Trespassers?. Willow Lung-Amam

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Trespassers? - Willow Lung-Amam

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other minorities, Asian Americans’ suburban struggle was born out of harsh inner-city conditions. In the 1960s when many South Bay suburbs were busy planning for new growth, San Francisco and Oakland were in the midst of an urban crisis. Dollars directed to housing and industrial development on the urban fringe took jobs, residents, and taxes away from central cities. Between the 1950s and 1970s, federal and local policies gutted many inner-city neighborhoods to make way for shopping malls, office towers, highways, and other downtown urban renewal schemes.33 In Los Angeles and San Francisco, processes of Latino and “Asian removal” were as much at issue as “Negro removal” in many redevelopment projects.34 Much of the housing replacement promised under the 1954 Housing Act never materialized, while racially segregated high-rise public housing projects became more prominent fixtures within increasingly poor, racially segregated neighborhoods. New transportation technologies and federal support for highway construction that eased the downtown commute for suburbanites displaced residents and disrupted life in many urban communities. The Nimitz Freeway that brought rapid development to Fremont cut directly through West Oakland, leaving the once thriving African American mecca in ruins while also displacing many residents of nearby Chinatown.35

      Economic restructuring and deindustrialization further hastened the outward migration of middle-class residents and jobs and exacerbated the conditions of the growing “urban underclass.”36 Industries once located in Oakland and San Francisco moved to the suburbs or headed overseas. General Motors (GM), for instance, moved its main West Coast production facility from Oakland to Fremont in the early 1960s (Figure 4).


      By 1964, the plant employed more than 4,100 people and was the city’s largest employer, laying the foundation for Fremont’s early reputation as a blue-collar industrial suburb.37 The racially integrated United Automobile Workers (UAW) union promised new employment opportunities for minorities in the city, but GM’s initial policy of prioritizing local residents for new positions limited the effectiveness of the UAW’s policies.38

      The decline of central-city neighborhoods, their stark contrast to the suburbs, and various race riots in Oakland, Los Angeles, and elsewhere were important impetuses for civil rights reforms, including the Civil Rights Housing Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which prohibited discrimination by race in the administration of both public and private housing.39 Anticipating these changes, California passed its own fair housing act in 1963 with similar provisions.40 Further, in an important precedent-setting decision, in 1975 the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Mount Laurel Township (commonly known as Mount Laurel I) that exclusionary zoning was unconstitutional.

      Judiciary rulings and legislation, however, were slow to impact conditions on the ground. In the absence of racially restrictive covenants, common interest developments put in place homeowners’ associations and covenants, codes, and restrictions, requiring the maintenance of certain standards of home and neighborhood development and design. In high-end developments such as the many being built in Fremont during the period, such practices translated race-based forms of exclusion into more sophisticated class-based mechanisms.41 In some of Fremont’s earliest subdivisions such as Mission Ranch and Glenmoor Gardens, these tools helped maintain their exclusivity as largely upper-middle-class White neighborhoods well into the 1990s.

      Suburban communities also banded together to enforce de facto segregation, forming neighborhood block groups and associations that provided vehicles for organized resistance. Real estate agents steered minorities away from certain neighborhoods, homeowners refused to sell their properties to non-Whites, and violence continued as an active threat to minorities seeking to move into many suburbs. In 1968 Tom Parks, who is African American, was looking to move out of his apartment in Oakland. He and his wife began by looking at over 100 apartments in Hayward and were consistently told that they were unavailable or required extraordinary security deposits. They were also steered away from purchasing a house in Fremont, where only 398 African Americans lived in 1970. When they bought in Newark instead, Tom recalled paying about $4,000 more than his neighbors and being harassed by five local police officers who launched a community-wide petition to prevent their purchase.42 “There is nothing much that has been done in the way of the force of law that has terribly altered the practices that are in place. They have just shifted in how they implement those practices,” Tom explained to me more than four decades later. As Arnold Hirsh argued, violence and intimidation, especially toward African Americans, might have actually increased as the legal restrictions waned.43 Certainly, the language of exclusion shifted during the period from a focus on race to property values. As historian David Freund has pointed out, doing so provided cover to White suburbanites to deny personal malice toward racial minorities and support exclusive practices in the name of “rational” market logic.44

      Just as the rationales of suburban racial exclusion were changing, so too were perceptions about Asian Americans as suburban neighbors. In the 1930s and 1940s, the strategic alliance of the United States with China led many White Americans to consider the acceptance of Chinese Americans into their neighborhoods as part of their patriotic duty. In the face of rising demands for civil rights, stereotypes about Asian Americans as compliant and industrial laborers who were unlikely to challenge the social order added to their exceptionalism from the otherwise clear rules of postwar segregation, which affected African Americans most particularly.45 Tom recalled, for instance, that in 1949 when his family moved to San Mateo, a suburban community less than 20 miles south of San Francisco, his parents purchased their home through a “straw buyer,” a Chinese American friend who bought the home on the family’s behalf because the owners refused to sell to African Americans.

      By the 1970s, changing attitudes regarding Asian American exceptionalism vis-à-vis other racial minorities had begun to ease their passage into new suburbs. This was most robust in inner suburbs such as Daly City, which abuts San Francisco’s southern border. There, the Asian American population went from only around 4,000 in 1970 to more than 22,000 by 1980—from less than 7% to nearly 29% of the city’s population. But even with such dramatic changes taking shape in some suburban communities, historian Charlotte Brooks notes that Asian Americans’ acceptance was conditional—oftentimes prefaced on the expectation that Asian Americans would quietly stay in their place and adopt the norms of their White middle-class neighbors.46

      Further, many Asian Americans continued to meet resistance as they settled into new suburban communities. Indra Singh, an Indian American senior, recalled that when he and his wife moved to Fremont in 1972, children threw eggs at their home and toilet-papered their yard. A friend of his who was also Indian American had rocks thrown at their house and, as a result, moved out of Fremont.

      By the late 1970s and early 1980s, however, many more Asian Americans were beginning to make their way from other inner-ring suburbs such as Daly City or neighborhoods in San Francisco such as the Richmond District, where they had gained a foothold in the postwar period. The main factors pulling Asian Americans to the South Bay were the increasing availability of jobs and access to quality, affordable homes. Joe and Judy Wu are both American-born Chinese mathematicians who in 1973 were living and working in Oakland. In 1974 Judy got a job in South San Jose, and the couple made their way down the Nimitz Freeway, completed less than two decades earlier to connect Oakland to San Jose. Midway along their route, they discovered Fremont. There they found that they were able to purchase a two-bedroom home and pay less on their mortgage than they were spending to rent in Oakland. Joe could keep his job, commuting by car or Bay Area Rapid Transit, which opened

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