Exciting Holiness. Brother Tristram

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Exciting Holiness - Brother Tristram

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in the 1360s, and was a monk at the monastery of St Sergius. He became a painter of frescoes and icons, and his name is associated with the painting of several great churches in the region around Moscow. He developed a new style, infusing his work with a gentleness and harmony at one with his spirituality, a style hugely influential in the Russian Church. He died around 1430, and was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988.

      Today we remember Fra Angelico, Andrei Rublev, and all those whose ministry is exercised through their creativity and artistic skills.


      Gracious Father,

      who in the mystery of your Word made flesh

      have given us a new and radiant vision of your splendour:

      grant that after the example of John and Andrei

      we may so contemplate your beauty in him

      that we may point others here on earth

      to those things which pass imagination;

      we ask this through the same Jesus Christ our Lord

      to whom with you and the Holy Spirit

      be honour and glory,

      now and for ever.

      19 February

      Thomas Burgess

      Bishop, Teacher of the Faith

      Wales: V

      If celebrated otherwise, Common of Teachers

      Thomas Burgess was born at Odiham in Hampshire in 1756. Ordained in 1784, he became a prebendary of Durham Cathedral ten years later. After his appointment as Bishop of St Davids in 1803 he began to reform his diocese, concentrating on improving the education and preparation for ministry of the clergy. His efforts culminated in the foundation of St David’s College, Lampeter in 1822. Although he never fully mastered the Welsh language, he encouraged the work of the literary and cultural movement led by ‘yr hen bersoniaid llengar’ (‘the old literary parsons’), who were busy rescuing and reviving the eisteddfod. Burgess was translated to Salisbury in 1825 and died there in 1837. Rowland Williams described him as ‘the best English Prelate the Principality ever saw.’


      Almighty Father,

      whose Son commanded us to pray

      that labourers might be sent into the harvest:

      grant that, following the example of your servant Thomas,

      we may provide of our substance

      for training those who will minister

      in the name of him

      who with you and the Holy Spirit

      lives and reigns for ever and ever.

      20 February

      Martin Luther


      Scotland: Commemoration

      See 31 October

      20 February

      Saints, Martyrs and Missionaries of Africa

      Wales: V

      If celebrated otherwise, Common of Missionaries

      Today we remember all those who have witnessed to the good news of Jesus Christ throughout Africa. History records many martyrs and other saints from Africa. Amongst them we number: the early saints and martyrs of North Africa such as Perpetua and her companions, Augustine of Hippo, and Monica his mother; the great missionaries of the nineteenth century in central and southern Africa, including James Hannington and Mary Slessor, and martyrs like Charles Mackenzie, Bernard Mizeki, and Charles Lwanga and his companions in Uganda; and twentieth-century heroes such as Charles de Foucauld and Janani Luwum and other great figures in our own time. We think of these people, together with all those who have proclaimed the gospel in Africa, and who continue to proclaim it by word and deed.


      God of all nations,

      you have called from among the people of Africa

      saints, martyrs and missionaries

      who have been faithful in witness to the truth:

      grant that by service and sacrifice

      we may be ready to live and die

      constant in love for all your children:

      for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord,

      to whom with you and the Holy Spirit

      be all honour and glory,

      now and for ever.

      23 February



      Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr

      England: Lesser Festival – Scotland: Commemoration – Wales: V

      Honoured as one of the first Christian martyrs, Polycarp had been Bishop of Smyrna on the Aegean coast of Asia Minor for over forty years when the persecution of Christians began. He was arrested and given the option to renounce his faith and so save his life. His response was: ‘I have been Christ’s servant for eighty-six years and he has done me no harm. Can I now blaspheme my King and my Saviour?’ He was immediately burnt at the stake. His remains were gathered together and buried outside the city; thus began the practice of celebrating the eucharist over his burial place on the anniversary of his death, a practice which also grew over the martyrs’ tombs in the Roman catacombs. Polycarp died in the year 155.


      Almighty God,

      who gave to your servant Polycarp

      boldness to confess the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ

      before the rulers of this world

      and courage to die for his faith:

      grant that we also may be ready

      to give an answer for the faith that is in us

      and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ,

      who is alive and reigns with you,

      in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

      one God, now and for ever.


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