Introduction to the Devout Life. Francis de Sales

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Introduction to the Devout Life - Francis de Sales

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_6ba3a386-34c8-5c64-9d9b-c9b0a94df165">Chapter 17: Ninth Meditation — On the Choice Between Heaven and Hell

       Chapter 18: Tenth Meditation — How the Soul Chooses the Devout Life

       Chapter 19: How to Make a General Confession

       Chapter 20: A Firm Promise Made to Confirm the Soul’s Resolution to Serve God, as a Conclusion to Its Acts of Penance

       Chapter 21: Conclusion of This First Purification

       Chapter 22: The Need to Purge Away All Tendency to Venial Sin

       Chapter 23: The Need to Remove All Inclination to Useless and Dangerous Things

       Chapter 24: All Evil Inclinations Must Be Purged Away


       Part II

       Containing Various Counsels for Lifting Up the Soul to God in Prayer and the Use of the Sacraments

       Chapter 1: The Necessity of Prayer

       Chapter 2: A Short Method of Meditation

       Chapter 3: Invocation

       Chapter 4: Representing the Mystery to Be Meditated to Your Imagination

       Chapter 5: Considerations

       Chapter 6: Affections and Resolutions

       Chapter 7: The Conclusion and Spiritual Bouquet

       Chapter 8: Some Useful Hints for Meditation

       Chapter 9: Concerning Dryness in Meditation

       Chapter 10: Morning Prayer

       Chapter 11: Evening Prayer and Examination of Conscience

       Chapter 12: On Spiritual Retirement

       Chapter 13: Aspirations, Short Prayers, and Holy Thoughts

       Chapter 14: Of Holy Communion, and How to Join in It

       Chapter 15: Of the Other Public Offices of the Church

       Chapter 16: How the Saints Are United to Us

       Chapter 17: How to Hear and Read God’s Word

       Chapter 18: How to Receive Inspirations

       Chapter 19: On Confession

       Chapter 20: On Frequent Communion

       Chapter 21: How to Receive Communion


       Part III

       Containing Counsels Concerning the Practice of Virtue

       Chapter 1: How to Select That Which We Should Chiefly Practice

       Chapter 2: The Same Subject Continued

       Chapter 3: On Patience

       Chapter 4: On Greater Humility

       Chapter 5: On Interior Humility

       Chapter 6: Humility Makes Us Rejoice in Our Own Abjection

       Chapter 7: How to Combine Due Care for a Good Reputation with Humility

       Chapter 8: Gentleness with Others and Remedies Against Anger

       Chapter 9: On Gentleness with Ourselves

       Chapter 10: Attend to the Business of Life Carefully, but Without Eagerness or Anxiety

       Chapter 11: On Obedience

       Chapter 12: On Purity

       Chapter 13: How to Maintain Purity

       Chapter 14: On Poverty of Spirit in the Midst of Riches

       Chapter 15: How to Exercise Real Poverty, Although Actually Rich

       Chapter 16: How to Possess a Rich Spirit in Real Poverty

       Chapter 17: On Friendship: Evil and Frivolous Friendship

       Chapter 18: On Flirtatious Attachments

       Chapter 19: On Real Friendship

       Chapter 20: The Difference Between True and False Friendship

       Chapter 21: Remedies Against Evil Friendships

       Chapter 22: Further Advice About Friendship

       Chapter 23: On the Practice of Bodily Mortification

       Chapter 24: On Society and Solitude

       Chapter 25: On Modesty in Dress

       Chapter 26: On Conversation; and, First, How to Speak About God

       Chapter 27: On Unseemly Words, and the Respect Due to Others

       Chapter 28: On Hasty Judgments

       Chapter 29: On Slander

       Chapter 30: Further Counsels on Conversation

       Chapter 31: On Amusements and Recreations: What Are Permissible

       Chapter 32: On Forbidden Amusements

       Chapter 33: On Dances and Other Permissible but Dangerous Amusements


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