Conjure. Rae Armantrout

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Conjure - Rae Armantrout Wesleyan Poetry Series

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a string

      of tedious dreams

      like trying to get back

      to my office.

      I head

      back in

      to clear it


      my head



      What are your interests?

      I’m interested in the way


      creates finitude.

      Differently translated,

      “in choosing itself,

      existing being

      closes a circuit.”

      Now every sixteen seconds,

      the engine will pass the brakeman

      with his arm always raised

      beside the empty station.


      What do you want to do?

      All impulses come

      from the gods,

      as we know,

      and lead god knows where,

      though each hero

      has her own set

      of god-given epithets,




      MY LOVE


      As love settles briefly

      on a houseplant,

      a shoe,

      and with steady purpose

      keeps moving

      until it climbs the wall,

      the sun


      They say hate is love

      turned sour

      because it was unwelcome

      where it paused.

      More often, love’s worn thin

      by wrapping itself

      around unwieldy things


      Let our eyelids

      lie flat

      and spread

      like lily pads

      beside themselves

      on a murky pond


      This is only a test,

      I was told often.

      I was trying

      to count down

      to you.

      Five pointed leaves.

      Five-petaled flowers.


      I had been cautioned

      not to point.

      Feats of balance

      might be the solution.

      Perky sepals


      around the flower’s

      sticky note.


      I come up

      again and again

      as if from the ground,

      as if in a dream,

      see that I’m naked

      and cover myself

      in a likeness,

      oh Lord,


      As if a pebble

      could speak for a cave

      about “desire”

      from a mile off


      You think category

      isn’t sexy, isn’t

      sex. Seems you’re wrong.

      Don’t worry. We have

      dozens of them, each revamping

      the last. A thing

      must be recognizable


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