The Hiking and Camping Guide to Colorado's Flat Tops Wilderness. Al Marlowe

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The Hiking and Camping Guide to Colorado's Flat Tops Wilderness - Al Marlowe The Pruett Series

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to County Road 12, which gives access to trails in the Marvine Creek area. Near the west end of County Road 8 and 12 are two trailheads, Papoose Creek Trail 2248 and Ute Creek Trail 1824. Both trails connect with Trail 1825 on the plateau. County Road 12 heads east along the south side of the North Fork 2 miles to an unnamed road that crosses the river to reconnect with County Road 8 by some now-closed businesses.

      A mile east on County Road 12, Trail 1820 heads east along Big Ridge to Sable Lake. Or you can continue south on County Road 12 to trails that follow Marvine Creek: Trail 1823 to both Marvine Lakes, and Trail 1822 up the East Fork of Marvine Creek. Both connect to Trail 1825 after ascending to the plateau.

      Continuing east 2 miles on County Road 8 from the junction of County Road 12 you come to the Lost Creek Guard Station and the end of the blacktop. Even though the road from here to the Routt County line is gravel, it’s good, with a few washboard areas.

      East 2 miles from Lost Creek Guard Station, the North Fork Campground is on the north, a good place to camp that’s usually quiet. Another 6 miles takes you to Forest Road 205, the access to Trappers Lake.

      County Road 8 continues east, climbing toward Ripple Creek Pass after passing Forest Road 205. A mile past the Trappers Lake Road the Picket Pin Trail 1811 makes a loop up to the plateau, and then down to the Trappers Lake Road.

      Five miles past the Trappers Lake Road gets you to the Ripple Creek Overlook on the south. From this point, you have a broad view of the Flat Tops Wilderness. It’s another mile to the 10,343-foot summit of the pass.

      South Fork of the White River Rio Blanco County Roads 17 and 10

      Two and one-quarter miles east of the Lake Avery Dam, turn south off County Road 8 onto County Road 17. This rough road eventually joins Interstate 70 at New Castle about 39 miles south.

      Turn left at the ranch buildings 1 mile south on County Road 17, which takes you to County Road 10. Turn east on County Road 10 and follow the South Fork of the White River, which meanders through the broad plain of glacially deposited sediments. Deer and elk will often be seen browsing in the hay meadows along the willow-lined stream. The South Fork Campground is at the end of County Road 10 about 11 miles from County Road 8.


       UTM 13 027632E, 4427241NLat/Lon 39° 58’ 43.55” N, 107° 37’ 6.10” W

      Description This is the longest trail on the Flat Tops. It connects with several others on the plateau, creating the possibility of many side trips. You could also exit the wilderness by any of these trails shown on USFS, NGS, and maps in this guide.

      From the trailhead south of Buford, the route climbs quickly. Most of the 4,000-foot ascent occurs in the first 6 miles. Once you’re on the plateau, the hike is much easier, at times nearly level. This is a good hike to experience the extensive size of the wilderness.

      Destination Bailey Lake, Trails 1826, 2248, 2255, 2256, 1824, 1830, 1823 and 2259, 1822, 1819, 1818 on the Flat Tops plateau.

      Distance 4.5 miles to Bailey Lake and Trail 1826, 6.5 to Trail 2248, 11.5 miles to Trail 2255, 12 miles to Trail 2256, 16 miles to Trail 1824, 19.5 miles to Trail 1830, 22.5 miles to Trails 1823 and 2259, 24 miles to Trail 1822, 26 miles to Trail 1819, 27 miles to Trail 1818.

      Elevation 7,000 at trailhead, 11,300 a mile west of Lost Solar Park, 11,003 at Trail 1818

      Directions to trailhead From Buford, drive 0.6 mile south on County Road 17. Park at the marked trailhead on west side of the road. Space is limited and your vehicle is exposed.

      Maps Flat Tops NW, Flat Tops NE

      The trail starts climbing as soon as you leave the county road and from there it’s all uphill to Bailey Lake. In the 4 miles to the lake, the trail rises 1,800 feet. In the first couple of miles, you cross private land, so stay on the trail to avoid trespassing.

      The first 2 or 3 miles take you through open ground and scattered stands of scrub brush. The trail crosses five intermittent creeks, that is, they’re usually dry except during the spring thaw. You’ll have about a mile of timber to walk through before breaking into a narrow opening for the last half mile to Trail 1826, which takes you beside Bailey Lake.

      At the junction of 1826, Trail 1825 goes off to the east. A quarter-mile walk farther on Trail 1825 takes you to Swede Lake. Both lakes have open ground that’s nearly level and suitable for camping. They’re reported to have brook and rainbow trout to 12 inches.


       The Oyster Lake Trail is one of the longest in the wilderness.

      After leaving Swede Lake, Trail 1825 heads upward again, roughly following another intermittent drainage for a little more than a mile. Near the top of the draw, you can connect with Trail 2248, which will take you north down Papoose Creek.

      From the junction with Trail 2248, 1825 trends southeast and takes you along the edge of the cliff face above Peltier Basin. You will want to take plenty of water on this stretch to prevent dehydration, as none is available along the trail.

      As you ascend the gently sloping plateau, notice that the drop-off gradually increases from 600 feet, just above Swede Lake, to 1,200 feet where you view Peltier Lake, a mile to the west.

      Hiking 5 miles south from Swede Lake on Trail 1825 takes you to the junction of Trail 2255, leading down Hill Creek. Clam Lake, the first available water along Trail 1825 after leaving Swede Lake, is a half mile farther south. From Clam Lake, the trail takes an easterly direction, where you walk in the open across a grassy flat. Near the next timber, Trail 2256 connects from the south.

      Trail 1825 again enters the trees and descends a gentle slope. It emerges at Johnson Park, a long, narrow meadow a mile farther east on the trail. Here, you’ll cross Ute Creek, which heads in Papoose Lake, a half mile to the south.

      East of Johnson Park, the trail wanders through broken country, a mix of timber and open meadows. These areas can be good places to watch for elk. You will appreciate a pleasant feature of the Flat Tops on this part of the trail: it’s nearly flat for 16 miles, having only moderate changes in elevation.

      From Johnson Park east, the basalt-covered plateau is pockmarked with dozens of pothole lakes, their shallow depressions scraped out by Pleistocene glaciers. The next such lake you’ll come to along the trail is Oyster Lake, a quarter mile north of Trail 1825 along Trail 1824, which gives access to West Marvine and Ute Creeks to the north. If you want to camp here, try the timber on the northeast side.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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