The Wind That Lays Waste. Selva Almada

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The Wind That Lays Waste - Selva Almada

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see now was the hood with its chrome plating and smoke or steam coming out the sides. Then her father walked past; she heard him open the trunk and shift the suitcases. Two big, battered suitcases, secured with leather straps, which held all their belongings. In his: six shirts, three suits, an overcoat, undershirts, socks, underwear, another pair of shoes. In hers: three shirts, three skirts, two dresses, a coat, underwear, another pair of shoes. The Reverend slammed the trunk shut again.

      Leni got out. The sun was scorching, and it was only nine in the morning. She undid the top two buttons of her shirt, walked around the car, and found her father putting out the warning triangles. She looked at the triangles and the deserted road. Between Tostado and where they were, they hadn’t seen a single car.

      ‘Any moment now a Good Samaritan will come along,’ said the Reverend, with his hands on his hips and a smile on his face, oozing faith.

      She looked at him.

      ‘The good Lord won’t leave us stranded here,’ he said, rubbing his lower back, ruined by all those years of driving.

      Leni thought that if one fine day the good Lord actually came down from the Kingdom of Heaven to attend to the Reverend’s mechanical mishaps, her father would be more stunned than anyone. He’d fall on his backside. And piss himself too.

      She took a few steps on the road, which was full of cracks and potholes. Her heels clicked on the concrete.

      It was a place that seemed to have been completely forsaken by humans. Her gaze ranged over the stunted, dry, twisted trees and the bristly grass in the fields. From the very first day of Creation, God too had forsaken that place. But she was used to it. She’d spent her whole life in places like that.

      ‘Don’t go far,’ her father called out.

      Leni lifted an arm to indicate that she had heard him.

      ‘And get off the road; if someone comes, there could be an accident.’

      Leni laughed to herself. Yeah, or a hare might run her down. She turned her Walkman on and tried to find a station. Nothing. Only aimless static on the air. Steady white noise.

      After a while she came back and leaned on the trunk, beside her father.

      ‘Get in the car. This sun is fierce,’ said the Reverend.

      ‘I’m fine.’

      She glanced across at him. He looked a bit downhearted.

      ‘Someone will come, Father.’

      ‘Yes, of course. We must have faith. It’s not a very busy road.’

      ‘I don’t know. I saw a pair of guinea pigs up there. They went flying over the asphalt so they wouldn’t burn their paws.’ Leni laughed, and so did the Reverend.

      ‘Ah, my girl. Jesus has blessed me,’ he said, and patted her on the cheek.

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