Billionaires Obsession - Billionaire Romance Meets Academy Romance - Book 1. K. W. Middleton

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Billionaires Obsession - Billionaire Romance Meets Academy Romance - Book 1 - K. W. Middleton

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style="font-size:15px;">      All he knows is that "He Would Have Her!"

      You deserve the best "Wall Street greed meets Academy chrisma fiction", so that's what I am going to give you. The names have been changed to protect the ‘not so innocent'.

      Volume II of this series will soon be released.

      Enjoy! :-)

      Chapter I

      Mandy Thomas sipped her champagne as she studied the large photo positioned in front of her. It was interesting; she had to admit, even if a bit of a cliché. The photo had been taken at night and there was a large full moon in the sky. A large wolf stood on the hill with his head thrown back as if he was howling at that moon.

      Mandy had seen many artistic renderings of this very scene, but it was the first time that she had seen what looked to be an actual photograph captured through real events.

      “It’s rather eye catching, isn’t it?” a deep voice from behind her commented.

      She started a bit and glanced over her shoulder at the man standing there and then turned back to the photo.

      “Yes, it is,” she replied. “But I just don’t really understand the allure of blown up photographs. They’re so lacking in the things that true paintings bring to the senses.”

      “What do you mean?” the man asked.

      “Well, this is just so stark and lacks the mystic qualities of paintings. Here in this photo everything is right there. There’s no need to be drawn into the photo and wonder what else may be there. There’s no reason for imagination.”

      “So you’re saying that this photo is unimaginative.”

      “Yes, I suppose that is exactly what I’m saying. Not to mention the prices on these pieces are completely outrageous!”

      “Does it not occur to you just how difficult this very photo may have been to take? Obviously, a wolf isn’t going to pose for long periods of time so that he can have his picture taken. Can you not see how everything had to be done at just the right time and with just the right angle? This is talent at its’ finest.”

      Getting annoyed now, Mandy finally turned to face the man challenging her.

      “I’m sorry. Who are you?” she asked.

      “My name Russell Steele,” he replied. “And you are?”

      “I am Mandy Thomas,” she said. “I seem to have insulted you in some way. Oh dear, these photographs are yours, aren’t they! I do apologize! You see, I’m an art student at NYC and I prefer the classic arts to the more modern interpretations with photography. It is a personal thing, I suppose.”

      “Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion,” Russell replied. It was his friend Tom’s exhibit but he saw no need to correct her assumption that it was his own. “I detect a slight accent.”

      “Yes, you do,” Mandy replied. “France is my home. My parents helped me to be able to study here in the United States.”

      “Ah, so that it explains why you are so down on modern photography art,” he said as the tension in his jaw lessened.

      He wondered what she would think if she knew the truth about that photo she had declared to be so boring. Indeed, he was also sure that she wouldn’t appreciate the fact that he worked on Wall Street and didn’t have to worry about money ever again. In spite of all the misgivings he had, he found himself suddenly smiling at her.

      “Mandy, would you have dinner with me?” he asked, surprising both of them.

      “I…I don’t know you,” she managed to stammer.

      Then she looked at him taking in his dark, rakish hair and intense blue eyes. He was tall and obviously quite fit from the way his designer suit molded to his body. His cheekbones looked as if they had been sculpted by a gifted artist and his smile was sideways and sexy.

      Well, she thought. I don’t have a clue in hell as to who he really is but if he turns out to be dangerous; there are certainly worse ways to go.

      Smiling back at him, she nodded.

      “Ok, so I don’t know you or anything about you, but I’d love to have dinner with you. Maybe we can get acquainted that way.”

      “Excellent!” Russell exclaimed.

      Offering her his arm, he said, “Shall we go now?”

      “Sure,” Mandy laughed. “Why not? If we stay here, there’s a great chance that we’ll be fighting before long.”

      Naturally, Russell didn’t need to wait for a cab. His driver was parked just outside and drove them to the restaurant as instructed. Mandy was getting a tiny bit impressed with the lifestyle Russell obviously led but she didn’t want to show it.

      Dinner was delicious as well as romantic with the low lights and the candles at the tables. Thankfully, Mandy had worn one of her three “good” dresses so she didn’t need to feel as if she were out of place in this five star establishment. Her long dark auburn hair fell softly past her shoulders onto the royal purple dress she wore. It fit her curves perfectly and allowed her long toned legs to be exposed.

      Russell asked Mandy many questions about herself and kept his cool, blue eyes fixed on her emerald green ones as she animatedly answered his queries. Then she started to notice that every time she asked him a question about himself, he turned the conversation back to her. By the time after dinner coffee was served, Russell knew quite a lot about Mandy, yet she seemed to know next to nothing about him. That started to make her feel rather uncomfortable.

      That wasn’t the only thing that made her uncomfortable. The longer she spent in his company, the more attracted to him she became. The way he stared at her so intently served to only excite her even more.

      Oh, I’m in so much trouble here, she thought as he gave her that sexy smile once more.

      Finally, it was time to leave and they returned to Russell’s beautiful car. His driver took them to Mandy’s address. She lived in an apartment on the West Side in the Henry Hudson Hotel. It was considered to be part of student housing but the apartment was rather nice all things considered.

      Russell was quite the gentleman as he walked her to her door.

      “Well, thank you very much for a lovely dinner, Russell,” Mandy said as she unlocked her door.

      “I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t learn very much about you even though you now know my life story.”

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