Seasons of Grace. Ann Lewin
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Here are some prayers which could be used as the figures arrive at each resting place:
Welcoming the figures
Heavenly Father,
as we welcome Mary and Joseph
to be with us for a while,
we pray that we will know your presence with us
in all our preparations to celebrate
the birth of your Son,
and that the sense of your presence
will grow in us in all the days to come, Amen.
For travellers
God of the journey,
as we remember Joseph and Mary
on their way to Bethlehem,
we pray for all who travel
by road and rail,
in the air or on the sea.
Protect them from danger,
and bring them safely
to their journey’s end. Amen.
For all expecting a child
Father, Mother God,
we ask your blessing on all
who are preparing to be parents.
May the birth be accomplished safely,
and new life nurtured with wisdom and love,
for his sake who became a child for us. Amen.
For children
Heavenly Father,
we thank you for children,
for their joy, their trust and their simplicity.
Be with them, we pray, as they grow.
May they always know that they are loved
by you, and by those to whom
you have entrusted their care. Amen.
For homeless people
Loving God,
we pray for all who are
homeless as your Son was:
for refugees and asylum seekers;
for all who have been driven
from their homes and their lands
by cruel leaders;
for all in our own country who sleep rough,
and all for whom no one cares.
Touch them with your love, dear Lord,
and help us to do what we can
to show your love to them,
not just at Christmas
but throughout the year. Amen.
For people who find Christmas difficult
Generous God,
we pray for all who will find it hard to
celebrate Christmas this year.
May our eyes be open to recognize the lonely
and all who feel excluded from the celebrations
because they have few resources.
Help us to be generous in assisting where we can. Amen.
For animals
Creator God,
we thank you for all the animals
which share this planet with us.
We thank you for our pets,
and all the creatures whose company we enjoy.
Especially today we thank you for the animals
which help us and serve us in many different ways.
May we always treat them with kindness and respect. Amen.
For ourselves
Lord Jesus,
open our minds and our hearts, that we may
welcome you afresh into our lives this Christmas,
and keep close to you in the coming year. Amen.
Eucharistic Prayer – the kingdom
Lord God,
your kingdom is here and not yet,
hidden, yet ours for the seeking:
Your kingdom come.
Your kingdom requires of us total commitment,
and gives us unlimited freedom:
Your kingdom come.
Your kingdom turns our values upside down,
for your King rules through suffering love:
Your kingdom come.
With angels and archangels,
and all whose lives
have been changed by your kingdom,
we praise you, saying: