Underdogs. Chris Bonnello

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Underdogs - Chris Bonnello Underdogs

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      Mark Walden

      Gavin Walker

      Kay Ward

      Juliana Watson

      Rosalind Weinstock

      Kristine Weiskopf

      Amanda Wheeler

      William Stephen White

      Sarah Whiting

      Sandy Wild

      Kat Williams

      Steven Wilson

      Vicki Wingrove

      John Wofford

      Susan Wolfe

      Ana Maria Young


      The Underdogs of Spitfire’s Rise as of May 16th, Year One

First name Last name Age Notes
Kate Arrowsmith 16 Secondary student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnoses: Autism, Severe Anxiety.
Charlie Coleman 15 Secondary student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnosis: ADHD.
Gracie Freeman 15 Secondary student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnosis: Global Development Delay.
Alex Ginelli 22 Deputy store manager, Fixit hardware store, Bancroft Road, Brighton.
Mark Gunnarsson 18 Post-16 student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnosis: unclear.
Jack Hopper 17 Post-16 student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnosis: Asperger Syndrome.
Joseph McCormick 64 Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences, Greenwich University.
First name Last name Age Notes
Thomas Foster 9 Year 4 pupil, St David’s Primary School, St Alban’s.
Lorraine Shepherd 52 Nurse, Queen’s Hospital stroke unit, Luton.
Raj Singh 15 Secondary student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnosis: Dyslexia.
Ewan West 16 Secondary student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnosis: Autism (PDA profile).
Simon Young 14 Secondary student, Oakenfold Special School, Harpenden. Diagnosis: Down’s Syndrome.
Shannon Grant 17 Daughter of Great Britain’s autocratic dictator, Nicholas Grant.

       And the highest-ranking staff of New London Citadel:

First name Last name Age Notes
Nicholas Grant 55 Undisputed ruler of Great Britain.
Iain Marshall 43 Head of Military Division.
Nathaniel Pearce 42 Chief of Scientific Research.
Oliver Roth 14 Primary assassin.


      Oliver Roth never felt like words on a screen did him justice. He sat at his workstation, browsing the clone factory incident report, and wished it had been written with a little more flair – with him being recognised as more heroic. He had earned it.

      He grabbed his last slice of pizza and ate it in two mouthfuls. Life in New London’s upper floors, with literally only three people in the country who outranked him, came with its fair share of luxuries. Among them was the opportunity for pizza on demand, even for breakfast. Yes, as a growing boy and a professional assassin, healthy eating was important. But only when his bosses were looking.

      Besides, they’d forced a fourteen-year-old out of his bed at half six in the morning. So him eating pizza for breakfast was their fault, really.

      Executive Summary Report: New London Clone Factory Destruction

      Roth huffed. Nicholas Grant, dictator and master of Great Britain, had chosen such a stale and wooden title for such an exciting few days.

      Updates in progress: May 16th, Year One On April 23rd, Shannon Grant fled New London with her associate, Lt Anthony Lambourne (deceased). They hid in a disused NHS health centre with a small group of Takeover Day escapees. There they were found and killed by Keith Tylor (deceased) within twenty-four hours, with the exception of Shannon. As commanded by Nicholas Grant, Shannon was transported by Tylor back towards New London. However, she was able to kill him and escape.

      Wow Nick, could you have made this sound any more boring? This is your estranged daughter you’re writing about !

      But Roth smiled. That was the great thing about being asked to proofread. He could make whatever edits he wanted.

      She was able to stab Tylor more than fifty times and leave him dead in

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