St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Susan Tassone

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St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Holy Souls in Purgatory - Susan Tassone

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Our Lord wants us to pray with zeal and fervor, to ASK BIG, to BE BOLD. We, too, can ask Our Lord to empty purgatory every day. Let us ask more than we dare. Let us be BOLD in our asking. Let us give these suffering souls to Our Lord year-round. Whom do you miss the most? Have a Mass offered for them. The Mass is the most powerful means to help the holy souls.


      O immense Passion, O profound Wounds, O most bitter Death, O Most Precious Blood, O Sweetness above all sweetness, give them eternal rest. Amen.

       Day Two

      Before All Souls’ Day, I went to the cemetery at dusk. Although it was locked, I managed to open the gate a bit and said, “If you need something, my dear little souls, I will be glad to help you to the extent that the rule permits me.” I then heard these words, “Do the will of God; we are happy in the measure that we have fulfilled God’s will.” (518) I became introspective and reflected for a long time on how I am fulfilling God’s will and how I am profiting from the time that God has given me. (515)

      Reflection: There is no rebellion in purgatory. The souls there — having their wills perfectly conformed to the will of God and partaking of His goodness — remain satisfied with their condition. The holy souls live in perfect harmony with the will of God. What He wills for them is what gives them joy. At the same time, they “suffer” because they have seen God but, for a time, the Beatific Vision is taken from them. For this reason, the holy souls want us to go directly to heaven. How? Imitate St. Faustina: Do the will of God in the present moment.


      O immense Passion, O profound Wounds, O most bitter Death, O Most Precious Blood, O Sweetness above all sweetness, give them eternal rest. Amen.

       Day Three

      It was at that time that I asked the Lord for whom else should I pray for. Jesus said that on the following night He would let me know for whom I should pray.

      [The next night] I saw my Guardian Angel, who ordered me to follow him. In a moment I was in a misty place full of fire in which there was a great crowd of suffering souls. They were praying fervently, but to no avail, for themselves; only we can come to their aid. The flames which were burning them did not touch me at all. My Guardian Angel did not leave me for an instant. I asked these souls what their greatest suffering was. They answered me in one voice that their greatest torment was longing for God. I saw Our Lady visiting the souls in Purgatory. The souls call her “The Star of the Sea.” She brings them refreshment. I wanted to talk with them some more, but my Guardian Angel beckoned me to leave. We went out of that prison of suffering. [I heard an interior voice] which said, My mercy does not want this, but justice demands it. Since that time I am in closer communion with the suffering souls. (20)

      It isn’t just the souls in purgatory that turn to “The Star of the Sea” but those of us still on earth, too.” In the twelfth century, St. Bernard of Clairvaux wrote:

      If the winds of temptation arise;

      If you are driven upon the rocks of tribulation look to the star, call on Mary;

      If you are tossed upon the waves of pride, of ambition, of envy, of rivalry, look to the star, call on Mary.

      Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, call upon Mary.

      Reflection: The angels are active in purgatory consoling the holy souls, and inspiring friends and relatives to offer a Mass and practice good deeds for their dearly departed. The angels tell those in purgatory who, on earth, is praying for them. Later, they escort the souls to heaven with the speed of lightning. Have a great devotion to your guardian angels. Ask their help to purify your soul here on earth. Their charge is to get you home to heaven. They are intent obtaining all the graces and favors from God for your eternal welfare.

      The Blessed Virgin fulfills her role as Mediatrix of Mercy. God distributes His mercies through her. She exercises her maternal role to the holy souls in purgatory by bringing them refreshment and hastening their release. Entrust your life to Mary, the most holy Star of the Sea, so she may lead you to Jesus.


      O immense Passion, O profound Wounds, O most bitter Death, O Most Precious Blood, O Sweetness above all sweetness, give them eternal rest. Amen.

       Day Four

      On April 29, 1926, the soul of Sister Henry, who had recently died, asked St. Faustina to have one Mass offered for her and say the Eternal Rest Prayer three times for her. After St. Faustina had done that, Sister Henry’s soul returned and said with gratitude, “May God repay you” (21).

      Reflection: Devotion to the holy souls in purgatory isn’t some sort of “extra” Christian charity. (We certainly wouldn’t feel that way if we were in our neighbor’s place there!) Not just a responsibility, it’s a God-given honor and a privilege for all of us, young and old alike. And our Heavenly Father, who sees what we’re doing to help the souls, will reward us with more graces and blessings than we can even imagine. No one can outdo the generosity of God.


      O immense Passion, O profound Wounds, O most bitter Death, O Most Precious Blood, O Sweetness above all sweetness, give them eternal rest. Amen.

       Day Five

      After Vespers today, there was a procession to the cemetery. I could not go, because I was on duty at the gate. But that did not stop me at all from praying for the souls. As the procession was returning from the cemetery to the chapel, my soul felt the presence of many souls. I understood the great justice of God, how each one had to pay off the debt to the last cent. (1375) Most Merciful Heart of Jesus, protect us from the just anger of God. (1526) O Jesus, shield me with Your mercy and also judge me leniently, or else Your justice may rightly damn me. (1093)

      Reflection: It is God’s burning love, His longing for the holy souls, that creates their longing for Him. They burn for love of Him. Hearts flame for love of Him. They have an unquenchable thirst, an unspeakable yearning for Him, a “heartsickness” for Him. This is the essence of purgatory.


      O immense Passion, O profound Wounds, O most bitter Death, O Most Precious Blood, O Sweetness above all sweetness, give them eternal rest. Amen.

       Day Six

      One evening, one of the deceased sisters, who had already visited me a few times, appeared to me. The first time I had seen her, she had been in great suffering, and then gradually these sufferings had diminished; this time she was radiant with happiness, and she told me she was already in heaven. … And further as a sign that she only now was in heaven, God would bless our house. Then she came closer to me, embraced me sincerely and said, “I must go now.” I understood how closely the three stages of a soul’s life are bound together; that is to say, life on earth, in purgatory and in heaven [the Communion of Saints]. (594)

      [H]ow very easy it is to become holy; all that is needed is a bit of good

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