Japan's Total Empire. Louise Young

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Japan's Total Empire - Louise Young Twentieth Century Japan: The Emergence of a World Power

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alt="images"/> jihen to minsh
shin toshite,” in Furuya Tetsuo, ed., Nitch sensshi kenky (Yoshikawa k
bunkan, 1984), pp. 141–143-

      33. Eguchi, “Mansh

8 jihen to daishinbun,” pp. 100–103.

      34. Ibid., p. 102.

      35. Nihon h

kai, Rajio nenkan: Shwa 8 nen (Nihon h
shuppan ky
kai, 1933), p. 69. Program schedules in Ikei, “1930 nendai,” pp. 149–152.

      36. Ikei, “1930 nendai,” pp. 167–168.

      37. For a stimulating discussion of myth making and imperialism, see Slotkin, The Fatal Environment, pp. 1–48.

      38. See Keene, pp. 259–299; Minami et al., Taish bunka, p. 128; and Gluck, japan's Modern Myths, pp. 135–136, 150, 171–173.

      39. Before Kingu, best-selling magazines had circulations in the 250,000- to 260,000-issue range. Kingu doubled this. Yen books: Minami et al., Shwa bunka, pp. 287–301; Kingu: Minami et al., Shwa bunka, pp. 303–305.

      40. The seven were T

, T
, Ryomeid
, Uedaya, T
, and Bunrind

      41. In 1926 there were 1,056 theaters nationwide, or one theater per 60,000 people: Minami et al., Taish bunka, pp. 122–123, 128–129.

      42. Sg shuppan nenkan (Tosho kenky

kai, 1932), p. 963.

      43. Shuppan nenkan (T

, 1933), pp. 2, 465–484; Sg shuppan nenkan (1932), p. 963.

      44. Shuppan nenkan (1933), pp. 85–89; Shuppan nenkan (1934), pp. 87–91.

      45. Sakurai Tadayoshi, “Mansh

issun shita hanashi,” Bungei shunj (March 1932), pp. 44–46.

      46. Lieutenant General Sat

ni okeru shih
to kei-batsu,” Hanzai kagaku (March 1932), pp. 72–81.

      47. Tanihagina Haruo, “Ch

Nihon no tamashii: waga sh
hei no saigo o kataru,” Kdan kurabu (April 1933), pp. 112–124; Mizuno Gon'ichi, “T
shuki,” Kingu (July 1933), pp. 303–313.

      48. Sakurai Tadayoshi, “Kare no saigo,” le no hikari (August 1932), pp. 211–215.

      49. Araki Sadao, “Hij

ji! Nihon fujin no shimei,” Fujin kurabu (April 1933), pp. 110–113.

      50. Asahi nenkan (Asahi shinbunsha, 1933), p. 675.

      51. Other popular songs included “Mansh

jinei kyoku” (Manchurian Camp Song), “Ajia k
jihen kouta” (Manchurian Incident Ditty), “Daixx shidan no Mansh
yuki o okuru uta”(Manchurian Send-off Song), “Aa Mansh
no uta” (Oh! Manchuria), “Rikusentai no uta” (Marines Song), “S
ressha” (Armored Train), and “Gunji tantei no uta” (Military Spy Song): see Asahi nenkan (1933), p. 675; Rekdo (February 1932), pp. 78,112, unpaginated advertisement; Rekdo (May 1932), unpaginated advertisement. For lyrics to several of these songs see Hamano Kenzabur
, Aa Mansh (Akimoto shob
, 1970), pp. 116–120.

      52. The productions discussed here are drawn from the movie and play listings in Eiga to engei, 1932–1933. Citation of entertainment reviews and advertisements in this magazine is complicated by the fact that many of the listings are unpaginated and/or lack

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