The Beasts of Tarzan - The Original Classic Edition. Burroughs Edgar

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The Beasts of Tarzan - The Original Classic Edition - Burroughs Edgar

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       become the dominant creatures of their haunts, so tremendous a power of destruction lies in their mighty thews and savage fangs.

       With a low snarl the beast now hurled himself at Tarzan, but the ape-man had found, among other things in the haunts of civilized

       man, certain methods of scientific warfare that are unknown to the jungle folk.

       Whereas, a few years since, he would have met the brute rush with brute force, he now sidestepped his antagonist's headlong charge, and as the brute hurtled past him swung a mighty right to the pit of the ape's stomach.

       With a howl of mingled rage and anguish the great anthropoid bent double and sank to the ground, though almost instantly he was again struggling to his feet.

       Before he could regain them, however, his white-skinned foe had wheeled and pounced upon him, and in the act there dropped from

       the shoulders of the English lord the last shred of his superficial mantle of civilization.

       Once again he was the jungle beast revelling in bloody conflict with his kind. Once again he was Tarzan, son of Kala the she-ape.

       His strong, white teeth sank into the hairy throat of his enemy as he sought the pulsing jugular.

       Powerful fingers held the mighty fangs from his own flesh, or clenched and beat with the power of a steam-hammer upon the snarl-

       ing, foam-flecked face of his adversary.

       In a circle about them the balance of the tribe of apes stood watching and enjoying the struggle. They muttered low gutturals of approval as bits of white hide or hairy bloodstained skin were torn from one contestant or the other. But they were silent in amazement and expectation when they saw the mighty white ape wriggle upon the back of their king, and, with steel muscles tensed beneath the armpits of his antagonist, bear down mightily with his open palms upon the back of the thick bullneck, so that the king ape could but shriek in agony and flounder helplessly about upon the thick mat of jungle grass.

       As Tarzan had overcome the huge Terkoz that time years before when he had been about to set out upon his quest for human be-ings of his own kind and colour, so now he overcame this other great ape with the same wrestling hold upon which he had stumbled by accident during that other combat. The little audience of fierce anthropoids heard the creaking of their king's neck mingling with his agonized shrieks and hideous roaring.

       Then there came a sudden crack, like the breaking of a stout limb before the fury of the wind. The bullet-head crumpled forward

       upon its flaccid neck against the great hairy chest--the roaring and the shrieking ceased.

       The little pig-eyes of the onlookers wandered from the still form of their leader to that of the white ape that was rising to its feet beside the vanquished, then back to their king as though in wonder that he did not arise and slay this presumptuous stranger.

       They saw the newcomer place a foot upon the neck of the quiet figure at his feet and, throwing back his head, give vent to the wild,

       uncanny challenge of the bull-ape that has made a kill. Then they knew that their king was dead.

       Across the jungle rolled the horrid notes of the victory cry. The little monkeys in the tree-tops ceased their chattering. The harsh-voiced, brilliant-plumed birds were still. From afar came the answering wail of a leopard and the deep roar of a lion.

       It was the old Tarzan who turned questioning eyes upon the little knot of apes before him. It was the old Tarzan who shook his head as though to toss back a heavy mane that had fallen before his face--an old habit dating from the days that his great shock of thick, black hair had fallen about his shoulders, and often tumbled before his eyes when it had meant life or death to him to have his vision unobstructed.

       The ape-man knew that he might expect an immediate attack on the part of that particular surviving bull-ape who felt himself best

       fitted to contend for the kingship of the tribe. Among his own apes he knew that it was not unusual for an entire stranger to enter a community and, after having dispatched the king, assume the leadership of the tribe himself, together with the fallen monarch's mates.

       On the other hand, if he made no attempt to follow them, they might move slowly away from him, later to fight among themselves for the supremacy. That he could be king of them, if he so chose, he was confident; but he was not sure he cared to assume the sometimes irksome duties of that position, for he could see no particular advantage to be gained thereby.


       One of the younger apes, a huge, splendidly muscled brute, was edging threateningly closer to the ape-man. Through his bared fighting fangs there issued a low, sullen growl.

       Tarzan watched his every move, standing rigid as a statue. To have fallen back a step would have been to precipitate an immediate charge; to have rushed forward to meet the other might have had the same result, or it might have put the bellicose one to flight--it all depended upon the young bull's stock of courage.

       To stand perfectly still, waiting, was the middle course. In this event the bull would, according to custom, approach quite close to the object of his attention, growling hideously and baring slavering fangs. Slowly he would circle about the other, as though with a chip upon his shoulder; and this he did, even as Tarzan had foreseen.

       It might be a bluff royal, or, on the other hand, so unstable is the mind of an ape, a passing impulse might hurl the hairy mass, tearing and rending, upon the man without an instant's warning.

       As the brute circled him Tarzan turned slowly, keeping his eyes ever upon the eyes of his antagonist. He had appraised the young

       bull as one who had never quite felt equal to the task of overthrowing his former king, but who one day would have done so. Tarzan saw that the beast was of wondrous proportions, standing over seven feet upon his short, bowed legs.

       His great, hairy arms reached almost to the ground even when he stood erect, and his fighting fangs, now quite close to Tarzan's

       face, were exceptionally long and sharp. Like the others of his tribe, he differed in several minor essentials from the apes of Tarzan's boyhood.

       At first the ape-man had experienced a thrill of hope at sight of the shaggy bodies of the anthropoids--a hope that by some strange

       freak of fate he had been again returned to his own tribe; but a closer inspection had convinced him that these were another species.

       As the threatening bull continued his stiff and jerky circling of the ape-man, much after the manner that you have noted among dogs when a strange canine comes among them, it occurred to Tarzan to discover if the language of his own tribe was identical with that of this other family, and so he addressed the brute in the language of the tribe of Kerchak.

       "Who are you," he asked, "who threatens Tarzan of the Apes?" The hairy brute looked his surprise.

       "I am Akut," replied the other in the same simple, primal tongue which is so low in the scale of spoken languages that, as Tarzan had

       surmised, it was identical with that of the tribe in which the first twenty years of his life had been spent.

       "I am Akut," said the ape. "Molak is dead. I am king. Go away or I shall kill you!"

       "You saw how easily I killed Molak," replied Tarzan. "So I could kill you if I cared to be

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