Pointing at the Moon. Alexander Holstein

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Pointing at the Moon - Alexander Holstein

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Being 118

      PART TWO: The Light of the Ch'an Sayings Recorded in the Year of Developing Virtue (A.D. 1004)

      58. Later Generations: Who Are They? 122 59. The Pancake Story 124 60. The True Way Is Through the Impartial Mind 127 61. Between Yes and No 128 62. There Are No Clouds on the Highest Peak; There Is Moonlight in the Waves of the Mind 130 63. The Buddha Nature Is Everywhere 132 64. The Plum Is Ripe 135 65. A Mustard Seed and Sumeru Peak 137 66. Clean the Alms Bowl Out! 138 67. Talking Things 140 68. Out of Any Grade 141 69. Use Without Usefulness 142 70. The Wild Dog of Tzuhu Mountain 145 71. Seeking the Truth 146 72. The Worm of Tahsiung Mountain 148 73. Clouds Are in the Blue Sky; Water Is in the Jug 150 74. Throughout Emptiness 152 75. Lightness and Darkness 154 76. Interdiction of Reasoning 157 77. Cutting the Cat 158 78. Let's Drink Tea! 161 79. Becoming a Buffalo 162 80. Holiness and Void 165 81. My Mind Is Not Pacified 166

      PART THREE: The Ch'an Sayings Recorded During the Moonlit Meditation

      82. The Three Realms 168 83. The Mind That Is Able to Change Reality Is a Buddha Mind 171 84. The Hermit's Life 173 85. Whence Comes Rice? 174 86. This Is What It Means 176 87. The Realm of Buddhahood 176 88. What Is the Use of the Handle? 179 89. The Magical Treasure of Self-Nature 181 90. An Interpreter of the Buddhist Sutras 182 91. The Boundlessness of Ch'an 184

      PART FOUR: An Anthology of Ch'an Sayings

      92. The Rat's Sermon 186 93. Don't Think Good; Don't Think Evil 188 94. A Pure Land 190 95. Take My Name off the World 192 96. Cut Two Pieces in Three 195 97. Where Will the One Go? 196 98. Cure a Disease 199 99. The One and Only Gateway Through 200 100. It's Just Like This 202 CONCLUSION 203

      "When a person drinks, only he himself knows

      whether the water is cold or warm."

      -A PROVERB



RECENTLY, I have been asked many questions by people wanting to know what Ch'an is. The problem is that describing Ch'an is not an easy task. It is something that can be neither talked about nor expressed in written words; the moment language is used, we are no longer dealing with the true spirit of Ch'an. Ch'an goes beyond all words.

      However, Ch'an cannot be left unexpressed. In order to introduce the reader to the world of Ch'an, there is no alternative but to resort to the use of language. That is why there are so many books written on Ch'an.

      What is Ch'an? Ch'an is the abbreviated form of the Chinese translation of the Sanskrit term Dhyana (meditation). Better known to the West by the Japanese pronunciation "Zen," it is translated as "quiet contemplation." However, Ch'an has almost nothing to do with the practice of Dhyana.

      As stated above, it is rather difficult to describe what Ch'an is through the medium of words. Some people say that Ch'an is mysterious experience, the realm of mystery, or simply mysticism.

      If Ch'an is mysterious experience, then Ch'an is the direct realization of the original nature of the self. If it is the realm of mystery, Ch'an is the substance of true emptiness. If it is mysticism, Ch'an is the cornerstone of all doctrines and teachings, the source of all ideas. To define what Ch'an is in this way is admissible on paper, but it is absolutely inadequate as a means of transmitting the Truth.

      In fact, Ch'an is neither the experience nor the realm, less still the ism." Ch'an is only Ch'an, neither more nor less. Realizing the true essence of Ch'an, one can attain it in the same manner as one attains the Enlightened mind of Buddhahood. This means the extensive realization of Lord Buddha Sakyamuni, of perfect mind and pure feeling, who, at thirty-five years of age, sitting quietly under a Po-ti tree, realized that the way to release oneself from the chain of rebirth and death lay not in asceticism but in moral purity.

      Most people think that Ch'an is something subtle and mysterious, that it is so profound that it cannot be measured and is too high to be reached. These are the feelings of those who observe Ch'an from the outside. But Ch'an is everywhere. It is something that can be found within every one of us. As a religious practice, most certainly, Ch'an is something absolutely personal, wherein for the development of one's own individual consciousness, one is led toward universality.

      The first important condition for universality is to organize oneself, summoning up one's full energy and free will. That is why a practitioner of Ch'an, in every waking moment, has to correct his or her own experience, making it bright and free from impurity. Otherwise, a

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