--she watched every turn of the fight.

       Up once more, the dogs clashed, chest to chest. Knave, with an instinctive throwback to his wolf forebears of five hundred years

       earlier, dived for Lad's forelegs with the hope of breaking one of them between his foaming jaws.

       He missed the hold by a fraction of an inch. The skin alone was torn. And down over the little white forepaw--one of the forepaws that Lad was wont to lick for an hour a day to keep them snowy--ran a trickle of blood.

       That miss was a costly error for Knave. For Lad's teeth sought and found his left shoulder, and sank deep therein. Knave twisted and wheeled with lightning speed and with all his strength. Yet had not his gold-hued ruff choked Lad and pressed stranglingly against

       his nostrils, all the heavier dog's struggles would not have set him free.

       As it was, Lad, gasping for breath enough to fill[Pg 22] his lungs, relaxed his grip ever so slightly. And in that fraction of a second

       Knave tore free, leaving a mouthful of hair and skin in his enemy's jaws.

       In the same wrench that liberated him--and as the relieved tension sent Lad stumbling forward--Knave instinctively saw his chance and took it. Again heredity came to his aid, for he tried a manoeuver known only to wolves and to collies. Flashing above his stumbling foe's head, Knave seized Lad from behind, just below the base of the skull. And holding him thus helpless, he proceeded to

       grit and grind his tight-clenched teeth in the slow, relentless motion that must soon or late eat down to and sever the spinal cord.

       Lad, even as he thrashed frantically about, felt there was no escape. He was well-nigh as powerless against a strong opponent in this position as is a puppy that is held up by the scruff of the neck.


       Without a sound, but still struggling as best he might, he awaited his fate. No longer was he growling or snarling.

       His patient, bloodshot eyes sought wistfully for Lady. And they did not find her.

       For even as they sought her, a novel element entered into the battle. Lady, hitherto awaiting with true feminine meekness the outcome of the scrimmage, saw her old flame's terrible plight, under the grinding jaws. And, proving herself false to all canons of ancestry--moved by some impulse she did not try to resist--she jumped forward.[Pg 23] Forgetting the pain in her swollen foot, she nipped Knave sharply in the hind leg. Then, as if abashed by her unfeminine behavior, she drew back, in shame.

       But the work was done.

       Through the red war lust Knave dimly realized that he was attacked from behind--perhaps that his new opponent stood an excellent chance of gaining upon him such a death-hold as he himself now held.

       He loosed his grip and whizzed about, frothing and snapping, to face the danger. Before Knave had half completed his lightning whirl, Lad had him by the side of the throat.

       It was no death-grip, this. Yet it was not only acutely painful, but it held its victim quite as powerless as he had just now held Lad. Bearing down with all his weight and setting his white little front teeth and his yellowing tusks firmly in their hold, Lad gradually shoved Knave's head sideways to the ground and held it there.

       The result on Knave's activities was much the same as is obtained by sitting on the head of a kicking horse that has fallen. Unable to wrench loose, helpless to counter, in keen agony from the pinching of the tender throat-skin beneath the masses of ruff, Knave lost his nerve. And he forthwith justified those yellowish streaks in his mouth-roof whereof the baggage-man had spoken.

       He made the air vibrate with his abject howls of pain and fear. He was caught. He could not get[Pg 24] away. Lad was hurting him horribly. Wherefore he ki-yi-ed as might any gutter cur whose tail is stepped upon.

       Presently, beyond the fight haze, Lad saw a shadow in front of him--a shadow that resolved itself in the settling dust, as the Master.

       And Lad came to himself.

       He loosed his hold on Knave's throat, and stood up, groggily. Knave, still yelping, tucked his tail between his legs and fled for his

       life--out of The Place, out of your story.

       Slowly, stumblingly, but without a waver of hesitation, Lad went up to the Master. He was gasping for breath, and he was weak from fearful exertion and from loss of blood. Up to the Master he went--straight up to him.

       And not until he was a scant two yards away did he see that the Master held something in his hand--that abominable, mischief-mak- ing eagle's head, which he had just picked up! Probably the dog-whip was in the other hand. It did not matter much. Lad was ready for this final degradation. He would not try to dodge it, he the double breaker of laws.

       Then--the Master was kneeling beside him. The kind hand was caressing the dog's dizzy head, the dear voice--a queer break in it--

       was saying remorsefully:

       "Oh Lad! Laddie! I'm so sorry. So sorry![Pg 25] You're--you're more of a man than I am, old friend. I'll make it up to you, somehow!"

       And now besides the loved hand, there was another touch, even more precious--a warmly caressing little pink tongue that licked his bleeding foreleg.

       Lady--timidly, adoringly--was trying to stanch her hero's wounds.

       "Lady, I apologize to you too," went on the foolish Master. "I'm sorry, girl."

       Lady was too busy soothing the hurts of her newly discovered mate to understand. But Lad understood. Lad always understood.

       [Pg 26]



       To Lad the real world was bounded by The Place. Outside, there were a certain number of miles of land and there were an uncertain number of people. But the miles were uninspiring, except for a cross-country tramp with the Master. And the people were fool-

       ish and strange folk who either stared at him--which always annoyed Lad--or else tried to pat him; which he hated. But The Place was--The Place.

       Always, he had lived on The Place. He felt he owned it. It was assuredly his to enjoy, to guard, to patrol from high road to lake. It was his world.

       The denizens of every world must have at least one deity to worship. Lad had one: the Master. Indeed, he had two: the Master and the Mistress. And because the dog was strong of soul and chivalric, withal, and because the Mistress was altogether lovable, Lad placed her altar even above the Master's. Which was wholly as it should have been.

       There were other people at The Place--people to whom a dog must be courteous, as becomes a[Pg 27] thoroughbred, and whose caresses he must accept. Very often, there were guests, too. And from puppyhood, Lad had been taught the sacredness of the Guest Law. Civilly, he would

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