Mystery at Saddle Creek. Shelley Peterson

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Mystery at Saddle Creek - Shelley Peterson The Saddle Creek Series

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is his full name?” The young policeman smiled encouragement. “Phil who?”

      “Philip B ... Butler,” answered Liz.

      The two policemen exchanged a glance.

      “But it couldn’t be Phil! He’s a really nice m ... man. He’d never hurt anybody.” Liz blushed and stammered, something she did only when she was upset. “A ... And he used to be a p ... policeman!”

      “Thanks for your help. What is your name please, young lady?”

      Liz was turning white.“Elizabeth Brown.But honestly,I didn’t m ... mean that I think it’s him, the picture only r ... reminds me of him. A little.”

      “Don’t worry. If he’s innocent he has nothing to fear.” The young officer turned to Bird. “You haven’t looked at this yet, miss. Does it remind you of anyone?”

      Bird looked from one policeman to the other. “Yes.”

      All eyes were on her.

      “With shorter hair, it looks like you.” She pointed to the young officer.

      Liz and Julia covered their mouths but the policemen were not amused. “This is not a joke,” said Officer Paris sternly.

      But Bird wasn’t joking; she was making a point. The picture resembled any number of people, all innocent except for one.

      Paul deflected the tension with a question. “Could we keep one of your sketches and ask the people who board horses here?”

      Officer Paris answered, “No. We’ll ask them ourselves. We need to gauge their reactions. Where does your staff live?”

      Hannah pointed north. “I don’t think they’re home right now, but it’s the house at the end of the next lane. Go back to the road, turn right, then go up the next driveway. The house there has an apartment upstairs, so knock on both doors.”

      “Thank you for your time.” The two policemen stood up and left.

      Once the door closed, they all took a deep breath.

      Bird was the first to break the silence. “We’d better warn Cliff. That sketch looked like him, too.”

      Hannah nodded. “And Pierre Hall.”

      Paul turned to Liz. “Don’t worry. Somebody else would’ve identified Phil if you didn’t. It does look a lot like him.”

      “Anyone for ice cream?”asked Hannah brightly.“We can’t sit here and stew all night.”

      “You all go ahead,” said Bird. “I’m riding Sunny. I’ve got an hour and a half before it gets dark.”

      “Bird, a woman was attacked today and the man is still out there!” Hannah’s voice was filled with alarm.

      “You think a man can outrun Sundancer?”

      “Your Aunt Hannah’s right, Bird.” Paul backed her up. “This is no time for you to be out there alone.”

      Julia piped up. “She won’t be alone. Liz and I’ll go with her!”

      “Definitely not.” Hannah was firm. “And definitely not for you, too, Bird. Your mother would never forgive me if something happened. And she’d be right. It’s not safe.”

      “I’ll be perfectly safe,” Bird said calmly. “And I need to ride Sunny. Besides, the man’s probably lying low. Hiding. He knows the police are everywhere. He wouldn’t dare make a move tonight.”

      Hannah and Paul looked at each other. Paul raised an eyebrow and motioned to the jumping ring outside the house. “There’s mocha fudge ice cream in the freezer.”

      Hannah looked Bird in the eye. “I don’t like this one bit, but if you must, Bird, practice in the paddock where we can see you. Do you hear me? And be back inside within the hour.”

      Bird grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the table and pulled on her boots. “Thanks.”

      Before Hannah could change her mind, Bird ran out to Sunny’s paddock.

       Come on, horse. Time to rock and roll!

       Give a horse a chance to think!

       We’ve got to hurry before Hannah changes her mind. There’s a bad man on the loose.

       Just one? We can take him.

       That’s what I told her. Here’s an apple.

       That’s my girl.

       We have to stay in the ring.

       Come on!

       Hannah said.

       Can we warm up on the trails? Please? It’s so boring in the ring!

      Bird thought about it. She ran a brush over Sunny and threw on the tack. She glanced at the house. Through the kitchen window, she could see Hannah making ice cream cones for the girls.

      Quickly Bird mounted, and soon they were trotting down the path toward the back. She knew she was disregarding Hannah’s instructions, but it was such a nice time of day! She loved the trails on summer evenings, after the hot sun had cooled. The perfect time to ride was after seven-thirty and before the sun set at nine. She’d just warm up on the trails, like Sunny had suggested, then work in the ring.

      The smell of fresh-cut hay and thyme wafted on the warm breeze. Bird had been desperate to get outdoors after the policemen’s visit, and she could think of nothing better than breathing in fresh air while sitting on the back of her horse.

      “Ah,” Bird said aloud. “This is the life.” The trail led to the back of the farm, then down the Escarpment. She eyed the cool forest below with yearning. Decision time, Bird thought. Obey Hannah or go down the ridge.

      Hannah didn’t have to know.

      Bird and Sunny carefully descended the winding, rocky path. The shade of the forest embraced them. Sunlight played through the leaves, and little creatures scurried for cover. Bird relaxed. The ride was having a therapeutic effect on her—it was washing away the stresses of the day. She was sure they’d made the right decision.

      Suddenly, a man stepped out of the bushes and waved frantically. Bird and Sundancer were caught completely by surprise. Sunny reared up on his hind legs in fright and spun. Bird managed to stay on by a hair. She turned her head and looked hard at the man who’d materialized out of thin air. He seemed ... wild. He was around twenty, with matted dark hair and scrubby facial hair. He was naked except for a pair of old gym shorts and ripped sneakers. But it was his eyes that really caught her attention. They were full of worry and need.

       Easy, Sunny. He wants to tell me something.

      Sunny reared again and took off at a gallop. I don’t care. We’re

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