Who Needs Words?. Richard Littledale

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Who Needs Words? - Richard Littledale

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       Jesus and Judas

       How to use this book

      The prayers in this collection address the worries and insecurities of daily life. The first few prayers are concerned with the day-to-day demands on our time and energy, and all the worries and responsibilities that go with them. Later, the prayers reflect on our insecurities: those things in life that either chip away at our sense of well-being or that cause deeper anxiety and worry. The last few prayers in the collection reflect on aspects of renewal, allowing us to embrace life fully refreshed.

      But this is only a loose arrangement. In truth, many of the themes overlap. So you can start at the beginning and work your way to the end, or you can look through the prayers to find a particular topic you would like to address at a particular time, or you can simply pick a prayer at random and reflect on its theme. The chosen path is entirely up to you.

      Some of the prayers have Scripture Readings, which are there for further reflection or to allow prayer groups to discuss the themes in relation to both the scriptures and the contemporary world.

      There are some prayer activities, too. These are designed to stimulate your many senses in a prayerful way. They are perhaps best used when you are alone, when you have some time away from the routine of daily life. It may be useful to create a ‘prayer corner’: some personal place where you can have as much peace and quiet for reflection as you possibly can. The prayer activities hope to prompt a personal response; but prayer groups also may find that they are appropriate. You are, of course, encouraged to be creative with them, to adapt them to your own circumstances. The point is to engage with prayer, not to let it be a dull ritual.

      As the prayers in this book concentrate on contemporary life, we hope you will return to them again and again and find new resonance within.

       My Lifestyle

       I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.

      ~ John 10:10 ~

       Prayer for Ourselves

      I enjoy a full and active life, Lord.

      Those with whom I work

      seem satisfied with my efforts,

      and have even been heard to say ‘Well done’.

      My friends have laughed in my company,

      and been there for me when I have needed them.

      My family are always at the end of the phone

      and we have shared life’s celebrations,

      as well as life’s endings, over the years.

      My health, all in all,

      has enabled me to run and play,

      and provided the stamina to endure.

      My pocket has always contained enough spare change

      to help another in a crisis.

      I have experienced

      the passion and excitement of love,

      – as well as love’s struggle.

      Both in giving and receiving

      life has engaged me in its mystery,

      and I am grateful, Lord.

       Prayer for Others

      Fill with your love, O God,

      the hearts of those whose lives seem empty

      of relationships that matter and jobs which satisfy.

      Fill with your compassion, O God,

      those who keep their fingers gripped so tightly on their money and belongings,

      that they have forgotten how to share.

      Fill with your humility, O God, those too proud to recognise

      how their standard of living is obtained at the cost of another’s freedom.

      Fill us all with such gratitude, O God, that all may witness to the gift of life

      with a life of thanksgiving and hope.


       Grant this to me, your servant: Let me live so that I may keep your word.

      ~ Psalm 119:17 ~

       Prayer for Reflection

      God of all life,

      in you is novelty and everlastingness, lavishness and simplicity.

      In me, aware of the needs of humanity

      and of the limitations of the earth,

      there is confusion over what to buy,

      what to preserve,

      what to destroy,

      and how to be a good steward

      of your resources.

      Because good works alone do not lead to salvation,

      make me open to the prompting of your Holy Spirit.

      Then may I live wisely and well.

       Prayer on Today’s Theme

      Save us, Lord,

      from the temptation to buy what we do not need;

      from confusing what we need with what we want;

      from wasting what we do not own,

      from owning what we will never use;

      from idealising the past as a golden age;

      from bequeathing our children a sorry inheritance.

      Strengthen the arm and the will

      of all who, for the good of the world you made and love,


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