St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Conversion of Sinners. Susan Tassone

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St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Conversion of Sinners - Susan Tassone

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href="#u97e8d4f6-887b-5aa9-bd8e-19ecddac76de"> VII. Prayers to Our Lady for Conversions

       A Rosary for Personal Conversion

       Responding to Mary’s Call for Conversion

       To Our Lady of Fátima

       Prayer to Our Lady of the Atonement

       Obedient to the Invitation (Prayer of Pope Pius XII to Our Lady of Lourdes)

       Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Beauraing

       Prayer to Our Lady of Banneux

       Mother of Good Counsel

       Prayer to Our Lady of Siluva for Coming Back to the Faith

       A Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Prayer of Pope Pius XII)

       O Sweet Mother

       VIII. Prayers for Transformation in Christ

       Litany of the Saints for Growth in Holiness

       Sidebar: The Secret of Sanctity

       Sidebar: Be a Saint

       The Beatitudes of Conversion

       St. Faustina’s Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Joy

       Act of Faith

       Act of Hope

       Act of Charity

       Sidebar: “To the Least of My Brothers …”

       Act of Joy

       IX. Prayers to the Saints for Conversion

       To St. Alban, Patron of Converts

       Prayer to St. Monica

       Prayer of St. Augustine for Conversion

       Litany to St. John the Baptist

       St. Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Prayer for Prodigals

       Prayer to St. Joseph for a Conversion

       Prayer to St. Joseph for Purity

       Prayer to St. Anthony for Conversion

       Litany of Longing

       X. Meditations on the Passion with St. Faustina

       The Triduum of Conversion

       Triduum Prayers

       O Jesus, Stretched Out upon the Cross

       St. Clare of Assisi’s Litany of the Sacred Wounds

       Into Your Hands

       The Seven Offerings of the Precious Blood

       The Golden Arrow Devotion

       The Golden Arrow Prayer

       St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s Prayer to the Divine Face

       Prayer to Jesus Crucified

       XI. Acts of the Apostles, Acts of Conversion

       Sidebar: Commissioned for Conversions

       XII. A Novena to the Divine Mercy for the Conversion of the World

       XIII. Invoking the Angels for Conversion

       Sidebar: Conformed to the Angels

       Prayer to My Guardian Angel

       Supplication to the Angels

       Sidebar: Our Invisible Companion (By St. Padre Pio)

       Prayers of Adoration and Intercession

       The Pardon Prayer

       Angel’s Prayer

       Sacrifice Prayer

       A Thankful Heart

       Litany of Praise

       Appendix 1: St. Faustina, Model of Conversion

       Two Basic Ways to Help Your Loved Ones

       A Prayer for Those Who Have Drifted from the Lord

       A Prayer to Our Lord and Our Lady for the Disillusioned

       Testimony of Father Dan Cambra, M.I.C.

       Examination of Conscience Based on the Seven Capital Sins

       Obstacles to Conversion

       Fasting for the Conversion of the Heart

       A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Gift of Fasting

       Sidebar: St. Basil on Fasting

       Steps for Growing Together with Your Guardian Angel

       The St. Gertrude Prayer

       Offering the Heroic Act of Charity

       The Role of Sacramentals

       The Use of Holy Water

       Sidebar: The Power of Holy Water

       Appendix 2: The Catechism of the Catholic Church on Conversion


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