To the Ends of the Earth. Mark C. McCann

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To the Ends of the Earth - Mark C. McCann

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with Scripture

      “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28).



      Go Deeper

      Do I believe that God wants to give me good things? Are there parts of my life where I struggle to trust in his goodness?

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      Have I surrendered my plans to God’s perfect plans, or am I clinging to certain designs and hopes of my own?

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      Do I seek God’s glory in everything that I do, or are some of my plans motivated by selfishness?

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      What parts of my life do I need to surrender to the care of my heavenly Father?

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      Has God brought good out of my struggles in the past? What were those struggles, and what was their outcome? How can I use those experiences to grow in trust?

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      Have I helped others trust more completely in God, or have my words and actions contributed to anxiety and lack of trust? What can I do to assist those around me who struggle to trust in God’s plans?

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      Week 2

       When Things Fall Apart

      God is our refuge and strength,

      a very present help in trouble.

      Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change,

      though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;

      though its waters roar and foam,

      though the mountains tremble with its tumult.

      Psalm 46:1–3

      These are troubling times. We face war, terrorism, deep political and ideological divisions, and a host of struggles that tear at the fabric of our society and challenge our Catholic faith. It can be overwhelming at times. As men, we wish we could face these fights head on and find real solutions and lasting peace; but no matter what we do, things seem to be getting worse.

      It is difficult to see how struggles are a part of the legacy we will leave behind.

      No matter what happens, God is in control of our lives. He is the rock upon which our faith stands. Keeping this truth in focus allows us to let go and accept our need for God. This week, we will reflect on five core truths about God’s presence and action in our lives.

      1. The shaking of the earth does not shake God.

      Psalm 46 contrasts the rock-steady strength of the Lord with the raging “temper tantrum” of the earth. Even when it seems that all is falling apart around us, we can always look to the One who never is shaken.

      2. God’s presence remains rock-steady.

      Not only is God powerful, he is powerfully present in our world and in each of our lives. He never leaves us, for he is the rock that can never be moved. No matter what we face today, God remains our refuge in the storm.

      3. God brings stillness to our troubled times.

      Even in our greatest moments of struggle, God’s promises can bring an overwhelming sense of peace to our hearts. He is our refuge, and in his arms we find rest from our weariness and recovery from our sorrow.

      4. With a word, God can bring the fury of our fight to an end.

      The daily battles we fight, some serious and some less so, can cause us to become caught up in a spirit of conflict and forget that we are traveling

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