Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England - The Original Classic Edition. Bede the

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Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England - The Original Classic Edition - Bede the

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       Chap. XXX. How the East Saxons, during a pestilence, returned to idolatry, but were soon brought back from their error by the zeal

       of Bishop Jaruman. [665 a.d.]

       Book IV

       Chap. I. How when Deusdedit died, Wighard was sent to Rome to receive the episcopate; but he dying there, Theodore was ordained

       archbishop, and sent into Britain with the Abbot Hadrian. [664-669 a.d.]

       Chap. II. How Theodore visited all places; how the Churches of the English began to be instructed in the study of Holy Scripture, and in the Catholic truth; and how Putta was made bishop of the Church of Rochester in the room of Damianus. [669 a.d.]

       Chap. III. How the above-mentioned Ceadda was made Bishop of the province of Mercians. Of his life, death, and burial. [669 a.d.] Chap. IV. How Bishop Colman, having left Britain, built two monasteries in the country of the Scots; the one for the Scots, the other for the English whom he had taken along with him. [667 a.d.]

       Chap. V. Of the death of the kings Oswy and Egbert, and of the synod held at the place Herutford, in which Archbishop Theodore

       presided. [670-673 a.d.]

       Chap. VI. How Wynfrid being deposed, Sexwulf received his bishopric, and Earconwald was made bishop of the East Saxons. [675


       Chap. VII. How it was indicated by a light from heaven where the bodies of the nuns should be buried in the monastery of Be-

       recingum. [675 a.d.?]

       Chap. VIII. How a little boy, dying in the same monastery, called upon a virgin that was to follow him; and how another nun, at the point of leaving her body, saw some small part of the future glory. [675 a.d.?]

       Chap. IX. Of the signs which were shown from Heaven when the mother of that community departed this life. [675 a.d.?]


       Chap. X. How a blind woman, praying in the burial-place of that monastery, was restored to her sight. [675 a.d.?] Chap. XI. How Sebbi, king of the same province, ended his life in a monastery. [694 a.d.]

       Chap. XII. How Haedde succeeded Leutherius in the bishopric of the West Saxons; how Cuichelm succeeded Putta in the bishopric of the church of Rochester, and was himself succeeded by Gebmund; and who were then bishops of the Northumbrians. [673-681 a.d.]

       Chap. XIII. How Bishop Wilfrid converted the province of the South Saxons to Christ. [681 a.d.]

       Chap. XIV. How a pestilence ceased through the intercession of King Oswald. [681-686 a.d.]

       Chap. XV. How King Caedwalla, king of the Gewissae, having slain Ethelwalch, wasted that Province with cruel slaughter and devas-

       tation. [685 a.d.]

       Chap. XVI. How the Isle of Wight received Christian inhabitants, and two royal youths of that island were killed immediately after

       Baptism. [686 a.d.]

       Chap. XVII. Of the Synod held in the plain of Haethfelth, Archbishop Theodore being president. [680 a.d.]

       Chap. XVIII. Of John, the precentor of the Apostolic see, who came into Britain to teach. [680 a.d.]

       Chap. XIX. How Queen Ethelthryth always preserved her virginity, and her body suffered no corruption in the grave. [660-696 a.d.]

       Chap. XX. A Hymn concerning her.

       Chap. XXI. How Bishop Theodore made peace between the kings Egfrid and Ethelred. [679 a.d.] Chap. XXII. How a certain captive's chains fell off when Masses were sung for him. [679 a.d.] Chap. XXIII. Of the life and death of the Abbess Hilda. [614-680 a.d.]

       Chap. XXIV. That there was in her monastery a brother, on whom the gift of song was bestowed by Heaven. [680 a.d.]

       Chap. XXV. Of the vision that appeared to a certain man of God before the monastery of the city Coludi was burned down. Chap. XXVI. Of the death of the Kings Egfrid and Hlothere. [684-685 a.d.]

       Chap. XXVII. How Cuthbert, a man of God, was made bishop; and how he lived and taught whilst still in the monastic life. [685


       Chap. XXVIII. How the same St. Cuthbert, living the life of an Anchorite, by his prayers obtained a spring in a dry soil, and had a crop from seed sown by the labour of his hands out of season. [676 a.d.]

       Chap. XXIX. How this bishop foretold that his own death was at hand to the anchorite Herebert. [687 a.d.]

       Chap. XXX. How his body was found altogether uncorrupted after it had been buried eleven years; and how his successor in the

       bishopric departed this world not long after. [698 a.d.]

       Chap. XXXI. Of one that was cured of a palsy at his tomb.

       Chap. XXXII. Of one who was lately cured of a disease in his eye at the relics of St. Cuthbert. Book V

       Chap. I. How Ethelwald, successor to Cuthbert, leading a hermit's life, calmed a tempest by his prayers when the brethren were in

       danger at sea. [687-699 a.d.]

       Chap. II. How Bishop John cured a dumb man by his blessing. [687 a.d.] Chap. III. How he healed a sick maiden by his prayers. [705 a.d.]

       Chap. IV. How he healed a thegn's wife that was sick, with holy water.

       Chap. V. How he likewise recalled by his prayers a thegn's servant from death.

       Chap. VI. How, both by his prayers and blessing, he recalled from death one of his clerks, who had bruised himself by a fall.

       Chap. VII. How Caedwalla, king of the West Saxons, went to Rome to be baptized; and his successor Ini, also devoutly journeyed to the same threshold of the holy Apostles. [688 a.d.]

       Chap. VIII. How, when Archbishop Theodore died, Bertwald succeeded him as archbishop, and, among many others whom he ordained, he made the learned Tobias bishop of the church of Rochester. [690 a.d.]

       Chap. IX. How the holy man, Egbert, would have gone into Germany to preach, but could not; and how Wictbert went, but because he availed nothing, returned into Ireland, whence he came. [Circ. 688 a.d.]

       Chap. X. How Wilbrord, preaching in Frisland, converted many to Christ; and how his two companions, the Hewalds, suffered martyrdom. [690 a.d.]

       Chap. XI. How the venerable Suidbert in Britain, and Wilbrord at Rome, were ordained bishops for Frisland. [692 a.d.]

       Chap. XII. How one in the province of the Northumbrians, rose from the dead, and related many things which he had seen, some to be greatly dreaded and some to be desired. [Circ. 696 a.d.]

       Chap. XIII. How another contrarywise before his death saw a book containing his sins, which was shown him by devils. [704-709


       Chap. XIV. How another in like manner, being at the point of death, saw the place of punishment appointed for him in Hell. Chap. XV. How divers churches of the Scots, at the instance of Adamnan, adopted the Catholic Easter; and how the same wrote a book about

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